City of Mount Caroll City Council met June 25.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
Water & sewer
1. Update of current projects
2. Old and new business
A. Discussion of maintenance projects B. Review of draft ordinance for water and sewer user rate increases and possible action to recommend to pass Ordinance No. 2019-6-4, AN ORDINANCE
4. Adjournment Finance:
1. Bills reviewed and approved 2. Old and New Business
A. Update regarding financing for the new one ton truck B. Discussion and possible action to approve the interfund transfer of $12,000 from the TIF Fund (Special Tax Allocation Fund) to the City general fund to be used towards the purchase of the new dump truck (the amount of $6,360) and the new police squad car (the amount of $5,640) 3. General Audience
7. Adjournment City Council Meeting 7:30 p.m. Ringing of bell Call to order Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Approval of the Minutes of the June 11, 2019 regular meeting Approval of Accounts Payable Financial Report Committee reports: Water & Sewer and Finance Committees of June 25th
Old Business:
Pending Items:
1. Status of the vacant/abandoned properties 2. Update regarding the proposed agreement with Nicor Gas about the installation of an antenna on the City water tower structure and review of the current agreements 3. Update of the CodeRed system set up and scheduled test notification on July 11" 4. Update regarding the IL Route 78 bridge lighting 5. Discussion and possible action to approve the request from the Mount Carroll
Bowling Center for a street closing and special event permit for an event on July 20, 2019
New Business:
1. Approval of the raffle licenses for the Mount Carroll Chamber of Commerce and the Mount Carroll Fire Department
General Audience Correspondence
1. Moring Disposal Inc. recycling materials picked up in May totaled 24,820 lbs.