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Friday, July 5, 2024

City of Polo City Council met May 20

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City of Polo City Council met May 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Invocation.

2. Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Call to order- Mayor Knapp called the meeting to order.

4. Mayor Knapp called roll call and the following members of the Council answered present: Alderman Larry Weaver, Alderman James Busser, and Alderman Randy Schoon.

Absent: Alderman Keith Chesnut, Alderman Thomas Bardell, Alderman Joseph Kochsmeier.

5. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda

Motion made by Alderman Schoon second by Alderman Weaver to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda:

A. Minutes from the May 6, 2024 Council Meeting.

B. List of Bills as amended. Alderman Chesnut added bills for Polo Building Supply for $95.00 and Nicholson1 Communications for $3,700.00 for the police department, Alderman Kochsmeier added bills for Nicholas Gjonola for $7,128.00, In The Swim for $1,839.92, Nicor for $139.47, RAMP for $21.99,Alderman Kochsmeier added a bill for ComEd for $2.26 and Blue Cross Blue Shield for $13,945.50 for the administration department, Alderman Busser added a bill for ComEd for $2,782.17 for the street department, Alderman Schoon added a bill for Certified Balance and Scale for $204.00 the water and sewer department.

C. Treasurer’s Report

Motion carried 5-0. Yes- Weaver, Busser, Schoon.

Alderman Chesnut arrived at 7:06 PM.

Alderman Kochsmeier arrived at 7:26PM.

6. Mayor Knapp opened Public Comment and the following persons provided comments: Members of the public are welcome to speak at this time but are limited to only 3 minutes.

7. Committee Reports

➢ Alderman Chesnut- None.

➢ Alderman Weaver- The mural is almost done. The City Hall building looks good. The new water plant building also looks great.

➢ Alderman Bardell- Mayor Knapp reported on Alderman Bardell’s behalf. The pool painting was finished over the weekend. The pool is planning on opening on June 1st.

➢ Alderman Kochsmeier- None.

➢ Alderman Busser- None.

➢ Alderman Schoon- None.

➢ Police Chief Matt Coppotelli- None.

➢ City Clerk Bartelt- None.

➢ Public Works Director Kendall Kyker- Surf internet is in town. The boring company is in town doing work for Surf Internet. Kendall is asking everyone to be patient.

8. Items Removed from Consent Agenda

A. None

9. Old Business- Discussion/Action Items

A. Consideration & Possible Action on an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Polo and Buffalo Township regarding the new City Hall building.

This will be postponed until the next City Council meeting.

10. New Business- Discussion/Action Items

A. Consideration & Possible Action on professional services with Fehr Graham for the grant application preparation and submittal for FY24 Congressionally Directed Spending Project through US EPA.

We will discuss this more at the next meeting.

B. Consideration & Possible Action on the City of Polo's Gas Renewal Provider.

The council would like to wait a couple more months to see what the NGI does.

C. Consideration & Possible Action on Pay Request # 2 for Contract #2 for Sjostrom & Sons Inc. and Willett Hofmann & Associates Invoice.

Alderman Busser made a motion to approve pay request #2 and Willett Hofmann & Associates invoice, seconded by Alderman Schoon. Motion carried 5-0. Yes- Weaver, Kochsmeier, Busser, Schoon, Chesnut.

D. Consideration & Possible Action on a commercial service plan between the City of Polo and DC Computers.

Alderman Kochsmeier made a motion to approve the commercial service plan between the City of Polo and DC Computers, seconded by Alderman Busser. Motion carried 5-0. Yes- Kochsmeier, Busser, Schoon, Chesnut, Weaver.

11. Other Items for Discussion & Information

Alderman Schoon brought up Tom Demmer’s article that was in the paper over the weekend. He strongly encourages the council to support the Build Illinois Tax Credit. This credit could help new home construction in Polo.

Alex Stykel reported that Fehr Graham is waiting on the IEPA to look over the submitted paperwork. City Hall project is going well. Irving construction plans on finishing the roof in 2 weeks. HVAC, electrician and plumbers should be in within the next two weeks.

Alderman Kochsmeier thanked Kendall for fixing the bleachers at the pool park.

12. Adjournment

Motion by Alderman Busser second by Alderman Schoon to adjourn from regular session at 7:42 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.




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