Fulton City Mayor Wendy Ottens | City of Fulton
Fulton City Mayor Wendy Ottens | City of Fulton
City of Fulton City Council met Dec. 19.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Pro Tem Burggraaf called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and directed the City Clerk to call the roll. On roll call, Alderpersons Keith King, Sue VanKampen, Terry Boonstra, Jackie Wilkin, Paul Banker, Barb Mask, and Jeff Brondyke were present. Also present were, Tori Wade, City Clerk, and Chief Nick Neblung.
Pledge of allegiance was recited.
There were no communications from visitors.
Alderperson VanKampen motioned, seconded by Alderperson Brondyke to enter closed session to discuss personnel. Roll Call Vote; 8 yes, 0 no. The council entered closed session at 7:05 P.M.
Alderperson King motioned, seconded by Alderperson Brondyke to exit closed session. Roll Call Vote; 8 yes, 0 no. Motion Approved. The council exited closed session at 7:24 PM.
Mayor Pro Tem Burggraaf asked for a Motion to Approve the acceptance to fill the Chief of Police upcoming vacancy.
Alderperson King made the motion. Alderperson Brondyke seconded the motion.
On roll call, all yes.
Motion carried.
Chad Hermes was offered the position as Chief of Police for the City of Fulton at a salary of $97,500.00 per year, 4 weeks’ vacation, 80/20 family insurance, a take home car and no residency requirements.
Motion to adjourn regular meeting.
All yes. Adjourned at 7:45 PM.