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City of Mt. Carroll City Council met Sept. 24,

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The Carroll County Courthouse | WikipediA

City of Mt. Carroll City Council met Sept. 24,.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Carl Bates called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Roll Call: Mayor Carl Bates, present, Alderman Doug Bergren, present, Alderman Jeff Elliott, present, Alderman Paul Kaczmarski, present, Alderman Mike Risko, present, Alderman Jeff Soenksen, present, Jody Wolber, present.

Alderman Elliott led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mary Boelkens gave the Invocation

Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 10, 2024 Regular City Council meeting Alderman Wolber seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Aldermman Risko, yes, and Alderman Kaczmarski, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to authorize the payments of 39 claims Payables for $312,446.61 and Alderman Elliott seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

Bank Account Balances $4,052,316.84.


Chief Cass presented Dennis Asay with his Retirement Badge. Mr. Asay worked for the City for 40 years, and also volunteered with the Ambulance Department and farmed full time. Carl Emegency Vehicles came and picked up the Tahoe and took it to Des Moines to take the equipment out for the new Tahoe.

Water and Sewer

Superintendent Jonathan Armstrong thanked Amy and Lisa in the Office for helping with all the calls forthe water being shut off for the tie-ons on the Phase 3 project. Hydrant flushing will begin on October 7, 2024; will work with Amy and Lisa to do Code Reds to notify what area we will be in on certain days. Plan to replae a fire hyrdrant on Washington Avenue.

A. MSA Weekly Updates: Tie-ons will finish up tomorrow and then grinding will start. Paving should start on October 1 & 2 and then the road will be open.

B. Purchase of a new Sewer Jetter: Superintendent Armstrong explained that the current jetter is a 1985 and can get hot when it runs for long periods. We can not be without one if there is a major problem. They discussed the financing options available and made a recommendation to waive competetive bidding. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

Recommendation was made to purchase the new jetter for the term of 3 years at 5.75% with 3 payments of $25,916.00 a year, with the first payment due in 30 days of commencement. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried. Armstrong also said he had someone already interested in the old jetter that we could sell for around $5,000 to$7,000.

C. Budget item update, schedule of maintenance on Well #3: September 30th Peerless Pumps will pull Well #3 for maintenance, which was quoted for $27,100.00, that’s with no suprises. Armstrong said Well #2 had a few surprises and the total ended up being $57,000.00.


Recommendation to pay accounts 39 payables for a total of $312,446.61.


1. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Holiday Decorations for Downtown: Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to approve the purchase of Holiday Decorations and Alderman Elliott seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

2. Discussion and Possible Action to approve the additional paving of South Mill Street: Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve the additional paving not to exceed $80,000.00 from the Capital Improvement Fund and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Aldermena Risko, yes, and Alderman Wolber, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.


1. Discussion and Possible Action for Odinance NO. 2024-09-01, Ordinance for the Sale of Abandoned Property (105 W. Washington Street): Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2024-09-01 and Alderman Wolber seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderma Soenksen, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

2. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Pay Application #4 for Water Improvement Project Phase 3: MSA $19,942.74, Law Excavating $147,827.70 and CFPS: $15,000.00 Total $182,193.54 : Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve Pay Application #4 and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Elliott yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

3. Discussion and Possible Action for a Donation from the Mt. Carroll Fire Department for the Les Myers Golf Fundraiser: Alderman Kaczmarski made at motion to donate $100.00 and Alderman Elliiott seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

4. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Roadblock Permit from the Mt. Carroll Pub & Gaming for Pumpkin Fest: Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve the Road Block and Alderman Soenksen seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Risko, absent, Alderman Wolber, absent. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

5. Discussion and Possible Action to approve a Redevelopment Agreement by and Between the City of Mount Carroll and Driftless Meanderings, LLC: Alderman Risko made a motion to approve the Redevelopment Agreement and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Risko, ye, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes, and Alderman Wolber, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

6. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R20-204, Resolution Authorizing the Reimbursement of Redevelopment costs for 101 W. Market Street and 107 W. Market Street: Alderman Risko to approve Resolution R20-2024 and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes, and Alderman Wolber, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.

7. Recognition of Small Town Hero Award Recipent: Mayor Bates announced Nancy Bandemer, Director of the Davis Community Center, with the Small Town Hero Award. Mayor Bates thanked Nancy for all her hard work to make the Community Center successful.

8. Update on Community Relations Board, TSP Thomson: Alderman Risko said the Warden came to the Davis Community Center and was very impressed with what we had to offer. He also went to the Shimer Square and did an outside tour of the housing project.

General Audience

Alderman Elliott asked about Law Excavating Lot Alteration Permit coming at Market/Mill Street. Mayor Bates said to ask Zoning and Bill Hilgendorf is here tonight. Bill said that Mr. Law filled out the permit but did not fullfill the requirements. Bill stated that he and the other Zoning Officer Jim Lundgren have refused the permit and now it is up to the Council. Mayor Bates said he would talk with Attorney Zollinger on what the next step is.

Len Anderson asked if we could put the new Christmas decorations up earlier than we have in the past. Mayor Bates said he would look into it, that he has to do with the Flags and the American Legion.

Mayor Bates read an email he received from Will and Mary Lou Federholf-Smith, thanking the City for all that we have accomplished.

Adjornment to Executive Session

Alderman Elliott made the motion to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss Litigation at 7:57 pm and Alderman Soenksen seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes. Vote: 6 yeses, and 0 nos. Motion carried.

Returned to Open Session at 8:23p.m. No action was taken


Alderman Kaczmarski made the motion to adjourn the meeting 8:24 pm and Alderman Bergren seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes. Vote: 6 yeses, and 0 nos. Motion carried.
