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Sunday, February 2, 2025

City of Amboy City Council met Oct. 18

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City of Amboy City Council met Oct. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor John Schamberger called the Regular meeting of the Amboy City Council to order and the council and audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.


WARD 1: Jake Leffelman

Greg Noble

WARD 2: Brandon Klein

Bill Bontz

WARD 3: Frank Stenzel

Dave Shaw -Absent

MINUTE’S APPROVED-The minutes from the regular city council meeting were presented. Motion to approve the minutes by Aldermen Bontz and Noble. Carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT APPROVED- City Treasurer Nancy Neal submitted the financial report. Making a motion to approve the reports as presented was made and seconded by Aldermen Noble and Stenzel. Carried.

PAYMENT OF BILLS APPROVED- A list of outstanding bills, involving city accounts as prepared by the city clerk’s office was submitted. Making a motion to approve the bills as presented was made by Aldermen Leffelman and Stenzel. Carried.


COMMUNITY BUILDING-Alderman Klein –No Report.

DEPOT MUSEUM-Alderman Shaw- No Report.

PARK-Alderman Bontz reported the park is taking down another tree. Extra paving material was used in the park roadway.

LIBRARY-Alderman Leffelman-No Updates.


MAINT/STREET DEPT-Director of Public Works Jeramey Wittenauer reviewed the bid advertisement for the new cold storage building at the new maintenance location. Also added to the building project would be the cement floor and insulation. The new building will match the existing office and shop. The city guys can do the electrical installation. Construction bid will be advertised in the paper for the bidding process. The 2021 MFT E. Main Street Project and Alleys all finished for the year.




Updates Jared Zellhoffer –Director of Public Works Jeramey Wittenauer discussed updates with 450 S. Mason regarding drainage ditch easement for the city. Mr. Zellhoffer also will be doing what is required for filling in the flood way once the property is purchased. He also would like to have S. East alleyway vacated for him and he would purchase the property instead of the original vacate rules in which property is split by the city. Currently he is working with the county to keep his business where he is located now. Willett Hoffman is working on the land subdividing of the 450 S. Mason property. Also the city will need to have an agreement with Mr. Zellhoffer regarding using the maintenance building until April to store city equipment.

Discuss Repair Work-Depot Museum-No Update.


Approve Part Time Police Officers $22.06 New Pay Rate –Motion to Approve Part Time Police Officers $22.06 New Rate made by Aldermen Noble and Klein. All Approved.

Approve City Clerk to Advertise for Bids for Cold Storage Building-202 W. Main St. Motion to Approve City Clerk to Advertise for Bids for Cold Storage Building made by Aldermen Stenzel and Leffelman. All Approved.

Discuss Morrow Brothers State Bid-2022 Ford F250 4x4 Truck w/Western V-Plow $46,760.00-Public Works Director Jeramey Wittenauer expressed a need for a newer pickup for winter months that will help with the additional plow and upgraded pickup for the city maintenance department. Funding for the truck purchase will be out of the video gaming revenues for the purchase. Next meeting approval.

Approve 2021 MFT Universal Asphalt & Excavating Payment $164,363.90-Approve 2021 MFT Universal Asphalt & Excavating Payment $164,363.90 made by Aldermen Bontz and Noble. All Approved.

Approve Contract Request for Approval of Change of Plans for the Seal Coating Project- Per Willett Hoffman this approves the changes for the extra gutter/curbing work/drainage changes. Motion to Approve Contract Request for Approval of Change of Plans for the Seal Coating Project made by Aldermen Stenzel and Leffelman. All Approved.

Approve 2021 MFT Helm-Civil Payment $82,299.40-Chip Seal Alleys-Motion to Approve 2021 MFT Helm-Civil Payment $82,299.40 made by Aldermen Noble and Klein. All Approved.

Building Inspectors Report-2 Roof and 1 fence permit.

Attorney Legal Update-No Updates.


Alderman Klein-Concerned regarding solar panels and if an ordinance should be done for installation and rules.

Alderman Noble-Concerns regarding lawn mowers on sidewalks and motorized bikes.

Alderman Bontz-Nothing.

Alderman Leffelman-Nothing.

Alderman Stenzel-City should move the yellow school light to a better location by the new school zones.

Mayor Schamberger –Trick or Treat will be on Halloween. Looking forward to the Christmas walk plans.

With no further business to come before the council the meeting adjourned.
