Stockton Community Unit School District 206 Board met Jan. 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The administration reports the following from the January 21, 2020 Board of Education meeting on open session activity. Complete Board of Education Minutes for the January meeting will be approved and presented at the February Board of Education meeting.
The regular meeting of the Stockton Community Unit School District #206 was called to order at 6:30 pm in the middle school conference room. The board approved the agenda. The consent agenda items were approved.
Administrative reports were read and approved as written into board minutes.
The following informational items were discussed:
5 Essentials Survey Review given by Steve Herkert of the ROE
Craig Monks presented from Citizens State Bank on the possibility of opening a letter of credit in place of pledging bonds to secure the school deposits.
Presentation by Jeni Pearce , Title I Coordinator on the Title I and RtI programs at the elementary school.
Board discussed committee assignments
No one spoke during public participation.
Reports were given by the following committees to the board: one campus, transportation, and Mrs. Fox reviewed minutes from the CTE Academy.
In new business, the board took the following action:
1. Approved directing Superintendent Colleen Fox to apply for the School Maintenance Project Grant for the middle school roof or middle school floor repair for the maximum amount of $50,000 by the district with the state to match in the amount of $50,000.
2. Approved Strategic Plan Goals developed through the Strategic Planning and Goal Setting meetings as listed per attached sheet. These goals will be placed on the District website.
The board went into closed session per the items listed on the agenda.
Upon returning to open session the board took the following action:
1. Approved hire of Scott Noller as facilities director.
2. Approved hire of Margie Retzlaff as the elementary school para professional
3. Approved employment of head track coach Tanya Vincent for the 2019-2020 school year
4. Approved amending middle school principal 2019-2020 employment contract to reflect addition of 24.5 sick days
5. Approved spring volunteer coaches: Scott Hayes, Track and Mike Renz and Dean Zink, softball
The board adjourned at 9:45 pm.