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Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Mount Carroll City Council met Sept. 27

City of Mount Carroll City Council met Sept. 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Alderman Doug Bergren rang the bell to announce the start of the meeting.

Mayor Carl Bates called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.

Roll Call: Mayor Carl Bates, present, Alderman Jeff Elliott, present, Mike Risko, present, Joe Grim, present, Paul Kaczmarski, Present, Doug Bergren present, Nancy Bandemer, present.

Alderman Paul Kaczmarski led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Jeff Davis led the invocation.

Alderman Elliott moved and Alderman Bandemer seconded to approve the minutes of the September 13, 2022, Regular Council meeting as presented. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, present, Risko, yes, Elliott, yes, Grim, yes, Bergren, yes, Bandemer, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

Alderman Kaczmarski moved and Alderman Grim seconded to authorize the payments of accounts payable date of September 27, 2022, 22 claims for $76,111.83 as approved by the Finance Committee. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Risko, yes, Elliott, yes, Grim, yes, Bergren, yes, Bandemer, yes. Vote: 6 yeses, and 0 nos. Motion carried.

Mayor Bates reported the bank account balances were totaling $13,088,434.42 as of today.


Under Committees, the Water/Sewer Committee Superintendent Zink reported they were installing the new pump into Well #2, Thursday flush it and have it online next week. The Park new water line is in. Held an Operators meeting at the new Sewer plant had around 37 attend for lunch and toured the plant. Wednesday and Thursday will be working on connecting new Library meter and fixing the storm sewer drain at Center and Main, water will be off Thursday morning for approximently 4 hours. Ordered 5 more fire hydrants. The week of October 11th will be hydrant flushing. Will be starting to dig up hydrant at the Street Garage and building the pit. Discussed Water Loop for the water to the

Davis Community Center on East Street to the Water Tower. Mayor Bates asked Superintendent Zink to get pricing and will add to the October 25, 2022 Agenda.

A. MSA Update on the Waterlooping Project: Completed backfilling, grading and topsoil placement at back of curb and median, boulevard areas. Placed PCC boxout at manhole and water valve box locations. Paving was completed and placed sholuder aggregate at edge of pavement areas. Seeded and mulched all disturbed areas.


Recommendation made to approve to pay 22 claims totaling $76,111.83

A. Skid Loader Financing for $44,500.00

Mayor Bates presented for the Council after speaking with Treasurer Amy Schneider, to take $25,000.00 from CIF and $6,500.00 each from Streets, Water and Sewer, totaling $44,500.00

Concensus was agreed to pay as presented in the payables.


1. Discsussion and Approval for Park Resolution for the OSLAD Grant: MSA and CFPS were still working on finishing the Resolution. Mayor Bates called for a Special Council Meeting to discuss and approve the Park Resolution for Friday September 30, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.

2. Discussion and Possible Action on GMP Agreement with Russell Construction: Mayor Bates went over the schedule of the dirt work completed, we are 7 days behind and that if he feeels there will any issues at all with the dirt settling he will wait until spring.

Alderman Grim made a motion to approve the GMP Agreement with Russell Construction and Alderman Risko seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Risko, yes, Elliott, no, Grim, yes, Bergren, yes, Bandemer, yes. Vote: 5 yeses, and 1 nos. Motion carried.


1. Discussion and Possible Actiion for Resolution R10-2022, Resolution Authorizing Transfer and Establishing a New Account at the Savanna-Thomson State Bank (ARPA Funds) City Clerk Lisa Lewis told the Council that we needed to separate the ARPA funds and that she should have done it when receiving the first installment. Alderman Grim made a motion to approve the transfer and Alderman Bandemer seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Risko, yes, Elliott, yes, Grim, yes, Bergren, yes, Bandemer, yes. Vote: 6 yeses, and 0 nos. Motion carried.

2. Discussion and Approval for Roadblock Permit Application for the Mt. Carroll Lions Club on October 8, 2022: Alderman Grim made the motion to approve the Roadblock Permit and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded; Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Risko, yes, Elliott, yes, Grim, yes, Bergren, yes, Bandemer, yes. Vote: 6 yeses, and 0 noes. Motion carried.

3. Discussion and Possible Action of Façade Program for 121 W. Market Street: Mayor Bates spoke to the Council what he learned from Kathy Orr the City TIF Attorney about using BDD Funds for façade applications. It will be 5 years open 20% forgiven each year, if the buisness closes or if the building is sold before the 5 years they will pay back the remaining balance. Fixing these, building will make their property taxes go up and we will see a benefit from that. I have spoken to other businesses such as Charlies and Joe and Mary Cummings and have reached out to others after the newspaper article came out about this project at the September 13, 2022 meeting. Clerk Lewis asked the Mayor in order to make this fair to all Business Owners why can't we make this a set amount like the past façade loans? Mayor Bates responded that these are not loans and each building is different so setting a flat amount does not work. Alderman Grim says I know what your saying becasuse you have to answer all the questions and yes, we want to make this fair. Maria Krull from Northern Hospitality thanked Clerk Lewis for her statements. She asked the Mayor about talking with Ms. Orr about her BDD Funds that she spoke to him about before COVID-19 hit. I do not blame you for forgetting, COVID-19 shut everything down but when I read the article in the paper, I want to bring it up again. In addition, I think that the owner should be here to request the money and present the project. Why now does he want the money? Mayor Bates responded that is not true Alderman Risko, Len Anderson and I spoke with him about the project, he did not ask himself. Did we miss opportunities in the past years, yes, you can always look back and find mistakes now we look forward and fix our mistakes. We are not approving this project tonight, we just need concensus to move forward establishing façade agreements using BDD Funds and bring back past façades and fix them. Len Anderson presented brick veneer sample and discussed the costs would be around $12,000.00 to restore the building.

General Audience

Resident Stan Kozmecki asked the council when the brick would be finished on the south side of

Market Street where the new sidewalk is. Mayor Bates said they are waiting for the Farmer's Market

to finish their season and we will begin the brickwork. Mr. Kosmecki also wants to thank the Street Department for the repairs on Lincoln Street.


1. Moring Disposal Reported 22,860 lbs of recycling for August

2. Blackhawk Hills Regional Council Annual Update

3. Carroll County Labor Force Data Update

4. Email sent by resident Tricia Paxson concerning Trick or Treating on Clay Street with heavy traffic. Chief Marth said he would look into getting some lighted signs for the crosswalks to slow down.

Adjournment: Alderman Grim made the motion to adjourn at 8:19 p.m. and Alderman Elliott seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Risko, yes, Elliott, yes, Grim, yes, Bergren, yes, Bandemer, yes. Vote: 6 yeses, and 0 noes. Motion carried.
