City of Rock Falls Mayor Rodney Kleckler | City of Rock Falls
City of Rock Falls Mayor Rodney Kleckler | City of Rock Falls
Roll Call at 6:30 pm
Audience Requests:
⮚ Recommendation from the Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals to change the zoning along the riverfront from M-1 and M-2 to B-2
⮚ Recommendation from the Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals to approve the Preliminary Plat of Wolf and Sharp’s Knief Road Addition (1 ½ mile distance – outside of the City limits)
❖ Second Reading/Adoption:
1. Amendment to Sections 16-75 – Accessory Buildings, 16-103, 16-123 and 16-143 – Height Regulations
2. Revised Liquor Ordinance
Consent Agenda:
1. Approval of Regular Session Minutes from February 1, 2005
2. Payment of Bills as printed
3. Grant permission for Robin’s Nest Relay for Life to hold a Bucket Brigade on April 16, 2005 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the intersections of 12th Avenue and 2nd Street and 1st Avenue and 2nd Street
4. Grant permission for Kiwanis Club (Peanut Sales) to hold a Bucket Brigade on September 3, 2005 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the intersections of 12th Avenue and 2nd Street and 1st Avenue and 2nd Street
5. Grant permission for Kiwanis Club (Poppy Distribution) to hold a Bucket Brigade on June 4, 2005 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the intersections of 12th Avenue and 2nd Street and 1st Avenue and 2nd Street
6. Agreement for Brownfields Consulting Services
City Council Meeting
February 15, 2005 Agenda
Page 2
Department Head Reports:
Building Department – Pete Whiting
Electric – Paul Jakubczak
Fire Chief – JW Larson
Police Chief – Beto Perez
Street – Jim White
Wastewater Treatment – Ed Cox
Water – Ted Padilla
Administrators Report:
Richard Downey, City Administrator
Information and Updates:
William Wescott, City Clerk
James Reese, City Attorney
∙Council to approve an Amendment to Ground Lease with US Cellular Brian Frickenstein, City Engineer
Community Affairs:
Rock Falls Community Development Corporation
o Christian Tscheschlok, Executive Director
Rock Falls Chamber of Commerce
Council Committee Reports/Member Requests:
⮚ Public Utilities/Public Property
⮚ Finance/Insurance
⮚ Ordinance/License
⮚ Personnel/Public Safety
Mayor’s Report: