Downtown Polo | WikipediA
Downtown Polo | WikipediA
City of Polo City Council met Feb. 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Invocation
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Call to order
4. Roll Call of Council Members
5. Consent Agenda
A. Minutes from January 20, 2025 Council Meeting
B. Presentation of the 2024 Building Permits Issued by the City of Polo.
6. Public Comment
7. Committee Reports
Police- Alderman Keith Chesnut
Building & Grounds- Alderman Larry Weaver
Parks- Alderman Thomas Bardell
Administration & Finance- Alderman Joey Kochsmeier
Streets- Alderman Jim Busser
Water & Sewer- Alderman Randy Schoon
Police Chief- Matt Coppotelli
City Clerk- Sydney Bartelt
Public Works Director- Kendall Kyker
8. Items Removed from Consent Agenda
A. None
9. Old Business- Discussion/Action Items.
10. New Business- Discussion/Action Items
A. Consideration & Possible Action on authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract for LOCIS (new financial/utility billing software)
B. Consideration & Possible Action on a zoning board of appeals decision on a request from Keith & Lorrie Budden for a variance to deviate from the front setback which would allow up to 50% of the 20-foot front set back requirement at 209 N. Campbell Ave.
C. Consideration & Possible Action on Pay Request #1 for the Polo Market Asphalt Project.
D. Consideration & Possible Action on Change order number 4&5 for Irving Construction.
11. Other Items for Discussion & Information
12. Adjournment