
NW Illinois News

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Ashton Franklin Center Community Unit School District 275 Board met August 17

Webp meeting41

Ashton Franklin Center Community Unit School District 275 Board met Aug. 17.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Consent Agenda

A. Approval of Regular Session Minutes for July 20, 2020

B. Approval of August, 2020 Payroll

C. Approval of August, 2020 Bills

D. Approval of July, 2020 Treasurer’s Report

E. Approval of Financial Report

IV. Board Liaison Representative Report

A. Mrs. Buhrow- Ogle County Educational Cooperative

B. Mr. Murphy- Ashton-Franklin Center Education Foundation

C. Mr. Murphy- Illinois Association of School Boards

D. Mr. Delhotal- Technology

E. Mr. Delhotal- AFC FFA Alumni

F. Mrs. Viall & FFA Officers- AFC FFA & FFA Report

G. Mrs. Drew- Insurance

H. Mrs. Fransen- PTC

I. Mr. Murphy- Athletic Boosters

J. Mr. Henert- Blum Fund Foundation

K. Mrs. Willstead- Acknowledgements

V. Recognition of VisitorsAll visitors expecting to speak during this section of the meeting must first register.

VI. Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Lindy

A. Preliminary Budget Report

B. Summer Building Projects

C. Return to School

VII. Principals’ Reports

A. Jr.-Sr. High School: Mrs. Torman

B. Elementary School: Mrs. Warrenfeltz

VIII. Discussion Items

A. Board Committees: Potential Board Committees-Personnel and Finance, Facilities, Curriculum and Instruction, Community Outreach, Transportation

B. Community Advisory Committee: Discuss the development of an advisory committee made up of community members, staff, Board Members

C. Employment of Personnel

IX. Action Items

A. Consider Approval of a Resolution to Conduct Public Hearing on the FY 2021 Budget on September 21, 2020 at 6:45 P.M.

B. Affirm Resignation of Katie Wolf

C. Consider Approval of Susan Stinnett, Elementary School Kitchen/Custodian

D. Consider Approval of Amy Kivlahan, High School P.E.

E. Consider Approval of Standing Board Committees as selected

X. Executive Session to Consider the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal of Specific Employees

XI. Adjourn
