
NW Illinois News

Sunday, February 2, 2025

City of Oregon City Council Will Meet November 24

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City of Oregon City Council will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 24.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

*Due to Covid-19 the Meeting will be held Via Zoom.

City Hall Council Chambers are open for a Limited Number of Individuals per Social Distancing Rules

(Face Masks will be Required for City Hall Attendance)

Public Comment

Join Zoom Meeting Information:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 0221 7202

Passcode: 475036

One tap mobile


Presentation of Paul Shaffner Project by Rick Ryland

l. Approve November 10th, 2020 Minutes

2. Approve Warrants and Payroll

3. Approve City Insurance RMA Contract for Two Years

4. Approve Tax Levy Ordinance 2020-117

5. Approve Recommendation from Plan Commission to Rezone 60 I S 1st Street from R3 to Industrial for Coilcraft Parking Lot

6. Approve Recommendation from Plan Commission to Amend Noise Ordinance 2020-119

Mayor, Officer, and Commissioners Reports

Chief of Police, City Administrator, Commissioner Cozzi, Commissioner Krug,

Commissioner Schuster, Commissioner Wilson, Mayor Williams

The City of Oregon, in compliance with the Ameri cans With Disabilities Act, requests that persons with disabili ties, who require certain accommodations to allow them to observe and/or participate in the meeting(s) or have questions about the access ibility of the meeting(s) or fac ilities, contact the City Administrator Darin DeHaan at 815-732-632 1 at least 24 hours befo re a scheduled meeting to allow the City to make reasonable accommodations for these persons.

Executive session

A portion of the meeting maybe closed to the Public, immediately as permitted by 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the City of Oregon, and as permitted by 5 ILCS 102/2 (c)( I I) to di scuss litigation against, affecting, or on behalfof the City which has been filed and is pending in a court or administrative tribunal of which is imminent and as permitted by 5 lLCS (c)(2 1) to review and approve closed sess ion minutes and as permitted by 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) 2 Collective negoti ating matters. Possible action after executive session.
