
NW Illinois News

Friday, January 24, 2025

ILLINOIS STATE HOUSE DISTRICT 89: Rep. Chesney files Petition to form Special Investigating Committee on Michael J. Madigan


Illinois State House District 89 issued the following announcement on Sept. 2.

House Republican Leader Jim Durkin, House Republican Conference Chairman Ryan Spain and State Representative Andrew Chesney filed a Special Investigating Committee Petition to investigate Michael J. Madigan in a process that has, in the past, been utilized as the first step in removing legislators from office in the Illinois House.

House Rule 91 was invoked in initiating a Special Investigating Committee. The subject of the petition is Illinois House Speaker Michael J. Madigan and surrounds information from the Deferred Prosecution Agreement entered into by ComEd and the United States Attorney’s Office.

“The US Attorney’s Office detailed allegations involving Speaker Madigan that are extraordinarily troubling. These allegations made in a Deferred Prosecution Agreement demand creation of a Special Investigating Committee,” Representative Chesney stated.

The House Republican members appointed to the Special Investigative Committee are Reps. Tom Demmer (R-Dixon), Deanne Mazzochi (R-Elmhurst) and Grant Wehrli (R-Naperville). The U.S. Attorney’s Office has been advised of the petition and the legislative process moving forward. It is Leader Durkin’s intention not to interfere in any way with the federal investigation.

“There is no greater action we can take in the Illinois House against a duly elected official than a Petition to form a Special Investigating Committee,” said Representative Chesney. “This process was initiated previously against Democrat former legislators Luis Arroyo and Derrick Smith. This is an appropriate and, thankfully, rarely used step, in light of the fact that Speaker Madigan has not yet resigned from his position of authority.”

The Petition can be viewed at: https://repchesney.com/speaker-madigan-petition-8-31-20/

The Petition Attachments can be viewed at: https://repchesney.com/petition-attachments/

Original source can be found here.