
NW Illinois News

Friday, January 24, 2025

Christopher Unit School District #99 Board of Education met July 29

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Christopher Unit School District #99 Board of Education met July 29.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Vice President Susan Raben called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. She asked that everyone stand for the pledge of allegiance. Roll call: Anderton, Bond, Hargis, Janello, Mazur, Raben and Stallman. Absent: Anderton and Bond.

No Executive Session.

A motion was made by Stallman and seconded by Mazur to approve the Consent Agenda:

a. June Board Minutes b. Board Bills C. Treasurer's Report d. Approval of District 801 Resolution

Roll call vote: YEA: Stallman, Raben, Mazur, Janello, Hargis, Bond, and Anderton. NEA: none. Absent: Anderton and Bond, Motion passes.5-0

A motion was made by Raben and seconded by Mazur to approve a resolution authorizing Leah Stallman to serve on the Franklin/Jefferson Special Education District 801 Governing Board. All those in favor say aye, those opposed, like sign. Motion passes.

A motion was made by Stallman and seconded by Mazur to approve the following for Volunteer coaches for the 2019-2020 school year, Trent Hudgens, Jimmy Garver, Barbee Brady, Marissa Battaglia, Gretchen Wilburn, Buddy Velasco, Danny Fletcher, Aaron Crow and Shannon Tiogo. Roll call vote: Raben, Mazur, Janello, Hargis, Bond, Anderton and Stallman. NEA: none. Absent: Anderton and Bond. Motion passes. 5-0

A motion was made by Janello and seconded by Mazur to revise the Board Policy 4:20. Roll call vote: Mazur, Janello, Hargis, Bond, Anderton, Stallman and Raben. NEA: none. Absent: Anderton and Bond. Motion passes. 5-0

A motion was made by Hargis and seconded by Raben to adopt the Board Policy of 4:190. Roll call vote: Janello, Hargis, Stallman, Raben, Anderton, Bond and Mazur. NEA: none. Absent: Anderton and Bond. Motion passes. 5-0

A motion was made Stallman and seconded by Raben to adjourn the regular school board meeting at 6:17 PM. All those in favor please signify by saying aye, those opposed, like sign.

Absent: Anderton and Bond. Motion passes.
