
NW Illinois News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Galena Historic Preservation Commission met Sept. 1

City of Galena Historic Preservation Commission met Sept. 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


Chairman Craig Brown called the meeting of the Galena Historic Preservation Commission to order at 6:30 PM on Thursday, September 1, 2022.


Upon roll call, the following members were present: Carl Johnson, Jack Dennerlein, Mike Doyle, and Craig Brown

Absent: Matt Carroll, Chuck Horton, and Craig Albaugh (arrived at 6:38 pm) A quorum was declared.

Public Comments:


Approval of Minutes

22HPC-044: Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission of Aug 4, 2022.

Motion: Dennerlien moved, seconded by Johnson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission of Aug 4, 2022.

Discussion: None

Roll Call:

Ayes: Johnson, Dennerlein, Doyle, and Brown

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Carroll, Horton, Albaugh

The motion carried.




22HPC-045: Discussion and possible action on a request by Keray Larys, owner of 308 South St. to install 7 double hung vinyl windows in the existing window openings at 308 South St.

Owner/ Applicant

Mark Leonard from Feldco Direct Window, Siding, and Doors spoke on behalf Keray Larys. Mr. Leonard states that the house is in the outskirts of the Historic District. He also stated that there’s mixture of vinyl window throughout the house. The porch windows are wood and not in good condition.

Jeff West from Arrow Energy states he has a couple pictures of the house and the windows above the porch are vinyl windows with metal screens on the side

Leonard stated that all the window and screens would be replaced with new windows and screens


Albaugh showed up 6:38 pm for the meeting.

Brown stated that the historic value of the house doesn’t exist anymore

Doyle stated the house is vinyl sided

Motion: Doyle moved, seconded by Johnson to approve installation 7 double hung windows at 308 S. South St.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Doyle, Dennerlein, Johnson, and Brown

Nays: Albaugh

Abstain: None

Absent: Horton and Carroll

The motion carried.

22HPC-046: Discussion and possible action a request by Keray Larys, owner of 308 South St., and Arrow Solar, to install a rooftop solar array on the east side of the detached garage roof at 308 South St.


Jeff West from Arrow Energy to presented on behalf of Keray Larys. He would like to install solar panels on the East side of the garage.

West states that the house will be at 100 percent solar.


Brown states it passes the criteria. It is not visible, it’s on the outskirt of the Historic District, and it’s sitting on a building that is not historic

Motion: Albaugh moved seconded by Doyle to approve the installation of solar panels at 308 S. South St.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Doyle, Dennerlein, Albaugh, Johnson, and Brown

Nays: None.

Abstain: None

Absent: Carroll and Horton

Motion carries

22HPC-047: Discussion and possible action on request by Madeline Hongsermeier, owner of 515 Mars Ave. and Arrow Solar, to install a 15 Panel solar array on the SW side of the house at 515 South St.

Owner/ Applicant:

Jeff West from Arrow Energy presented for Madeline Hongsermeier. West stated that Arrow Energy has recommended the customer replace the aged roof. The 15 panels will not provide 100 percent of the energy for the home, but they did not want to cover the entire face of the roof.


Brown stated house is dead center of Historic District, but on very high ground.

Albaugh stated the house is historic, the panels are intrusive and visible on West St., Ridge St, Mars St. and should not be on historic this home.

Dennerlein stated that the home is high traffic area and visible to high and low ground and agree that solar panels should not be installed on this home.

Johnson stated that the homeowner should wait to see if other types of a solar that can be installed that is not a panel.

Motion: Albaugh made a motion, seconded by Johnson to deny the installation of a 15-panel solar array on the SW side of the house at 515 South St.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Johnson, Dennerlien, Albaugh, and Brown

Nays: Doyle

Abstain: None

Absent: Carroll and Horton

Motion carried

22HPC-048: Discussion and possible action on voting for the 2022 Galena Historic Preservation Award and Galena Excellence in Presentation Award.

Discussion: The following properties were discussed:

405 S. Bench Street – Brown felt they did a fantastic job on the porch; however, they used modern brick.

105 N. Bench Street – The property still has work that needs to be done. The Board agreed it could be nominated next year.

121 S. High St. – This is General Grant’s Pre-Civil War home.

Motion: Albaugh moved, seconded by Johnson, to approve 121 S. High St. as the winner of 2022 Galena Historic Preservation Award.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Johnson, Dennerlien, Brown, Albaugh, and Doyle

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Carroll and Horton

Motion carried

22HPC-049: Adjournment

Motion: Albaugh moved to adjourn.

Meeting adjourned by voice vote at 7:23 pm.
