
NW Illinois News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Rochelle City Council met June 26

City of Rochelle City Council met June 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

I. CALL TO ORDER: Pledge to the Flag was led by Mayor Bearrows. Prayer was said by Pastor Doug Forsberg.

II. ROLL CALL: Present were Councilors T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor John Bearrows. A quorum of seven were present. Also, present City Manager Jeff Fiegenschuh, Deputy City Clerk Jennifer Thompson.



1. Appointment of Robert Johns to the Police and Fire Commission for a term to expire July 1, 2026. Motion made by Councilor D. McDermott, Seconded by Councilor Hayes, "I move that the council approve the Mayor's appointment of Robert Johns to the Police and Fire Commission for a term to expire July 1, 2026." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 7-0.

2. Mayor introduced the New Habitat for Humanity Home.

3. Council Members: None.




a) Approve City Council Meeting Minutes - 6/12/2023

b) Approve Payroll - 5/29/23-6/11/23

c) Approve Check Registers: 206641-206642, 206643-206735, 206743, 206744-206836

d) Approve Special Event Request - VFW Block Party

e) Approve Special Event Request - Stoller Ribbon Cutting in Page Park

f) Approve Financials - May 2023

Motion made by Councilor T. McDermott, Seconded by Councilor Hayes, "I move consent agenda items (a) through (f) be approved by Omnibus Vote as recommended." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 7-0.

2. A Resolution Authorizing the Retention of Willett Hofmann & Associates Inc. for Downtown Parking Lot Improvements and Construction of a Public Restroom Facility. The City was recently awarded an Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity Rebuild Illinois Downtowns and Main Streets Capital Grant. The grant amount is $1,151,794.00. The grant will fund improvements to City parking lots, construction of a new parking lot, and the construction of a new public restroom facility. Staff recommends that the City accept the proposal of Willett Hofmann & Associates, Inc. to perform the professional services related to the City’s downtown parking lot improvements, construction of the new parking lot and construction of a new public restroom facility. Michelle Pease, Community Development Director was available for questions. Motion made by Councilor Shaw Dickey, Seconded by Councilor Arteaga, "I move Resolution R23-083, a Resolution Authorizing the Retention of Willet Hofmann & Associates, Inc. for Professional Services Related to Downtown City Parking Lot Improvements and Construction of a New Public Restroom Facility, be approved." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 7-0.

3. An Ordinance Accepting and Approving the Proposal from Bruns Construction for remodel to the Rochelle Fire Department Dorm. This project subdivides the existing common sleeping area ("dorm") of the Rochelle Fire Department into 6 private rooms, substantially remodels the existing multi-user shower/bathroom as a single shower/bathroom and creates an additional single ADA shower/bathroom. The dorm subdivision creates private sleeping spaces that improves conditions for the mixed gender Fire Department staff and the private bathroom/showers improves availability particularly after exposure to fire, chemicals, or blood/body fluids. Therefore, the recommendation is to approve an ordinance accepting and approving the proposal from Bruns Construction, Exhibit A. Bids were opened May 18th, and the single bidder was Bruns Construction, Inc. at $278,360. Fire Chief Dave Sawlsville was available for questions. Motion made by Councilor D. McDermott, Seconded by Councilor Shaw-Dickey, "I move Ordinance 23-5428, an Ordinance Accepting and Approving the Proposal from Burns Construction, Inc. for the Improvements to the Remodeling of the Rochelle Fire Department Dorm, be approved." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 7-0.

4. An Ordinance Accepting and Approving the Proposal from AA Construction for the 2023 City of Rochelle Sidewalks and Pedestrian Capital Improvement Program. The annual sidewalk/pedestrian path Capital improvements project, as administered by the Engineering Department, provides for the replacement of existing sidewalks and/or constructs new sidewalks and pedestrian paths and other related items throughout the City. The program provides for improved accessible pedestrian access routes including ramps for the disabled and other users. This is part of an effort to continuously improve our pedestrian network for all users and meet certain ADA and PROWAG standards. The program is primarily funded through the Utility Tax Fund (UTF) established in 1997 to annually address the needed and required upgrades to the City’s pedestrian sidewalk system, associated curb and gutter replacement, street pavement restoration and landscaping. Since its inception over 950,000 square feet of sidewalk and/or other pedestrian paths, concrete curb and gutter, and hundreds of accessibility ramps have been improved through replacement and/or new construction. The UTF has been utilized to supplement new sidewalk, pedestrian path and curb and gutter construction on multiple roadways, bridge, storm sewer and City street urbanization/reconstruction projects. The project plans and specifications were developed by the City Engineering Department and advertised in the Rochelle News leader and on the City website. Bids were publicly opened and read aloud on June 6th at 10am for the above referenced project. Three separate bids were received as follows:

⮚ AA Construction Concrete, Inc. submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $522,371.00.

⮚ Bruns Construction, Inc. submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $565,436.50.

⮚ Stenstrom Excavation and Blacktop Group submitted a bid for making the entire improvements in the amount of $638,370.00.

The lowest bid is approximately 2% lower than the Engineer’s estimated costs for the project. The project is funded with UTF administered by the Engineering Department. A transfer from the FY23 UTF #18-00 will be made to the FY 23 CIP fund to cover costs associated with the project. The City will purchase detectable warning plates for use on the project and the Street Department crews will provide HMA pavement patching and restoration along new curb and gutter sections. Furthermore, given the favorable contract unit prices for multiple construction items it is recommended that approval be given to the City Manager and/or the City Engineer to negotiate further change order 188 Section VI, Item 4. work, not to exceed $25,000, within the proposed contract to facilitate other improvements and upgrades to streets adjacent to this project. It is anticipated the construction project will be substantially complete by the end of September 2023. However additional time will be granted for any additional work. City Engineer Sam Tesreau was available for questions. Motion made by Councilor Arteaga, Seconded by Councilor D. McDermott, "I move Ordinance 23-5429, an Ordinance Accepting and Approving the Proposal from AA Construction Concrete for the 2023 City of Rochelle Sidewalk and Pedestrian Paths Capital Improvement Program, be approved." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows.

Nays: None. Motion passed 7-0. Motion made by Councilor T. McDermott, Seconded by Councilor D. McDermott, "I move Authorization to City Manager to spend up to $25,000 for Change order for project." Voting Yes: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 7-0.



IX. ADJOURNMENT: At 7:00 PM, Motion made by Councilor T. McDermott, Seconded by Councilor D. McDermott, "I move Council adjourn." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 7-0.
