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Ogle County Facilities Committee Met Nov. 10

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Ogle County Facilities Committee Met Nov. 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Call Meeting to Order: Chairman Typer called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Present via audio: Billeter, Fox, Griffin, Kenney, Reising and Sulser (arrived at 1:06). Others via audio: Corbitt and Sheriff Brian VanVickle.

Approval of Minutes – October 13, 2020: Motion by Kenney to approve the minutes as presented, 2nd by Reising. Roll call: Yes – Reising, Fox, Griffin, Kenney, Billeter, Typer. Motion carried.

Public Comment: None

Project Status Report: Typer reported the following:

  Hanging of Old County Board Photos: VanVickle stated that will be a winter project.

  Campus Landscape Vendor Contract: 1 bid has been received.

  Iron Mike: Griffin gave a brief update

  Communication Tower Extension: VanVickle stated it is scheduled to be demolished

this month.

  3rd Floor Conference Room: They will need to find someone to paint; it is the historic


  Pines Road Annex Fire Alarm: It will ring to ADT until a new system is installed; they

currently are not billed for it.

LRP/IT Update: Griffin stated the project is going very well; most of the landscaping is finished and blacktop done. December 3rd is the Open House.

Old Business

  Budget Performance Report: VanVickle stated they will not have any bills carried over.

  Procedure for Maintenance Requests: Everything is working good.

  Annual Window Washing Program: VanVickle stated it is not included in the budget; he will work on it.

  Plaque at Judicial Center/Sheriff Admin Bldg: VanVickle is not sure what the spot is for at the Judicial Center. They have not found any plaque for it. They will go through the prints to see if the spot is labeled.

  Weld Park Trash: It has been picked up multiple times and they have spoken with the individual that has been dumping it.

  Quote for Judicial Center Monitor Controller: VanVickle is unware of what this request is. Griffin stated there is a Freon Leak Monitor that has failed. They will speak with

Maintenance Dept.

  Courthouse West Door: VanVickle stated it probably just needs to be adjusted again; they have done it multiple times.

 Other: Griffin asked if the windowsills or carpets have ever been cleaned at the Courthouse. VanVickle stated the carpets have not been cleaned and he is unsure about the windowsills.

New Business: VanVickle received a request to hang a Christmas tree from the flagpole; discussion was held. Griffin stated in previous years a tree was placed there by the cannons. Kenney does not like the idea of not being able to fly the Flag. Reising voiced his concern about flying the Flag at half-staff and if it would interfere with that. Consensus of Committee it to allow it as long as it does not interfere with the Flag.

Approval of Bills

  Credit Card Billing: None

  Department Billing: Motion by Kenney that the department billing has been reviewed, 2nd by Sulser. Roll call: Yes – Reising, Fox, Griffin, Kenney, Sulser, Billeter, Typer. Motion carried. Total: $34,263.41

Closed Session: None

Typer thanked Sulser for his time and service on the Committee and County Board.

Adjournment: With no further business, Chairman Typer adjourned the meeting. Time: 1:38 p.m.