City of Lanark City Council met May 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Lanark City Council met in regular session at the Lanark City Hall at 7:00 p.m. Roll call taken by Kim Hunter, City Clerk, showed Alderpersons present were Lance Leverton, Haley Grim, Brad Knutti, Weston Burkholder and Jay VanMatre. Absent: Mark Macomber. Mayor Ken Viglietta was present and presiding.
Others present were: Donalee Yenney, Treasurer; Ed Mitchell, Attorney; Kim Hunter, City Clerk; Jason Alvarado, Maintenance Manager. Mary Beth Landherr and Dave Shaulis.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – was led by Alderperson Lance Leverton.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES – MOTION – was made by Alderperson Brad Knutti and seconded by Alderperson Jay VanMatre to accept the minutes of the May 7, 2019 meeting as presented. Motion carried by 4 aye votes. Abstained: Lance Leverton. Absent: Mark Macomber.
APPOINT NEW TIF MEMBER – ACTION REQUIRED – Mayor Ken Viglietta introduced Mary Beth Landherr to the city council as a new TIF member to appoint tonight. Motion – was made by Alderperson Lance Leverton and seconded by Alderperson Haley Grim to accept Mary Beth Landherr as appointed to the TIF board. Motion carried by 5 aye votes. Absent: Mark Macomber.
ANNUAL CEMETERY REPORT – ACTION REQUIRED – Dave Shaulis asked if he could do the cemetery report in two steps, Mayor Ken said that would be okay. The second step will be at the next council meeting on June 4, 2019. Dave explained the first step, the highlights of what they have accomplished this year since the new board took over. They have planted 16 bushes, (1 died and will be adjusted) they cost $3,600.00. Bought a new snowblower for $3,600.00. New Fence on the east side $8,874.00. Both tractors and mowers were 5 years old with lots of hours, so they bought two new identical tractors with 54” decks for $20,500.00 and got a $7,000.00 trade-in, the net was $13,500.00. He thanked the city for tearing out the old entrance on the north side and will be hiring Burkholder and Sons for the cement for the new entrance for $6,625.00. He talked about Justin Rahn’s project of tiling the city farm, the cost was right around $15,000.00. The total approximately $50,000.00 for all the projects the cemetery did. He said Amy Milby received a five percent raise this year, they are really happy with her work. Harvey Brinker also received a five percent raise this year. Dave will report part two of report in two weeks and have their financial report.
LANARK PUBLIC LIBRARY PROPOSAL – POSSIBLE ACTION – Mayor Ken passed out a letter from the Librarian, Janie Dollinger to share with the council. It was a proposal for items they would like to buy for the library. Alderperson Brad Knutti thought we should have basic cable for our disaster preparedness center. Council would like to get Matt Magill involved with the cable decisions. Tabled until June 4, 2019.
STANDING COMMITTEES AND BOARDS – POSSIBLE ACTION – Brad Knutti (Water Sewer Committee Chair) discussed the water tower project, he said it is going as planned. They have been working on the inside first. There was a delay because of the portable pressure system they had and Darin Stykel said we needed bigger tanks for the pressure.
DOOR TO DOOR ORDINANCE – POSSIBLE ACTION – Jay VanMatre (Ordinance Chair) discussed the meeting he had for the Door to Door Ordinance. He came with a recommendation to have anyone going door to door, after they go through the process of what is in the code book and being approved through a background check, that they wear a lanyard stating their business, with the approval from the chief, the entire time they are doing their door to door activities. This excludes non for profits. Motion – was made by Alderperson Jay VanMatre and seconded by Alderperson Brad Knutti to make the resolution for our policy for the door to door ordinance to include the wearing of a lanyard with their credentials in it and the lanyard to be worn at all times. Motion carried by 5 aye votes. Absent: Mark Macomber.
CODE BOOK CHAPTER 5 ANIMAL REGULATIONS – POSSIBLE ACTION – Jay VanMatre (Ordinance Chair) discussed there is a growing population of turkeys and he talked to the local DNR representative how to curtail the turkey issue, it follows the Galena Ordinance. Jay said in addition to our Ordinance Book Chapter 5-1-19 we are needing to add an addition: Feeding of stray and feral animals is prohibited. Feeding of birds must be from a feeder that is at least three feet above the ground. Animal food or bird seed is not permitted on the ground at all. Mayor Ken had asked how will we enforce this, we may need to have Police Chief Matt Magill involved on how to enforce it. Jay said we should table this for two weeks until he can talk to Matt. Jay also talked a little about feral cats and feral dogs. Jay also had a recommendation to Chapter 5 of the Code Book 5-1-3 where it says Dogs, to change it to all animals/pets and remove the portion that is cat specific article B. Attorney Ed Mitchell said if you want to pass an Ordinance tonight you need to have the written Ordinance to pass out tonight, he said we could do one the next council meeting. The changes would be for Chapter 5, Article 1, they are for animals. The changes are for 5-1-3, 5-1-5 and 5-1-6. There were no actions tonight on these issues. They will be tabled until June 4, 2019.
Alderperson Jay VanMatre would like to also work on a Solar Ordinance with Matt Magill. Matt has been doing a lot of work on it. Jay would also like to have a committee meeting for the Solar Ordinance and Brad Knutti would like to invite his brother-in-law to it as he has experience with the solar at Highland and will have some good ideas.
Dave Shaulis said that the Lion’s Club donated $5,000.00 and the Cemetery Board donated $5,000.00 to the Park Board for the new playground equipment.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – MOTION – was made by Alderperson Weston Burkholder and seconded by Alderperson Haley Grim to convene in Executive Session at 7:42 p.m. in order to discuss Employment and Litigation. Motion carried by 5 aye votes. Absent: Mark Macomber.
REGULAR SESSION – MOTION – was made by Alderperson Lance Leverton and seconded by Alderperson Weston Burkholder to reconvene into regular session at 8:25 p.m. Motion carried by 5 aye votes. Absent: Mark Macomber.
REPORTS – EMPLOYEES, ATTORNEY, CLERK, TREASURER, ALDERMEN AND MAYOR – Maintenance Manager, Jason Alvarado said the parking lot will be getting worked on tomorrow if the weather is good and if he could have the parking lanes painted by a professional the first time. He also passed out his Monthly Report to the council.
Attorney Ed Mitchell was wondering if all the painting was done at the park and when they get the new park equipment in, when he can let the ADA people know. Mayor Ken said Rosemary had announced the weekend of June 15th as the community build day. The painting for the parking has not been done yet at the park, Jason said they will try and get it done before Old Settler’s Day. Ed said he could let the ADA know in early July. Ed also discussed the insurance claim for Marlene Taylor Musch. Mayor Ken told Donalee to please pay the Restorx bill.
City Clerk Kim Hunter had passed out the “Emergency Preparedness Guide” booklets to the council members. We ordered a 100 of them. Mayor Ken said that Carroll County had been declared one of the disaster areas for the flooding.
Treasurer Donalee Yenney passed out her information for the adjusted budget items and changes on the bank balances for the last two months. She went over the amounts with the council. Ed Mitchell was given a copy for the Appropriation Ordinance.
Alderperson Haley Grim wants to talk to Matt Magill about the park and the kids not behaving. Parents need to watch their children. Jay VanMatre suggested getting more trail cams for the park. Mayor Ken said the handicap swing is getting misused and we need to have a sign up for its use and a trail cam. Ed Mitchell said that if it is caught on the trail cam and you have proof and evidence of who it is and the vandalism, you can bring in a juvenile petition and that will get the parents attention.
Alderperson Lance Leverton said he will be doing more finance meetings. Mayor Ken said that Robin from Fehr Graham will be doing the CIP (Capital Improvement Program). Lance said that Robin will need to have things that go out to 5, 10, etc. years, for example, how long a tractor will last and when we need to get a new one, they need to be on a schedule. He said this would be for the big assets and projects. He said that Thomson prison is officially open now.
Alderperson Weston Burkholder was asking about a property that he thinks needs work. Mayor Ken would like the Alderpersons to give him the pictures of properties and lists that they think need worked on in their wards, after the 4th of July.
Alderperson Jay VanMatre said he has had two calls of complaints of Moring Disposal dumping everything into one truck. Brad Knutti said that he seen on their website that they have a dual compartment garbage truck and he read their statement to the council. Mayor Ken said he would give them a call tomorrow to see what is going on.
Mayor Ken Viglietta discussed the Matt Jones funeral home project, they just got the permit for the sanitary sewer line. Matt Jones needs to sign a contract with Fehr Graham. They do not have a permit for a driveway yet through IDOT. Ken said that he had good news, the backup generators are fully up and running in this building and the Heritage Center. We saved $4,450.00, we were under budget. Donalee said they have been paid. He said the Park Board brought in a little under of $1,600.00 at the fundraiser. The bake sale brought in $250.00 and the Ice Cream Social brought in around $1,300.00. Ken said he attended the Lion’s Club meeting and Rosemary gave a little presentation for the park and they gave $5,000.00. The Lions Club elected their new officers and Alan Rahn is the new director of programs. He would like Mayor Ken to come and do a program on Lanark sometime. Mayor Ken said he will put Appropriations on the next Agenda for June 4, 2019 council meeting. Alderperson Brad Knutti would like to have Matt Magill come to the next meeting.
ADJOURNMENT – MOTION – was made by Alderperson Weston Burkholder and seconded by Alderperson Lance Leverton to adjourn at 9:04 p.m. Motion carried by all 5 votes. Absent: Mark Macomber.