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Friday, July 5, 2024

City of Mt. Carroll City Council met May 14

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The Carroll County Courthouse | WikipediA

The Carroll County Courthouse | WikipediA

City of Mt. Carroll City Council met May 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Alderman Doug Bergren rang the bell to announce the start of the meeting.

Mayor Carl Bates called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Roll Call: Mayor Carl Bates, present, Alderman Doug Bergren, present, Alderman Jeff Elliott, present, Alderman Paul Kaczmarski, present, Mike Risko, present, Alderman Jeff Soenksen, present, Jody Wolber, present.

Alderman Kaczmarski led the Pledge of Allegiance

Invocation was led by Rhett Simkins

Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve the amended minutes from the April 23 26, 2024 Regular City Council meeting Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Elliott, yes, Kaczmarski, yes, Bergren, yes, Wolber, yes, Soenksen, yes, Risko, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to authorize the payments of 46 claims payable for $63,024.71 Alderman Elliott seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Kaczmarski yes,, Elliott, yes, Bergren, yes, Wolber, yes, Risko, yes, Soenksen, yes. Vote: 6 yeses, and 0 nos. Motion carried.

Mayor Bates reported the bank account balances were totaling $3,827,1221.36 as of May 10, 2024

BDD Committee



Under Committees, Street Superintendent Eric Dauphin requested to hire Roger Brashaw, mower for the cemetery and Robert Irons, mower for the park. We are still looking for weed eater for the cemetery. City Clerk Dauphin said she would like permission on put an ad in the Mirror Democrat looking to hire life gaurds and a weed eater. Mayor Bates said that would be fine. We plan to paint streets next week before Memorial Day Weekend. Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve to hire Roger Brashaw and Robert Irons as summer help and Adlerman Kaczmarski seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote: Alderman Elliott, yes, Kaczmarski, yes, Bergren, yes, Wolber, yes, Soenksen, yes, Risko, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.


Reviewed monthly Police Report and Chief Cass and Police Chairman Bergren discussed the USDA Grant and that we need to let it hold and wait for the next round of funding. The Tahoe is at Kunes being worked on again.

Davis Community Center

Director Bandemer went over the job descriptions for class Instructors and to hire Brittany Karlsbroten(Bee Kay) at $18.00 per class and Vicki Medal $20.00 as class instructors for the Davis Community Center. Went over the majors purchases that are included in the Davis Center budget.


Recommendation to pay 46 accounts payable for a total of $63,024.71.

A. Discussed the recommended garbage, water and sewer increase. Alderman Risko said he was not given the information he requested about the water useage over 5,000 gallons to do a complete analysis and thought we should look into implementing a declining commercial rate for businesses that have higher useage and raise even higher than to $8.00 per gallon. Clerk Dauphin responded there is no such report for the information you requested, I told you that if you want to look at the reports your more than welcome to come and get them. As for the increasing more than $8.00, I am more worried about the elderly who are on a fixed income than a business. Mayor Bates said he would meet with Clerk Dauphin and go over the reports and we should have a Water/Sewer Committee meeting to further discuss the increase and if there is a need for a commercial rate.

B. Alderman Risko volunteered to take the lead and interview brokers for selling the Kraft Building.

C. Reviewed budgets for MFT and Building Fund that were missed at the prior Council Meetings. Director Bandemer went over the corrections of the Davis Center Operations Budget Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve all budgets presented and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Elliott yes,, Kaczmarski, yes, Bergren, yes, Wolber, yes, Risko, yes, Soenksen, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.


1. Discussion and Possible Action for Approve Road Block Application for Heartland Pet Welfare at Route 78/64: Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve the Road Block Application and Alderman Soenksen seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

2. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Ordinance 2024-05-04 Amendment Ordinance Establishing an Enterprise Zone: Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to approve Ordinance 2024- 05-05 and Alderman Risko seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Kazmarksi, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes, Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

3. Discussiona and Possible Approval for a Letter of Support for the Carroll County Capital Improvement: Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve the letter of support and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

4. Discussion and Possible Action for Russell Construction Prime Contract Change Order#004 GMP Reconciliation: Mayor Bates stressed he isnt’ comfortable approving the change order when the final walk through has not been completed yet and would prefer table this item until then. Alderman Elliott made a motion to table Change Order #004 and Alderman Risko seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

5. Discussion and Possible Approval for the Shimer Square Water Main Bid Proposal: Mayor Bates said that this is for materials only and the City will be doing the labor. Alderman Soenksen made a motion to approve the bid and Alderman Risko seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes.

6. Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution R9-2024, Resolution to transfer back Year-End Loan Transfers: Alderman Risko made the motion to approve Resolution R9-2024 to transfer back the year-end loans and Alderman Elliott seconded. yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Elliott, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

7. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Ordinance 2024-05-02, Ordinance Appropiating for all Coporate Purposes of the City of Mount Carroll, Carroll County, Illinois, for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2024 and ending April 30, 2025: Alderman Risko motioned to table this item due to the fact that the Council just received the Ordinance today and didn’t have time to look at the Appropiation in detail nor was I given the information of the changes to the Davis Center Operations Budget. Director Bandemer said both items were attached in the email sent out. No second the motion died. Alderman Kaczmarski made the motion to approve Ordinance 2024-05-02 and Alderman Elliott seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Risko, yes. Vote 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

8. Approve Mayor Bates’s Appointments: Mayor Bates asked the Council to approve appointing William Hilgendorf as Zoning Officer. Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve the appointment of William Hilgendorf as Zoning Officer and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Risko, yes. Vote 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

General Audience:

Alderman Risko asked Director Bandemer on how the Davis Center Website is coming and will hopefully go live next week or the following week. He then asked on how the City’s was coming. Clerk Dauphin said it’s the same.

Mayor Bates open 2 sealed bids for 108 N. Carroll Street Surplus Property:

Bid #1: Wendy Lauter- $1,000.00. Mayor Bates read her plan to take down the house and build garage within the next 3 years.

Bid #2: Chris Rogers- $2,100.00. Mayor Bates said he did not write down his plan but had spoken with Chris and knew that he plans to rehab the house, which will keep it on the tax rolls.

Adjourn to Executive Session

Alderman Risko made a motion to adjourn and go into Executive Session at 8:08 p.m. for Discussion and Possible Sale for Surplus Property and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes. Vote 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

Returned to open Session at 8:31 p.m.

9. Discussion and Possible Action to Accept Bid for Surplus Property at 108 N. Carroll Street: Alderman Risko made a motion to approve the bid from Wndy Lauter for $1,000.00 and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes. Vote 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.


Alderman Elliott made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m., Alderman Soenksen seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Risko, yes. Vote: 6 yeses, and 0 nos. Motion carried.




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