
NW Illinois News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Byron Community Services Committee met Nov. 1

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Emily Gerdes - Ward 1 Alderman | City of Byron

Emily Gerdes - Ward 1 Alderman | City of Byron

City of Byron Community Services Committee met Nov. 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Alderman Gerdes called the meeting to order at 5:42 pm.


MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Alderman Emily Gerdes, Alderman Jessica Nehring, Alderman Mike Gyorkos (6:15pm arrival), Alderman Christy Hanlin


OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor John Rickard, Director Aaron Vincer, City Administrator Brian Brooks, City Attorney Aaron Szeto, City Clerk Caryn Huber, Police Chief Todd Murray, Alderman Todd Isaacs, Alderman Ron Boyer, City Engineer Jason Stoll, Audrey Moon

2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA – NOVEMBER 1, 2023 – Alderman Nehring asked that item #9 (Mosquito Spraying) be moved for discussion after item #3 (Public Comment). Alderman Hanlin motioned to approve, as amended, the November 1, 2023, Community Services Committee meeting agenda. Seconded by Alderman Nehring. Roll call vote: Nehring, AYE; Hanlin, AYE; Gerdes, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 3; NAY, 0; ABS, 0.

3. PUBLIC COMMENT – Resident Audrey Moon addressed the committee, asking them to consider spraying for mosquitos next year. She cited both comfort and health concerns over West Nile Virus.

MOSQUITO SPRAYING – After brief discussion, Director Vincer stated that he will get quotes for mosquito spraying. The spraying would be done in the city ROW, but the fog will carry into adjoining properties. Engineer Stoll stated that a common complaint to spraying in other communities is improper notification to residents.

4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – OCTOBER 4, 2023 REGULAR MEETING –Alderman Hanlin motioned to approve, as presented, the October 4, 2023, Community Services Committee meeting minutes. Seconded by Alderman Nehring. Roll call vote: Hanlin, AYE; Gerdes, AYE; Nehring, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 3; NAY, 0; ABS, 0.

5. PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING/PROPERTY ACQUISITION – Administrator Brooks reported that we are waiting for responses from the seller. In the meantime, Fehr Graham is working on site work estimates.

6. 221 N. WALNUT ST. SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT – A meeting is scheduled with Brad Miller tomorrow morning to review preliminary designs of the sidewalk. Since the work will likely not be done until spring, Alderman Gerdes asked if the worst parts of the sidewalk can be removed and replaced with gravel. Director Vincer will discuss with Mr. Miller.

7. FEHR GRAHAM PROPOSAL FOR VARIOUS WATERMAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT – Administrator Brooks stated that this proposal is for design ($96,500) and construction ($140,500) engineering for the $2 million congressional grant to upgrade our 4” watermain.

If we pay for the engineering ourselves, we can hire Fehr Graham to do the work. If we are paying for engineering out of grant funds, we will have to bid the engineering. It is the recommendation of staff that we pay for the engineering from street funds in reserve over two fiscal years. This would allow the entire grant amount to be used for watermain replacement. Topographical surveys can begin immediately if the proposal is approved. Alderman Nehring motioned to recommend council approval of the Fehr Graham proposal for Various Watermain Replacement Project. Motion seconded by Alderman Hanlin. Roll call vote: Gerdes, AYE; Nehring, AYE; Hanlin, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 3; NAY, 0: ABS, 0.

8. SIDEWALK REPAIR ORDINANCE REVIEW – A copy of our current sidewalk replacement ordinance is in Dropbox. It was suggested that the committee review the ordinance. Attorney Szeto stated that the current ordinance requires a 50/50 split between the homeowner and the city to repair sidewalks. Director Vincer added that in the newer parts of town it may be possible to do concrete lifting to level the sidewalks. In the older parts of town, a complete sidewalk replacement is likely necessary. There is a line item in the budget for sidewalk repair ($8,000).

9. MOSQUITO SPRAYING – Discussed after item #3.

10. WATER/SEWER RATES – Administrator Brooks stated that he has adjusted the water/sewer rates based on comments from the Council. The increases allow for the City’s upcoming EPA loan as well as provide funds for infrastructure improvements. He has gathered water/sewer rates from similar communities and our new rates will be comparable. New rates would go into effect May 1 (on June bills). Alderman Gerdes asked for a draft ordinance to be prepared for review at the January Community Services Committee meeting.


a. Public Works Building Update – No update.

b. Wastewater Treatment Plant – No update.

c. Other – The sewer manholes on Merchant St. have been replaced. They were challenging to replace due to soil conditions. Several water services were discovered that will need to be repaired prior to paving. Martin & Co. is still confident they will be able to pave the road this year.


13. ADJOURN – Alderman Hanlin motioned to adjourn the Community Services Committee meeting. Seconded by Alderman Nehring. Roll call vote: Nehring, AYE; Gyorkos, AYE; Hanlin, AYE; Gerdes, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 4; NAY, 0; ABS, 0. Alderman Gerdes adjourned the meeting at 6:24 pm. The next regular Community Services meeting is December 6, 2023, at 5:30pm.
