City of Fulton City Council met Feb. 12.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Alderman Dan Nederhoff called the meeting to order at 8:10 a.m. and directed the Clerk to call the roll. On roll call, Alderpersons Nederhoff, Banker, VanKampen, King, and Brondyke were present. Absent was Mayor Wendy Ottens, Alderman Hunt and Alderman VanZuiden. Staff included Administrator Clark, Chief Neblung, and PW Director Sikkema. Visitor, Zack Ratcliff was present.
Approve the January 31, 2022, Council minutes. Alderman King motioned, seconded by Alderman Brondyke. No discussion to follow. Roll call vote, 5 yes, 0 no, minutes approved.
CONTINUED AND CURRENT BUSINESS – Items for Consideration (Discussion) or (Action)
• Approve training for the Chief of Police for a Leadership Course in Cedar Rapids from February 28 through March 4, 2022. Alderman King motioned, seconded by Alderman VanKampen. No Discussion. Roll call vote, 5 yes, 0 no, motion approved.
• Approve MFT Annual Resolution. Alderman King motioned, seconded by Alderman VanKampen. Short discussion to follow. PW Director Sikkema stated that these funds were to be used for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the Illinois Highway code and would be in the amount of $125,750.00. No further discussion. Roll call vote, 5 yes, 0 no, motion approved.
Budget Binders were updated and handed out.
City Administrator Clark opened the budget workshop, explaining the different funds to be addressed.
1. General Fund
2. Special Funds
3. Enterprise Funds
CA Clark said presently, the budget, as entered and presented, we were at $56, 000 in the red – with $45,000 - $50,000 of that being a one-time expense of replacing the HVAC system at City Hall, leaving only approximately a $7000 deficit, which would be simple to balance.
HVAC System would have to bid out. Will be put on the next council agenda to approve.
Salaries have been put in budget at a rate of a 4% increase.
FOP Union negotiations will begin next week.
Health insurance costs for the new fiscal year were presented. The Insurance Committee met with two different brokers. It is the recommendation to stay with the same company as we have now, Lohman Co, (Blue Cross, Blue Shield of IL), at a 3.9% increase over last year. Alderman Nederhoff agreed, stating that switching to a new, cheaper plan with a different broker is not the best idea. It was the consensus of the council to continue with the current plan.
Alderman VanKampen would like the council to consider using $20,000 in funds from Video Gaming to help with the cost of a new pavilion at 10th Avenue Park, funding for the annual Fall Festival and Christmas Walk, and a new Santa House.
CA Clark explained about the Recreational Cannabis sales taxes, that 20% of the sales tax is given back to the Dispensary, due to the TIF agreement.
Mr. Ethan Jones has been hired to be the new caretaker at Heritage Canyon. He will move into the home sometime in late February. He has a host of duties, that have been laid out by the Administrator.
Water/Sewer rates will be increased at a rate of 4%, which is a simple cost of living increase to help offset a portion of the rising cost of infrastructure.
Marina building has been rented to house a Pet Grooming Service. It will house 3 groomers and will bring in $700 per month in rental income.
Marina Committee is looking into costs for dredging this year. Administrator Clark reiterates that the Marina is a self-sufficient entity. Whatever is made, income wise, goes directly back into the grounds and upkeep.
Administrator Clark would like everyone to take the time to go over the presented budget and further discussions will take place in the coming weeks
Alderman King motioned, seconded by Alderman VanKampen. All in favor. 5 yes, 0 no. Motion approved. Meeting was adjourned at 8:49 a.m.