Ogle County Finance, Revenue and Insurance Committee met July 14.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairman Sparrow called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Present: Finfrock, Nordman, Typer and Youman. Present via audio: Smith (arrived at 5:26) and Whalen (arrived at 5:10). Others: Reising, Griffin, Janes, Treasurer Linda Beck, County Clerk & Recorder Laura J. Cook, IT Manager Larry Callant, Judge Robert Hanson, Judge Ben Roe, Sheriff Brian VanVickle, David Adler with OEMA and Andy Shaw with Blackhawk Hills Regional Council.
2. Approval of Minutes – June 9, 2020 – Motion by Nordman to approve the minutes as presented, 2nd by Youman. Motion carried.
3. Public Comment: None
4. Approval of Bills
County Clerk: $11,896.84. Motion by Youman, 2nd by Nordman. Motion carried.
Treasurer: $4,178.97. Motion by Typer, 2nd by Finfrock. Motion carried.
Finance: $7,787.25. Motion by Nordman, 2nd by Youman. Motion carried.
Department Claims: None
5. Insurance
Health Insurance and Aggregate report:.84 loss ratio.
Property Casualty – CIRMA Update: None
Insurance Program Review: None
6. Department Reports: Treasurer Beck stated audits will be distributed next week. Next distribution for our taxing bodies will be bigger since it is after the first due date. Beck also informed them that they have received a few complaints about not waiving the late fees. She asked what their feelings were for the September 11th due date. Sparrow asked if she had many complaints. Beck stated a few from businesses that were unable to conduct business. Brief discussion was held regarding the second due date.
County Clerk Cook stated she did receive the CARES Act Grant for $76,588.60 that will help cover costs for the November election. We will mail out 31,500 applications come August 1st. A notice will be sent out to elections judges by the end of the month to get a count of how many will actually serve.
David Adler with OEMA gave a presentation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and available grants for COVID-19 related expenses. Sparrow thanked him for the presentation.
7. Budget Review: Sparrow briefly went through the budget report.