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City of Lanark City Council met May 21

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Lanark’s Mayor,Mark Macomber, getting sworn in at city council meeting! | Lanark City Hall | Facebook

Lanark’s Mayor,Mark Macomber, getting sworn in at city council meeting! | Lanark City Hall | Facebook

City of Lanark City Council met May 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER/ROLL CALL-Lanark City Council met in regular session at the Lanark City Hall at 7 p.m. Roll call taken by Marilyn Heller, City Clerk, showed Alderpersons present were Kevin Barnes, Lynn Collins, Brad Knutti, Haley Grim and Ed Stern. Mayor Mark Macomber was present and presiding.

Others present were: Sue Appel, Weston Burkholder, Bryan Hardacre, Marybeth Landherr, Darin Stykel of Fehr Graham, Maintenance Manager Jason Alvarado, Treasurer Debra Throop, Chief Troy Randall, Attorney Ed Mitchell and Clerk Marilyn Heller.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE-was led by Alderperson Kevin Barnes.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES-MOTION-was made by Alderperson Lynn Collins and seconded by Alderperson Brad Knutti to accept the minutes of the May 7, 2024 meeting as presented. Motion carried by 6 aye votes. Aye Votes; Alderpersons Lynn Collins, Brad Knutti, Ed Stern, Haley Grim, Kevin Barnes, and Mark Macomber.

PUBLIC COMMENTS- Bryan Hardacre was present to see how council works and to see if he can get involved in any way. Jeff Hoak asked if he could get curb and gutter done at his property. The council discussed the pricing for curb and gutter with Darin; IDOT says to budget $75 a foot, $20k for a corner, and $12K for a ramp. Maintenance Manager shared additional properties that have asked for curb and gutter as well. Alderperson Ed will have a Street and Property Committee Meeting to discuss further.

DELINQUENT UTILITIES – POSSIBLE ACTION – Clerk presented the updated list of shut off this month. She noted the removal of the residents that made payment and was looking for a motion to proceed with the shut offs if still no contact or payment is made. A Motion was made by Alderperson Lynn Collins and seconded by Alderperson Mark Macomber to approve the disconnection of line 1,2,4,6, and 7 on the shut off list pursuant to the letters sent out with the bills. Motion carried by 6 aye votes. Aye votes; Alderpersons Lynn Collins, Mark Macomber, Brad Knutti, Kevin Barnes, Ed Stern, and Haley Grim.

TIF APPLICATIONS – POSSIBLE ACTION – Marybeth Landherr presented the TIF Board recommendations after meeting to discuss the applications from Susan and Gordon Appel and Weston Burkholder. The board is recommending for Sue and Gordon Appel (The Treasure Hunt) $300 per linear foot for the 37ft. requesting totaling $11,100.00, per the Façade terms. A Motion was made by Alderperson Brad Knutti and seconded by Alderperson Haley Grim to approve the TIF Application of Sue and Gordon Appel in the amount of $11,100.00 upon completion within one year. Motion carried by 6 aye votes. Aye votes: Alderpersons Brad Knutti, Haley Grim, Kevin Barnes Lynn Collins, Mark Macomber, and Ed Stern. The Board recommendation for Weston Burkholder for 124 Carroll St. properties new roof, update electric, plumbing, doors, and windows. The council discussed this would create office space with 1 to 2 jobs and created a new residential rental upstairs. A Motion was made by Alderperson Lynn Collins and seconded by Alderperson Brad Knutti to approve the TIF application of Weston Burkholder in the amount of $35,625.00. Motion carried by 6 aye votes. Aye votes: Alderpersons Brad Knutti, Haley Grim, Kevin Barnes Lynn Collins, Mark Macomber, and Ed Stern. Clerk inquired if an alderperson owns property in the TIF district if they can vote on TIF spending. Attorney Ed confirmed that they can vote. Mayor then reminded the applicants to bring in the receipts upon completion for reimbursement within a year from now. Marybeth then asked going forward if the council approves TIF spending outside of applicants to please notify the board.

APPOINT LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS – ACTION REQUIRED - A Motion was made Alderperson Lynn Collins and seconded by Alderperson Haley Grim to reappoint Sherry Callaway, Darcie Feltmeyer, and JL Hunter to the Library Board. Motion carried by 6 aye votes. Aye Votes; Alderpersons Lynn Collins, Haley Grim, Brad Knutti, Ed Stern, Kevin Barnes, and Mark Macomber.

EPA CPF GRANT APPLICATION – POSSIBLE ACTION - Darin Stykel of Fehr Graham presented the contract to use the $959K Congressman Sorenson Grant for water main replacement. The funds will be reimbursed for only construction costs within two years. He would like to bid it out in Jan or Feb to start the project in the spring. Darin then estimated the cost for rural crossings are $200 to $250 a ft so this will get us about 4K feet put in (a little less than a mile). Darin also suggested replacing the street at the same time as this project does include 10ft width of street replacement but the city should consider paying to extend it the whole width. A Motion was made by Alderperson Brad Knutti and seconded Alderperson Lynn Collins to approve the agreement with Fehr Graham in the amount of $8,000.00. Motion carried by 6 aye votes. Aye Votes; Alderpersons Brad Knutti, Lynn Collins, Ed Stern, Haley Grim, Kevin Barnes, and Mark Macomber.

Darin then gave an update on the Lead Service Line project as Jason just sent out letters. We are waiting for approval to bid and the list should be out in June with the forgiveness amount and loan %.

The defective downtown light poles are being replaced now and should be done by Friday. The plaza light will also be fixed and back on by Friday as well.

Lastly, curb stop and meter funding is going up to 1.5 million forgiveness. Jason has been working on shut off locations and replacements, which should bring the project cost down.

HERITAGE CENTER TUCK POINTING – POSSIBLE ACTION - A Motion was made by Alderperson Haley Grim and seconded by Alderperson Brad Knutti to award 28,000.00 to Dollinger Masonry for the Heritage Center Tuck Pointing. Motion carried by 6 aye votes. Aye Votes; Alderpersons Haley Grim, Brad Knutti, Lynn Collins, Mark Macomber, Ed Stern, and Kevin Barnes.

BURKHOLDER PROPERTY – POSSIBLE ACTION - Alderperson Ed Stern met with Jason and Tony to discuss the cost of $3k for the materials for Tony to put in the curb and gutter in front of his property. The city maintenance crew will need to dig the trench and provide/lay down the gravel; Tony will do the rest. Darin estimated this project of 137 liner ft. would be $10K. Jason is asking the council approval and asked for consistency going forward as this will set a precedent for future curb and gutter requests. This area might also be included in the water main replacement project next year but we won't know until this fall. The council discussed the savings with Tony providing the work at no cost to the city. A Motion was made by Alderperson Brad Knutti and seconded by Alderperson Ed Stern to award $3,000.00 for the curb and gutter project to Tony Burkholder. Motion carried by 6 aye votes. Aye Votes; Alderpersons Brad Knutti, Ed Stern, Haley Grimm, Kevin Barnes, Lynn Collins, and Mark Macomber. The city maintenance will need to dig and provide the gravel.

REVIEW EXECUTIVE MINUTES – ACTION REQUIRED - A Motion was made by Alderperson Lynn Collins and seconded by Alderperson Mark Macomber to keep the executive minutes presented from May 18, 2021 to March 19, 2024 sealed. Motion carried by 6 aye votes. Aye Votes; Alderpersons Lynn Collins, Brad Knutti, Mark Macomber, Ed Stern, Kevin Barnes, and Haley Grim.

HERITAGE CENTER POLICY – POSSIBLE ACTION - Alderperson Haley Grim will be holding an Economic Development Committee will meet at 6pm on June 2nd to discuss further.

ZONING ORDINANCE – POSSIBLE ACTION - Alderperson Lynn and Attorney Ed Mitchell handed out the Zoning Ordinance they worked on and went over the changes. Tabled for next meeting to give alderpersons time to look over before approval.

RETIREMENT FUND – POSSIBLE ACTION - Alderperson Lynn has nothing further to add and would like to remove from agenda unless there is someone else that would like to take over. She suggested keeping what we currently have; Simple IRA.

BUDGET – POSSIBLE ACTION – Treasurer Deb emailed out the budget for the council to review and she made all the updates/changes discussed at prior meetings. Attorney Ed Mitchell shared that this will need to be passed so the appropriations can be passed before the deadline. A Motion was made by Alderperson Brad Knutti and seconded by Alderperson Mark Macomber to approve the projected budget for FY 2025. Motion carried by 6 aye votes. Aye Votes; Alderpersons Brad Knutti, Mark Macomber, Ed Stern, Lynn Collins, Kevin Barnes, and Haley Grim.


REPORTS-EMPLOYEES, ATTORNEY, CLERK, TREASURER, ALDERPERSONS AND MAYOR - Maintenance Manager Jason – contacted the park board (Rosemary) and will be replacing the City Park sign on broad street. Chief Randall - is making progress on properties and still working on 223 Westside. Alderperson Haley thanked Chief Randall for getting the Carroll St. buildings taken down. Attorney Ed Mitchell - shared that the Farmers National Bank is closing on the property next to the funeral home on May 30th. He went over the processes we will need to follow to annex them into the city, we will need to hold a public hearing. Alderperson Kevin Barnes - shared that someone tripped and fell due to uneven sidewalk in front of Kim Hunters house. Maintenance Manager Jason will put a cone on it until it can be replaced. He then asked for an update if the school has a demo or building permit? The school has not submitted an application for either. Lastly, he suggested to Chief Randall having the new full time officer start riding along for the weekend of Old Settlers Day. Alderperson Ed Stern - Asked city attorney to look into Bryan Hardacre becoming a non-voting member of council committees. Alderperson Brad Knutti - asked for more information on 130 Westside Av. as the water has been shut off for no payment on delinquent utility bills and there are currently people living there. Attorney Ed shared that there is a new owner of the property and the couple currently there are not renters but also not considered squatters. Chief Troy will turn this into the health dept. Alderperson Haley Grim - shared that she got the email from the clerk to submit photos and complaints of the tracks. Clerk also emailed the link to submit with the steps. Mayor Mark Macomber - May 29th Congressman Sorenson will be at 11am to present the check to Lanark and all council is welcome.

ADJOURNMENT-MOTION-was made by Alderperson Brad Knutti and seconded by Alderperson Haley Grim to adjourn at 8:32 p.m. Motion carried by 6 voiced aye votes.




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