
NW Illinois News

Friday, January 24, 2025

Ogle County Facilities Committee Met October 13

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Ogle County Facilities Committee met Oct. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairman Typer called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m. Present: Billeter, Kenney, Reising and Sulser. Present via audio: Griffin. Others via audio: Director of Court Services Cindy Bergstrom. Absent: Fox and Sheriff Brian VanVickle.

2. Approval of Minutes – September 8, 2020: Motion by Kenney to approve the minutes as presented, 2nd by Sulser. Roll call: Yes – Sulser, Kenney, Billeter, Reising, Griffin, Typer. Motion carried.

3. Public Comment: Typer stated he received an email from County Clerk Cook thanking the Maintenance Dept. for their help with the preparations for early voting and the ballot drop box.

Bergstrom approached the Committee regarding the Rochelle EOC building; there is no mail receptacle. The Post Office has been holding mail since it cannot be delivered. Typer questioned why they are using multiple addresses and not one central address. He would think that mail would come to the Oregon location and then distribute to the other locations. Bergstrom had that same question. Kenney will look into it; he believes there is a mail receptacle.

4. Project Status Report: Typer reported the following:

 Hanging of Old County Board Photos: Typer suggested that they be hung in Memorial Hall

 Campus Landscape Vendor Contract: 1 bid was received for $4,500.00

 Iron Mike: Griffin gave a brief update

 Weld Park: Typer stated the Boy Scouts have the shelter roof done and painted posts and tables.

5. LRP/IT Update: Griffin stated it is coming along nicely; landscaping and asphalt it being installed.

6. Old Business

 Budget Performance Report: Typer would like to make sure all bills including utilities are paid from this budget and not carried over to FY2021 budget. Committee agreed.

 Procedure for Maintenance Requests: Everything is working good.

 Storage Shed Repair: None

 Campus Landscape & Grounds Maintenance Projects: Typer would like to push this project off until next year.

 Other: Kenney would like to see a standardized window cleaning inside/outside plan; he is appalled by the appearance of the windows.

7. New Business

 Plaques at Judicial Center & Sheriff Building: Typer stated VanVickle has found the plaques.

 Courthouse West Door Card Reader/Opening Latch: Griffin stated it needs to be fixed, latch is not working properly.

 Judicial Center Monitor Controller: Griffin stated there is a Freon Leak Monitor that has failed; a quote was received.

 New Problems/Projects: None

 Other: Typer stated the trash at Weld Park needs to be addressed.

Billeter asked if we ever use individuals that need Court Service hours for our projects. Typer stated the Probation Dept. handles it.

Kenney would like to see a Buildings & Ground Department attached to the Maintenance Dept. to maintain the campus. Discussion was held regarding creating a new department and more employees. Typer stated this does need to be addressed.

8. Approval of Bills

 Credit Card Billing: None

 Department Billing: Motion by Kenney that the department billing has been reviewed, 2nd by Reising. Roll call: Yes – Sulser, Kenney, Billeter, Griffin, Reising, Typer. Motion carried. Total: $38,927.38

9. Closed Session: None

10. Adjournment: With no further business, Chairman Typer adjourned the meeting. Time: 1:46 p.m.
