Village of Mount Morris Village Board met May 26.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Mt. Morris met in Regular Session Electronically at 7:00 PM.
The Village President called the meeting to order and directed the Clerk to call the roll. Upon roll being called, the following answered present: Labash, Hopkins, Fay and Stauffer. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” Trustee Stauffer moved and Trustee Labash seconded the motion to excuse Trustees Kolling and Pennington. President declared said motion carried.
This is a recorded meeting. The Village President and Trustees all participated electronically as allowed per Governor Pritzker’s COVID-19 Executive Orders. All other participants in attendance participated electronically. A representative of the press attended electronically.
Attorney Lesage, and Corey Buck were present.
MINUTES: Trustee Hopkins moved and Trustee Stauffer seconded the motion to accept the May 12, 2020 minutes as presented. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.
EXECUTIVE MINUTES: Trustee Labash moved and Trustee Hopkins seconded the motion to accept the April 28, 2020 Executive Minutes as presented. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.
CURRENT BILLS: Trustee Stauffer moved and Trustee Hopkins seconded the motion to accept the current bills as presented. Upon roll being called, all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.
ADMINISTRATION: Village President Elsasser reported that we received a Rebuild Illinois check from the State in the amount of $32,930.00 for Motor Fuel. We can expect to receive two a year for the next three years. Money has to go into a reserve fund and used for street work only.
STREET DEPT: Trustee Fay reports that he had a proposal from Stan Ballard who wants to do some cement work around his property on Sunset. Since it was not on the agenda for discussion Fay was instructed to give the proposal to the Village Clerk for the next Board meeting packets and to place it on the agenda.
FINANCE: Trustee Labash moved and Trustee Stauffer seconded the motion to adopt the Redevelopment Agreement, Promissory Note and Junior Mortgage with Mike Mullarkey and Chad Eagan of Mullarkey’s Bar & Grill located at 12 W Main Street, Pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Act of the State of Illinois under 65ILCS 5/11-74.4-1. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried. Agreements will commence 30 days after permits are pulled. Trustee Labash asks if the Appropriation Hearing can be held through Zoom and what steps would need to be taken? Attorney Lesage said the hearing can be held through Zoom. Clerk has published the notice of public hearing in all papers as required. And will continue to put Zoom information on the website, fb and post on Village Hall entrance.
PARK & RECREATION: Trustee Hopkins reports that Beverly Opalka has resigned from the Park & Rec Board. Currently there is no one on the Board. Parks will be open on May 29, 2020.
PUBLIC PROPERTY: Trustee Stauffer asks the Board how or do we want to allow outdoor seating for local businesses that serve food? Trustee Hopkins suggests contacting the businesses to see if they want to do the outdoor seating. Village Clerk has mailed per the Village President the Phase 3 information and requirements issued by Governor Pritzker’s office to all businesses that serve food.
NEW BUSINESS: Trustee Labash asks the Board what their feelings were regarding paperless Board meetings? Suggested using tablets and all materials can be sent electronically. Trustee Labash will explore further and asks that it be on the agenda for the next meeting.
There being no further business to come before this Board. Trustee Stauffer moved and Trustee Hopkins seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 PM. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.
The next regular Village Board Meeting will be held on June 9, 2020 at 7:00 PM location to be determined.