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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Ogle County Board Met July 21

Webp meeting 04

Ogle County Board met July 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

Chairman John Finfrock calls the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.

Roll Call

The roll call shows all are present. The invocation is given by Smith and followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Downstate Small Business Stabilization Program through the Community Development Block Group Fund offered by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

Chairman Finfrock opened the County of Ogle, County Board Public Hearing on the Downstate Small Business Stabilization Program through the Community Development Block Group funds offered by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity at 5:37 p.m. at the Ogle County Courthouse Conference Room 100 located in Oregon, Illinois. Chris Manheim of Manheim Solutions, explained how the County of Ogle was applying for the Downstate Small Business Stabilization Program through the Community Development Block Group funds offered by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, due to the COVID-19 outbreak and its impact on small businesses. The State is making available a total of $20,000,000 for the Downstate Small Business Stabilization Program.

The County would be applying for four grants in Round One for:

1. Dogwood Inn in the amount of $17,765.64 of assistance, where the grant funds will be used for personnel, occupancy and utilities, and inventory. This grant will benefit the County of Ogle and will assist the business to stay open and retain employees during this difficult time.

2. National Bus Trader Inc. in the amount of $25,000 of assistance, where the grant funds will be used for personnel, training, occupancy and utilities, telecommunications and internet, inventory, supplies, equipment, and insurance. This grant will benefit the County of Ogle and will assist the business to stay open and to retain employees during this difficult time.

3. Public Auction Service in the amount of $25,000 of assistance, where the grant funds will be used for personnel, utilities, supplies, and other miscellaneous expenses. This grant will benefit the County of Ogle and will assist the business to stay open and to retain employees during this difficult time.

4. Semwieg, Inc D/B/A Maxson’s Restaurant in the amount of $25,000 of assistance, where the grant funds will be used for personnel, occupancy and utilities, supplies, inventory and miscellaneous expenses. The grant will benefit the County of Ogle and will assist the business to stay open and to retain employees during this difficult time.

Chairman Finfrock states the County of Ogle has provided a detailed, prioritized list of community development and housing needs in the community as listed in the Ogle County Amendatory Comprehensive Plan 2012:

 Housing rehabilitation projects;

 Road and sidewalk repairs and improvements;

 Storm sewer improvements;

 Commercial and Industrial development expansion and retainment;

 Sanitary system improvements.

The proposed grants will assist each of the businesses in re-opening successfully once deemed appropriate.

Chairman Finfrock opened the floor for questions from the County Board Members and Public. Board Member Whalen asked what the deadline for the funding was and Manheim shared the deadline is coming up and that applications need to be submitted as soon as possible due to funding. Board Member Corbitt asked, if she understood correctly, just because these applications are being submitted doesn’t mean that they will all be approved. Manheim shared that is correct. They are submitted to Springfield and their analysts decide which applications are approved. The applications will be submitted and the chosen businesses will be funded accordingly. With no further questions or comments Chairman Finfrock closed the Downstate Small Business Stabilization Program through the Community Development Block Group funds offered by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Public Hearing at 5:44 p.m.

Chairman Finfrock noted the approval of the Resolutions in Support of the businesses will occur at the regular portion of the Ogle County Board Meeting.

Board Member Corbitt moved to adjourn the Public Hearing, seconded by Board Member Youman to adjourn at 5:45 p.m. Roll Call was taken:

YES: Asp, Billeter, Boes, Bowers, Corbitt, Droege, Fox, Fritz, Griffin, Heuer, Hopkins, Janes, Kenney, McKinney, Nordman, Oltmanns, Reising, Sparrow, Sulser, Typer, Whalen, Youman and Finfrock

NO: none 

ABSENT: none

Presentation - Kyle Auman, Ogle County Health Department Administrator - COVID-19 Update

Auman shared that to date 13% of the Ogle County population has been tested, which for a rural County is a relatively high number. Auman stated there are currently 131 people under investigation, 16 close contact, 84 household contacts that are currently being worked with through quarantine. Ogle County currently has 356 positive cases, one hospitalized, and 5 deaths. Auman expressed his gratitude to our hospital partners who have continued to make ways for testing to be done at their facility. Auman stated that at this time the Health Department is keeping an eye on places such as long term care facilities and daycares as areas of concern. They are testing those places regularly with IDPH as well as our hospital partners. Auman shared the procedure for a Long Term Care facility with a positive case is required to complete a testing regimen of weekly testing of residents and staff until the results come back negative for two consecutive weeks.

Auman also shared there have been weekly meetings that have been organized by Bob Sondgeroth and Chris Tennyson regarding the direction of handle things for the upcoming school year. Auman expressed his appreciation for the efforts and direction that both Sondgeroth & Tennyson have put into making sure that the schools are prepared. Auman shared one issue that is being discussed with all three County Health Departments (Lee, Ogle, and Whiteside) is making sure that there are enough PPE’s for the students safety. He shared that he will be meeting with the Sheriff and the Emergency Management group to start discussing preparations for sourcing PPE.

Auman also stated he is pleased with the attention and communication of all the Ogle County Department Heads that have reached out to him. They have been taking this very seriously and have been doing a fantastic job of reaching out to our staff to seek clarity when they are uncertain of others safety. Auman shared the Department Head has been right on with their assessment of the circumstances but have always made sure that they are handling things correctly.

Chairman Finfrock shared that that he would like to thank Auman and his staff for stepping up and making sure that issues are getting the attention that they need.

Whalen asked how many days the County is seeing to get test results back. Auman shared up until about two weeks ago it was 3-5 days but now in some instances it is taking up to 13 days. Auman shared in the beginning of the pandemic testing supplies seemed to be an issue but that is no longer the case. At this point now Auman shared it is more so the labs being backed up that is causing the delay.

Susler asked Auman if they are having problems with false positives. Auman shared that they have seen cases of both false positives and false negatives. Auman shared that at this time the research is showing that those are less than 5% in both cases. These false readings can be due to any number of things, such as: inaccurate/partial swabbing due to the depth and discomfort of the testing procedure, or the rapid test issued by certain facility there is a much higher rate for false readings.

Droege asked if it is mandated that everyone wear a mask in public now. Auman stated that is the policy as of right now. Droege stated that he has attended a couple bars in Ogle County and the wait staff isn’t wearing masks. Auman shared that they are facing 100 complaints a day and it would be best to notify the

Health Department and they will look into those sites.

Consent Agenda Items – by Roll Call Vote

1. Approval of June 16, 2020 Ogle County Board Meeting

2. Accept Monthly Reports – Treasurer, County Clerk & Recorder and Circuit Clerk

3. Appointments -

 Board of Health - Theresa Krueger - R-2020-0706

4. Resignations - None

5. Vacancies -

 Zoning board of Appeals (Alternate 1) - 1 Vacancy

 Board of Health - 1 Vacancy

 Mental Health 708 Board - 2 Vacancies

 Housing Authority Board - 1 Vacancy

 Franklin Grove Fire Protection District -1 Vacancy

Application and Resumé deadline – Friday, July 31, 2020, at 4:30 p.m. in the County Clerk’s Office located at 105 S. 5th St – Suite 104, Oregon, IL

6. Ogle County Claims –

o Department Claims - June 2020 - $65,058.49

o County Board Payments – $90,090.53

o County Highway Fund – $40,131.00

7. Communications -

o Sales Tax for April 2019 $33,243.52 and $77,554.17

o Sales Tax for April 2020 $19,357.22 and $62,463.62

McKinney moves to approve the Consent Agenda and Bowers seconds and Roll Call was taken:

YES: Smith, Sparrow, Sulser, Typer, Whalen, Youman, Asp, Billeter, Boes, Bowers, Corbitt, Droege, Fox, Fritz, Griffin, Heuer, Hopkins, Janes, Kenney, McKinney, Nordman, Oltmanns, Reising, and Finfrock

NO: None


Motion carries on roll call vote. (Placed on file)

Zoning - 001-20AM - Swanson - O-2020-0701

Fritz presents #001-20 AMENDMENT – Bruce Swanson, 7393 E. Wildwood Rd., Stillman Valley, IL for an Amendment to the Zoning District to rezone from AG-1 Agricultural District to R-1 Rural Residence District on property described as follows and owned by the petitioner: Part of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) Section 26, Township 25 North, Range 11 East of the 4th P.M., Marion Township, Ogle County, IL, 4.0 acres, more or less - P.I.N.: 05-26-300-007 - Common

Location: 7400 block of E. Wildwood Rd.

Fritz moves to approve 0-2020-0701, Janes seconds and roll call was taken:

YES: Sparrow, Sulser, Typer, Whalen, Youman, Asp, Billeter, Boes, Bowers, Corbitt, Droege, Fox, Fritz, Griffin, Heuer, Hopkins, Janes, Kenney, McKinney, Nordman, Oltmanns, Reising, Smith, and Finfrock

NO: None


Motion carries on roll call vote. (Placed on file)

Zoning - 002-20AM - Gibson - O-2020-0702

Fritz presents #002-20 AMENDMENT – Ruth Gibson, 7661 N. Stillman Rd., Stillman Valley, IL for an Amendment to the Zoning District to rezone from B-1 Business District to R-2 Single-family Residential District on property described as follows and owned by the petitioner: Part G.L. 2 of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) Fractional Section 07, Township 42 North, Range 1 East of the 3rd P.M., Scott Township, Ogle County, IL, 2.47 acres, more or less P.I.N.: 11-07-100-018 - Common Location: 7661 N. Stillman Rd.

Fritz moves to approve 0-2020-0702, Asp seconds and roll call was taken:

YES: Sulser, Typer, Whalen, Youman, Asp, Billeter, Boes, Bowers, Corbitt, Droege, Fox, Fritz, Griffin, Heuer, Hopkins, Janes, Kenney, McKinney, Nordman, Oltmanns, Reising, Smith, Sparrow, and Finfrock

NO: None


Motion carries on roll call vote. (Placed on file)

Public Comment – None


The following committee minutes have been placed on exhibit: 911 ETS, County Facilities, County IT, County Security, Executive, Finance and Insurance, HEW & Solid Waste and Veterans, Judiciary and Circuit Clerk, Long Range and Strategic Planning, Personnel and Salary, Road & Bridge, and State’s Attorney – Court Services – FOCUS House.

· Finance & Insurance:

o Ogle County as Trustee – 14-16-262-005 - R-2020-0707

Sparrow presents and moves to approve R-2020-0707, Nordman seconds and roll call was taken:

YES: Sulser, Typer, Whalen, Youman, Asp, Billeter, Boes, Bowers, Corbitt, Droege, Fox, Fritz, Griffin, Heuer, Hopkins, Janes, Kenney, McKinney, Nordman, Oltmanns, Reising, Smith, Sparrow, and Finfrock

NO: None


Motion carries on roll call vote. (Placed on file)

o C-Pace (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program) - R-2020-0708

Sparrow presents and moves to approve R-2020-0708, Bowers seconds and roll call was take:

YES: Typer, Whalen, Youman, Asp, Billeter, Boes, Bowers, Corbitt, Droege, Fox, Fritz, Griffin, Heuer, Hopkins, Janes, Kenney, McKinney, Nordman, Oltmanns, Reising, Smith, Sparrow, Sulser, and Finfrock

NO: None


Motion carries on roll call vote. (Placed on file)

· Long Range Planning:

o Long Range Invoices – R-2020-0709

Griffin presents R-2020-0709 for the following bills:

Griffin presents and moves to approve R-2020-0709 for $142,272.08, Bowers seconds and roll call was taken:

YES: Whalen, Youman, Asp, Billeter, Boes, Bowers, Corbitt, Droege, Fox, Fritz, Griffin, Heuer, Hopkins, Janes, Kenney, McKinney, Nordman, Oltmanns, Reising, Smith, Sparrow, Sulser, Typer, and Finfrock

NO: None


Motion carries on roll call vote. (Placed on file)

o Judicial Center Annex Capital Expense Bills March - R-2020-0710

Griffin presents R-2020-0710 for the following bills:

Griffin moves to approve R-2020-0710 for a total of $1,011,417.93, Janes seconds and roll call was taken:

YES: Youman, Asp, Billeter, Boes, Bowers, Corbitt, Droege, Fox, Fritz, Griffin, Heuer, Hopkins, Janes, Kenney, McKinney, Nordman, Oltmanns, Reising, Smith, Sparrow, Sulser, Typer, Whalen, and Finfrock

NO: None


Motion carries on roll call vote. (Placed on file)

o Project Update: Gilbane

Jeremy Roling explained the Judicial Center Annex is still on track for the October completion date. This week the project is seeing inside cosmetic projects being wrapped up. The ceramic tile inside the building is 85% complete. All the exterior windows have been installed with the exception of the front entrance door. The building is being operated under 50-60% permanent lighting. The south side of the building is 80% completed and the installation of the shingles has begun on portions of the roof.

· Executive:

o Resolution of Support (CDBG Funds) – The Dogwood Inn – R-2020-0701 Finfrock presents and moves to approve R-2020-0701, seconded by Board Member Corbitt. Roll call vote is called:

AYES: Asp, Billeter, Boes, Bowers, Corbitt, Droege, Fox, Fritz, Griffin, Heuer, Hopkins, Janes, Kenney, McKinney, Nordman, Oltmanns, Smith, Sparrow, Sulser, Typer, Whalen, Youman, and Finfrock

NAYS: None

ABSTENTION: Reising (due to applicants being clients of his)


Motion carries on roll call vote. (Placed on file)

o Resolution of Support (CDBG Funds) – National Bus Trader Inc. – R-2020-0702 Finfrock presents and moves to approve R-2020-0702, seconded by Board Member Bowers. Roll call vote is called:

AYES: Billeter, Boes, Bowers, Corbitt, Droege, Fox, Fritz, Griffin, Heuer, Hopkins, Janes, Kenney, McKinney, Nordman, Oltmanns, Smith, Sparrow, Sulser, Typer, Whalen, Youman, Asp, and Finfrock

NAYS: None

ABSTENTION: Reising (due to applicants being clients of his)


Motion carries on roll call vote. (Placed on file)

o Resolution of Support (CDBG Funds) – Public Auction Service – R-2020-0703 Finfrock presents and moves to approve R-2020-0703, seconded by Board Member Heuer. Roll call vote is called:

Janes commented that he will be voting against this Resolution based on principal since there is a connection to the County Board and Township to the owners of the business. Janes stated that he doesn’t think there has been anything done wrong just the fact that it may look bad on the outside.

AYES: Corbitt, Fox, Griffin, Heuer, Nordman, Oltmanns, Sparrow, Typer, Whalen, Youman, Asp, Billeter, and Finfrock

NAYS: Boes, Bowers, Droege, Fritz, Janes, Kenney, McKinney, Smith, Sulser, and Billeter


ABSTENTION: Hopkins (due to ownership)

Motion carries on roll call vote. (Placed on file)

o Resolution of Support (CDBG Funds) – Semwieg Inc. D/B/A Maxon’s Restaurant – R-2020-0704

Finfrock presents and moves to approve R-2020-0704, seconded by Board Member Reising. Roll call vote is called:

AYES: Bowers, Corbitt, Droege, Fox, Fritz, Griffin, Heuer, Hopkins, Janes, Kenney, McKinney, Nordman, Oltmanns, Reising, Smith, Sparrow, Sulser, Typer, Whalen, Youman, Asp, Billeter, Boes, and Finfrock

NAYS: None


Motion carries on roll call vote. (Placed on file)

o Solar Farm – Special Use Conditions – R-2020-0705 Finfrock moves to approve R-2020-0705, Sulser seconds and roll call was taken:

YES: Corbitt, Droege, Fox, Fritz, Griffin, Heuer, Hopkins, Janes, Kenney, McKinney, Nordman, Oltmanns, Reising, Smith, Sparrow, Sulser, Typer, Whalen, Youman, Asp, Billeter, Boes, Bowers, and Finfrock

NO: None


Motion carries on roll call vote. (Placed on file)

o County Noise Ordinance – O-2020-0703

This item is tabled until it can be reviewed by other Committees and will be brought back for August’s County Board meeting.

Unfinished Business:

New Business: None

Chairman Comments:

Chairman Finfrock expressed his appreciation to all those in the Zoom conference and being patient.

Understanding that since it is a virtual meeting all items needed to be done by a roll call vote and the hope that things that will be able to return back to normal.

Chairman Finfrock also asked that everyone continue to be safe with their everyday encounters.

Vice-Chairwoman Comments:

Sweet Corn for sale this weekend out on Route 64 by the Ogle County 4-H.

Adjourn Meeting

At 6:34 p.m., with no further business Chairman Finfrock adjourns the meeting until Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. at the Courthouse in Oregon.




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