City of Fulton Committee of the Whole met June 24.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Committee of the Whole Synopsis (pages 1-3)
2. Public Input & Presentations
A. Presentation from Sheriff John Booker
B. Presentation from Citizens on Fulton Park System
C. Expansion at “The Dispensary” (pages 4-5)
D. Intention to apply for Cultivation Center License
E. Preliminary Design ideas for City Plaza located at corner of 4th St and 10th Ave (page 6)
F. UPDATE - NWIL ED Director, Lisa McCarthy submitted her resignation
G. Presentation from Neal and Jane Luker to purchase the section of 3rd Ave west of 4th St
H. Question from Administrator – What arrangements are in place for the care of various
plantings around town on city property?
I. Relocation of Lincoln Highway Mural/Signage
J. Resolution from the Council to allow current Mayor and Administrator access to the lock box at Central Bank
K. Request from individual to purchase a concrete boundary marker at the southeast corner of 4th St and 19th Ave, outside the “Brunch House” (page 7)
3. Committee Chair Reports
Budget/Finance Committee (page 8)
Public Property Committee
Public Safety
Parks and Recreation
Economic Development
4. Mayor’s Report
5. City Administrator’s Report (pages 9-10)
6. Aldermen Reports
7. Public Works Director – Dan Clark
8. Police Chief – Dave Bartels
9. Tourism Coordinator – Debi Ervin
10. Historical Society (page 11)
11. Adjourn