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Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Polo City Council met Nov. 4

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City of Polo City Council met Nov. 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Invocation.

2. Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Call to order- Mayor Knapp called the meeting to order.

4. Mayor Knapp called roll call and the following members of the Council answered present: Alderman Keith Chesnut, Alderman Larry Weaver, Alderman Thomas Bardell, Alderman Joseph Kochsmeier, and Alderman Randy Schoon.

Absent: Alderman James Busser.

5. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda

Motion made by Alderman Kochsmeier seconded by Alderman Schoon to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda:

A. Minutes from the October 21, 2024 Council Meeting.

Motion carried 5-0. Yes- Chesnut, Weaver, Bardell, Kochsmeier, and Schoon.

6. Mayor Knapp opened Public Comment and the following persons provided comments: Members of the public are welcome to speak at this time but are limited to only 3 minutes.

7. Committee Reports

➢ Alderman Chesnut- Chief has a good crew of guys that are keeping up on their training. They have more coverage and moving in the right direction.

➢ Alderman Weaver- The city issued 11 building permits last month.

➢ Alderman Bardell-None.

➢ Alderman Schoon- None.

➢ Alderman Busser- None.

➢ Alderman Kochsmeier- The girls are still having issues with gWorks, we may have to look into a new software later down the road. Alderman Kochsmeier thanked Jamie and Sydney for all their hard work in having everything run smoothly with the move and running City Hall.

➢ Police Chief Matt Coppotelli- None.

➢ City Clerk Bartelt- None.

➢ Public Works Director Kendall Kyker- Leaf vac is going well. The leaves came down fast due to the dry year. The pool is now all closed.

8. Items Removed from Consent Agenda


9. Old Business- Discussion/Action Items

A. Consideration & Possible Action on Ordinance 24-15, an ordinance abating the tax heretofore levied for the year 2024 to pay debt service on $1,230,000 General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2024, of the City of Polo, Ogle County, Illinois. (second reading)

Alderman Schoon made a motion to approve ordinance 24-15, seconded by Alderman Weaver. Motion carried 5-0. Yes- Chesnut, Weaver, Bardell, Kochsmeier, and Schoon.

10. New Business- Discussion/Action Items

A. Consideration & Possible Action on Resolution 24-06, a Resolution for a temporary closure of IL Route 26 for a parade of lights for the Polo Christmas Festival on 12/07/2024.

Alderman Schoon made a motion to approve resolution 24-07, seconded by Alderman Bardell. Motion carried 5-0. Yes- Bardell, Kochsmeier, Schoon, Chesnut, and Weaver.

B. Consideration & Possible Action on Ordinance 24-16, an ordinance for towing fees. (first reading) This will be discussed at the next meeting.

C. Consideration & Possible Action on pay increases for the police department.

This will be discussed in closed session.

D. Consideration & Possible Action on paying Sydney Bartelt the collectors pay during maternity leave. This will be discussed in closed session.

E. Consideration & Possible Action on bids for energy supply renewal for the pumping and street lighting. Alderman Weaver made the motion to go with Constellation for a 3-year contract, seconded by Alderman Chesnut. Motion carried 5-0. Yes- Bardell, Kochsmeier, Schoon, Chesnut, and Weaver.

11. Other Items for Discussion & Information

Alderman Schoon noted that the City of Polo has made it to the merit round for the streetscape grant. The city should hear in December if they have been awarded the grant or not.

Motion made by Alderman Bardell to go into closed session at 7:31 p.m., seconded by Alderman Kochsmeier. Motion carried 5-0. Yes- Kochsmeier, Schoon, Chesnut, Weaver, and Bardell.

The Polo City Council returned to open session at 8:03 PM.

Mayor Knapp called roll call and the following members of the Council answered present: Alderman Keith Chesnut, Alderman Larry Weaver, Alderman Thomas Bardell, Alderman Joseph Kochsmeier, and Alderman Randy Schoon.

A. Consideration & Possible Action on pay increases for the police department.

Alderman Chesnut made a motion to bring Geraud, Kaden, and Rodney to $60,000, seconded by Alderman Kochsmeier. Motion carried 5-0. Yes- Schoon, Chesnut, Weaver, Bardell, and Kochsmeier.

12. Adjournment

Motion by Alderman Schoon, second by Alderman Bardell to adjourn from regular session at 8:05 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
