City of Rock Falls Mayor Rodney Kleckler | City of Rock Falls
City of Rock Falls Mayor Rodney Kleckler | City of Rock Falls
City of Rock Falls City Council met Nov. 5.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council of Rock Falls, Illinois was called to order at 5:30 p.m. on November 5, 2024, in the Council Chambers by Mayor Rod Kleckler.
City Clerk Pam Martinez called the roll following the pledge of allegiance. A quorum was present including Mayor Kleckler, Aldermen McKanna, Wangelin, Snow, Byrd, Dowd, Arduini and Sobottka. In addition, Attorney Matt Cole and City Administrator Robbin Blackert were present.
Rock Falls Police Department:
Oath of Office - Doug Wolber - Deputy Chief, City Clerk Pam Martinez swore in Doug Wolber as Deputy Chief.
Audience request:
Studio GWA - Ashley Sarver - Historic Preservation Presentation
• City Administrator Blackert introduced Ashley Sarver to City Council members.
• Ms. Sarver presented information on the findings of the downtown area of West 2nd Street and First Avenue.
Community Affairs: Rock Falls Chamber of Commerce, Sam Smith President/CEO
Request closure of the following on November 22, 2024, for Hometown Holidays:
1. West Side of 1st Avenue Parking Lot at 8:00 a.m.
2. East 2nd Street in front of the RB&W Park
3. West 2nd Street from 1st Avenue to 5th Avenue
A motion yvas made by Alderman Snow to approve the road closures with the approval of the Police Department for Hometown Holidays and second by Alderwoman Sobottka.
Vote 7 aye, motion carried.
Consent Agenda:
Consent Agenda items 1-3 were read aloud by City Clerk Pam Martinez.
1. Approval of the minutes of the October 15, 2024, City Council Meeting.
2. Approval of bills as presented.
3. Appointment of Vickey Byrd to the Finance Insurance Investment Committee.
A motion was made by Alderman Wangelin to approve the Consent Agenda and second by AlderJ.roman Arduini.
Vote 7 aye, moti!on carried.
Ordinances 1st Reading:
1. Ordinance 2024-2667 - Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Rock Falls Regardihg Short-Term Rentals
2. Ordinance 2024-2668 - Amending Chapter 4 of the Rock Falls Municipal Code Relating to thb Keeping of Chickens
Mayor Kleckler pulled Ordinance 2024-2677 and 2024-2668 from the agenda, to be addressed in committee.