Ogle County Executive Committee met Sept. 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairman Typer called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m. Present: Fox, Griffin, Kenney, Reising and Sulser. Present via audio: Billeter. Others: Sheriff Brian VanVickle, Janes and Nordman.
2. Approval of Minutes – August 11, 2020: Motion by Kenney to approve the minutes as presented, 2nd by Sulser. Roll call: Yes – Reising, Fox, Griffin, Kenney, Sulser, Billeter and Typer. Motion carried.
3. Project Status Report: Sheriff VanVickle reported the following:
Hanging of Old County Board Photos: this will be a winter project
Campus Landscape Vendor Contract: 1 of 2 bids have been received
Slip & Fall Training: completed
Water leak at EOC: working with City of Rochelle on the issue
Iron Mike: Griffin gave a brief update
Tuck Point Courthouse: completed
EOC Generator: switch has been ordered
Focus House Sidewalk: Sulser gave a brief update
Communication Tower: 911 Board accepted the demolition bid and they are waiting on Verizon to remove their equipment.
Memorial Hall Water Leak: they reinspected the tuck point around Courthouse and noticed an issue in Memorial Hall. They think it is related to the gutter. They will work on it next week.
Weld Park: Typer stated the Boy Scouts have laid out the trails and trees have been cleaned up after the recent storms.
Judicial Center and Sheriff’s Administration Building Plaques: Griffin pointed out that this still needs to be addressed.
Property Review: Griffin worked with Treasurer Beck on reviewing the buildings/sizes for insurance purposes.
4. LRP/IT Update: Griffin stated the fence has been removed and is looking nice. They are having an issue with Sterling Roofing on obtaining some roof panels. The budget is good. Reising noticed that the drainage is good on the site, there is little standing water.
5. Old Business
Budget Performance Report: VanVickle went through the report; they likely will not carry over any utility bills like they have in the past.
Procedure for Maintenance Requests: The report was distributed; Typer would like to see the report monthly for a few months.
Storage Shed Repair: None
Campus Landscape & Grounds Maintenance Projects: VanVickle has received a quote for the Judicial Center. He would like to use the Judicial Center as a test to see if the plan helps contain the weeds, then the Pines Road Annex will be done next year.
Committee agreed.
Other: None
6. New Business
New Problems/Projects: VanVickle stated the Pines Road Annex fire alarm system needs some upgrades. He is looking into a system that has self-monitoring capabilities.
Other: None
7. Approval of Bills
Credit Card Billing: None
Department Billing: Motion by Kenney that the department billing has been reviewed, 2nd by Griffin. Sulser questioned the Stock & Field invoice for $23.54. VanVickle stated that should be submitted for COVID reimbursement. Roll call: Yes – Kenney, Sulser, Billeter, Reising, Fox, Griffin and Typer. Motion carried. Total: $53,815.36
8. Closed Session: None
9. Adjournment: With no further business, Chairman Typer adjourned the meeting.
Time: 1:52 p.m.