Ogle County Finance, Revenue & Insurance Committee met June 9.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairman Sparrow called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. Present: Finfrock, Nordman, Typer, Whalen and Youman. Present via audio: Smith. Others: Kenney, Treasurer Linda Beck, County Clerk & Recorder Laura J. Cook, IT Manager Larry Callant, Andy Shaw with Blackhawk Hills Regional Council and Anna Maria Kowalik with Illinois Energy Conservation Authority.
2. Approval of Minutes – April 2 & 23 and May 12, 2020 – Motion by Nordman to approve the minutes as presented, 2nd by Whalen. Motion carried.
3. Public Comment: None
4. Approval of Bills
County Clerk: $308.32. Motion by Nordman, 2nd by Whalen. Motion carried.
Treasurer: $57.60. Motion by Typer, 2nd by Youman. Motion carried.
Finance: $4,177.31. Motion by Youman, 2nd by Nordman. Motion carried.
Department Claims: Motion by Nordman that the Department Claims have been reviewed, 2nd Whalen. Motion carried.
5. Insurance
Health Insurance and Aggregate report:.86 loss ratio.
Property Casualty – CIRMA Update: None
Insurance Program Review: None
6. Department Reports: Treasurer Beck stated they are collecting taxes and seeing an increase in both installments being paid at this time.
7. Budget Review: Sparrow briefly went through the budget report.
8. Old Business: None
9. New Business
C-PACE: Mr. Shaw and Ms. Kowalik gave their presentation. It is a Clean Energy Program for Commercial properties. Sparrow stated it will be brought back next month for discussion and action.
Resolution – Certified List of Candidate for Judges of Election: Motion by Typer to approve the resolution as presented, 2nd by Youman. Motion carried.
2020 General Election Omnibus (SB1863): County Clerk Cook informed the Committee of changes that only apply to the 2020 General Election. Cook explained her plan is to mail a Vote by Mail application to every registered voter. She has contacted a mail house company for a quote and states 33,000 applications at fifty cents each is $16,500 if the Clerk’s office handles the mailing. If she uses the mail house, the estimate would be approximately eleven cents each and estimated at $3,900. Discussion continued.
Hiring Freeze Position Review – New Requests: None
10.Other Business: Youman recommended a small group be formed to look at some contingency items for the next round of possible budget amendments. Sparrow agreed; Youman and Whalen to proceed with it. Typer asked when FY21 budget preparation would start; Sparrow would like to have the department budgets in by the end of July.
11.Adjournment: Motion by Finfrock to adjourn, 2nd by Whalen. Motion carried. Time: 5:59 p.m.