
NW Illinois News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Polo City Council met Aug. 1

City of Polo City Council met Aug. 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Invocation.

2. Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Call to order- Mayor Knapp called the meeting to order.

4. Mayor Knapp called roll call and the following members of the Council answered present: Alderman Thomas Bardell, Alderman Jim Busser, Alderman Keith Chesnut, Alderman Joseph Kochsmeier, Alderwoman Beth Sundman, and Alderman Randy Schoon.

Absent: None.

5. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda

Motion made by Alderwoman Sundman, second by Alderman Schoon to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda:

A. Minutes from the July 18, 2022 Council Meeting

Motion carried 6-0. Yes- Bardell, Busser, Chesnut, Kochsmeier, Sundman, Schoon.

6. Mayor Knapp opened Public Comment and the following persons provided comments: Members of the public are welcome to speak at this time but are limited to only 3 minutes.

7. Committee Reports

➢ Alderman Bardell- There was a park board meeting last week. The concession stand is doing well. The plumbing should be done this week.

➢ Alderman Busser- None.

➢ Alderman Chesnut- None.

➢ Alderwoman Sundman- None.

➢ Alderman Schoon- The lead service replacement work will have some upfront costs. The upfront costs will be refunded through a grant. The cost is $9,800. The City will be receiving $1.167 million towards our new well and new water plant.

➢ Police Chief Troy Randall- None.

➢ City Clerk Bartelt- None.

➢ Public Works Director Kendall Kyker- 2 vaults were delivered last week. One vault has been installed in the ground. The Colden Street drainage project has resumed. Mayor Knapp thanked Kendall and his crew for their speedy clean up after the storm. Marcia Wooden and her son Hank Wooden cleaned up after the storm. Kendall is very thankful for the Wooden’s help.

8. Items Removed from Consent Agenda


9. Old Business- Discussion/Action Items

A. Consideration & Possible Action on an engineering agreement from Willett Hofmann & Associates for the new well #5 and well building project.

Motion made by Alderman Schoon to approve the engineering agreement with Willett Hofmann & Associates for the new well #5 and well building project, seconded by Alderman Kochsmeier. Motion carried 6-0. Yes- Busser, Chesnut, Kochsmeier, Sundman, Schoon, Bardell.

B. Consideration & Possible Action on Ordinance 22-09, UTV/Golf Carts. (second reading) Alderman Schoon wants to have a fine for UTV’s if they are driving with an expired sticker. The fee will be $50 same as a courtesy citation. This will be revised and up for another reading at the next council meeting.

10. New Business- Discussion/Action Items

A. Consideration & Possible Action on obtaining a loan from First State Bank Shannon Polo for the purchase of a 2022 Street Sweeper.

Alderman Schoon made a motion to obtain a loan in the amount of $130,000 from First State Bank Shannon-Polo for 60 months with annual payments at an interest rate of 4.65% with tax exempt interest, secured by 2022 Street Sweeper, and authorized Doug Knapp to execute loan on the loan documents, seconded by Alderman Busser. Motion carried 6-0. Yes- Kochsmeier, Sundman, Schoon, Bardell, Busser, Chesnut.

B. Consideration & Possible Action on ordinance 22-10, an ordinance to authorize the City of Polo to borrow funds from the IEPA for well #5 and new water plant. (first reading)

The Polo City Council accepted the first reading of ordinance 22-10.

C. Consideration & Possible Action on ordinance 22-11, an ordinance to approve BDD plan, designate BDD area and impose applicable BDD taxes. (first reading)

The Polo City Council accepted the first reading of ordinance 22-11.

D. Consideration & Possible Action on ordinance 22-12, an Ordinance Amending the Polo Code of Ordinances to §112; 112.01 Definitions, 112.15 Classifications of License & Fees. 112.16, Limitation on Numbers. (first reading)

This will be provided at another meeting.

E. Consideration & Possible Action on the Zoning Board of Appeals recommendation on regulations for solar farms in all zoning districts within the City of Polo.

Alderman Schoon made a motion to approve the zoning board of appeals recommendation regarding regulations for solar farms in all zoning districts within the City of Polo, seconded by Alderman Bardell. Motion carried 6-0. Yes- Kochsmeier, Sundman, Schoon, Bardell, Busser, Chesnut.

F. Consideration & Possible Action on the Zoning Board of Appeals recommendation on definitions for garages and accessory sheds.

Alderman Schoon made a motion to approve the zoning board of appeals recommendation on definitions for garages and accessory sheds, seconded by Alderman Bardell. Motion carried 6-0. Yes- Kochsmeier, Sundman, Schoon, Bardell, Busser, Chesnut.

11. Other Items for Discussion & Information


12. Adjournment

Motion by Alderman Bardell, second by Alderman Schoon to adjourn from regular session at 7:26 p.m. Motion carried 6-0.
