City of Morrison Planning & Zoning Commission met July 29.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission:
The Planning & Zoning Commission met at City Hall, 200 West Main Street.
Chairman Kevin Kuehl called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Executive Secretary Barb King recorded the minutes.
Commission Members present on roll call were: Doug Belha, Kevin Kuehl, Jim Workman, and Andrew Holt. Kathy Schmidt attended remotely. Sherrie Shirk arrived at 5:35 p.m. Absent- Nick Alvarado.
Other City Officials present: Alderman Tervelt and Public Services Director Matlock.
Commission member Workman moved to approve the June 24, 2020 Minutes; seconded by commission member Belha. On a voice vote the motion carried.
Public Hearing
Scott & Christy Strobbe were present and have submitted a Request for Variance for their property located at 617 Portland A venue. The variance request is to exceed the height requirement of a proposed fence from 6' to 8' in the R-2 General Residential District. Mr. & Mrs. Strobbe plan to install a black chain link or plastic privacy fence; due to the gradual slope of the land the height requirements would need to be exceeded by 2'. No objections were received from the neighbors. Commission member Holt made a motion to recommend the approval of the variance at 61 7 Portland A venue to the City Council; seconded by commission member Shirk. On a voice vote the motion carried.
Brandon Drawz was present remotely and has submitted a Request for Variance for his property located at 404 N Base Street. The variance request is to reduce the rear yard setback to 3' from 6' for the installation of a swimming pool in the R-2 General Residential District. The pool will be installed along side of the house. It will be 75' steel paneled pool with liner. A small deck will be built as well. No objections were received from the neighbors. Commission member Schmidt made a motion to recommend the approval of the variance at 404 N Base Street to the City Council; seconded by commission member Workman. On a voice vote the motion carried.
Brock Rubright was present and has submitted a Request for Variance for his property located at 510 N Base Street. The variance request is to reduce the side yard setback to 3' from 10' and to reduce the rear yard setback to l' from 25 ' for the construction of a garage in the R-2 General Residential District. No objections were received from the neighbors. Commission memb~r Workman made a motion to recommend the approval of the variance at 510 N Base Street to the City Council; seconded by commission member Holt. On a voice vote the motion carried.
New Business
Old Business
Other Considerations
The next meeting will be September 30, 2020 @ 5:30 p.m.
At approximately 5:48 p.m. commission member Belha moved to adjourn the meeting; seconded by commission member Workman. On a voice vote, the motion carried.