The city of Galena Grant Park Committee met Jan. 20th to review long term projects.
Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the committee:
Grant Park Committee
10:30 A.M., Friday, January 20, 2017
City Hall
101 Green Street
Galena, Illinois 61036
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Declaration of quorum
4. Public Comments
5. Quick review of MOU between City of Galena and the Galena Foundation
6. Quick review of the short term and long term projects included in the masterplan and where we currently are at as far as completing them.
7. Inspirational items
a. Old pictures and other items regarding the history of Grant Park b. Research on what a park at the turn of the century was all about c. Pictures taken in the park in 2016 of various areas needing improvement. d. Early conceptual sketches by David Greibe of gardens in the park e. Further development of concepts by David Greibe – discuss our preferences
8. Discussion regarding ballpark costs of each project and possible fundraising activity
9. Discuss next steps regarding getting the work done.
10. Future meeting schedule
11. Committee Member Comment
12. Schedule Next Meeting
13. Adjourn