
NW Illinois News

Monday, July 8, 2024

City of Polo City Council met June 17

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Downtown Polo | WikipediA

City of Polo City Council met June 1.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Invocation

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Call to order

4. Roll Call of Council Members

5. Consent Agenda

A. Minutes from June 3, 2024 Council Meeting

B. List of Bills

C. Treasurers Report

6. Public Comment

7. Committee Reports

Police- Alderman Keith Chesnut

Building & Grounds- Alderman Larry Weaver

Parks- Alderman Thomas Bardell

Administration & Finance- Alderman Joey Kochsmeier

Streets- Alderman Jim Busser

Water & Sewer- Alderman Randy Schoon

Police Chief- Matt Coppotelli

City Clerk- Sydney Bartelt

Public Works Director- Kendall Kyker

8. Items Removed from Consent Agenda

A. None

9. Old Business- Discussion/Action Items

A. Consideration & Possible Action on an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Polo and Buffalo Township regarding the new City Hall building.

B. Consideration & Possible Action on ordinance 24-09, an ordinance authorizing the execution of the Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network Agreement (IPWMAN) (second reading)

10. New Business- Discussion/Action Items

A. Consideration & Possible Action on pay quest #3 for Irving Construction, Inc.

B. Consideration & Possible Action on pay request #5 for Municipal Well & Pump.

C. Consideration & Possible Action on Dakota Meyer’s resignation.

D. Consideration & Possible Action on ordinance 24-08, an ordinance amending Chapter 78 Schedules III and IV and Chapter 79 Schedule I. (first reading)

E. Consideration & Possible Action on a presentation from Sterling Federal regarding investments for the City of Polo.

F. Consideration & Possible Action on ordinance 24-10, an ordinance regarding ordinances trials with the City of Dixon. (first reading)

11. Other Items for Discussion & Information

12. Adjournment


• 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) Employee Hiring, Firing, Compensation, Discipline and Performance (Police)




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