The Ogle County IT/GIS Committee met Jan 10 to work on an online mapping application.
Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the committee:
County IT/GIS Committee Tentative Minutes January 10, 2017
1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairwoman Whalen called the meeting to order at 8:04 a.m. Present: Finfrock,
Griffin, Heuer and Nordman. Others: Larry Callant, Kris Gilbert, Zoning Administrator Mike Reibel, County Assessor Jim Harrison, Treasurer John Coffman and Sheriff Brian VanVickle.
2. Approval of Minutes: None
3. Introductions: Committee briefly introduced themselves.
4. Election of Vice-Chairman: Motion by Whalen to nominate Griffin as Vice-Chairman, 2nd by Nordman.
Whalen closed nominations; motion carried.
5. Approval of Bills: Motion by Nordman to approve the IT bills totaling $36,637.13, 2nd by Finfrock. Callant went through the bills; motion carried. Motion by Finfrock to approve the GIS bills totaling $16,524.45 2nd by Heuer. Gilbert went through the bills; motion carried. Heuer asked if the Schneider bill could be paid yearly verse quarterly with possibility of a savings; Gilbert stated she would look into it.
6. Public Comment: None
7. Department Reports
• IT: Callant stated his hip surgery is February 10th. All is going well, some issues with the phone system and is working with Frontier. Network has had some issues; but not aware of where it is coming from. UCS server is working well; New World will go on the system in March which will be the first big department on it. Eventually we will have server redundancy.
• GIS: Gilbert stated it is business as usual; big item working on is mapping applications online. Three applications are currently on the website; historical sites, bike routes and simple swipe map of Oregon from 1939 vs 2013. Gilbert distributed a one-page synopsis of the Partnership. Finfrock suggested she goes through the funding; started 16 years ago. Gilbert stated a fair-share fee for the first 5 years; then go into maintenance structure and rest comes from recording fees. GIS Fee Fund pays for the software for all the departments in the County that use GIS and the annual maintenance fee. GIS Committee Fund is for the day-to-day operation expenses. Finfrock asked how many government bodies are not on the system; Gilbert stated maybe 10 townships because they don’t have any money and Leaf River Fire.
8. New Business
• County Board E-mail Communication: Whalen stated when it comes to FOIA requests she would like to see that the County Clerk correspondences with Board Members use county email addresses verse personal email addresses. Whalen stated it has been done in the past and it is horrible when someone FOIAs your email and it is a very time consuming process. It is good practice to keep county business separate from your personal business. Griffin stated it is something that should be done; Finfrock stated it can be put in the policy manual. Callant stated he has set up county emails for everyone but then we get requests to have it forwarded to their personal account. Everything comes to the county account and gets forwarded to their personal account. Callant stated there are a few employees that do not have or use their county email like they should. Discussion continued regarding FOIA rules for employees and elected officials and the personnel manual section regarding county email. Callant stated every email that comes in is archived even if you delete it from your account.
• Survey IT Operations/Visit Departments: Whalen would like to walk through all the departments and see what we have for a system. She welcomed others to do the same and join her with the tour of the departments. Whalen questioned who will be filling in for Callant when he is out for surgery; Gilbert will field all the calls and Syndeo will be on-site for 2 days to take care of immediate emergencies.
Callant will be out for minimum of 3 weeks and then light duty after that. Discussion was held regarding the single point of contact for the system. Griffin would like to discuss additional help for Callant at next month’s meeting; Callant stated he is looking at approximately 2 years till retirement. Callant stated someone needs to be in here to learn the system and understand the departments. Griffin asked if Callant had the IT commands structure map; it is completed and Callant will share with the Committee.
• Discussion of Committee Expectations: Whalen would like the Committee to come up with goals and a mission. Finfrock stated he felt IT priority should be the first responders; Griffin stated he would like to have the same communication with GIS as he does with IT and their wants/needs.
9. Closed Session: None
10. Adjournment: Motion by Finfrock to adjourn, 2nd by Griffin. Motion carried. Time 9:02 a.m.
Ogle County GIS Partnership
The Ogle County GIS Partnership is an intergovernmental cooperative agreement to pool funds to support a County-wide Geographic Information System (GIS). Decision-making is vested in the Ogle County GIS Partnership, which consists of representatives of the active members of the GIS Partnership. Ogle County, the designated Lead Agency, is a Foundation Member along with the City of Rochelle. Ogle County and the City of Rochelle each have a vote on the GIS Partnership. The remaining voting members are classified as Primary Members, Class B-1 Public; Primary Members, Class B-2 Private; and, Private Members, Class B-3 Other. The Primary Members are allowed one vote per class on the GIS Committee.
The GIS Partnership office is located within the Ogle County Courthouse, and GIS Partnership staff currently Consists of a GIS Specialist and a GIS Technician. Payroll and benefits are processed through the County System.
The GIS Partnership is not an Ogle County department, although it functions as one, and the GIS Partnership staff are not Ogle County staff. Per the "Ogle County GIS Partnership By-Laws and Rules of Procedure", the County Engineer, Supervisor of ASSessments and Planning & Zoning Administrator comprise the "Staff Supervision Committee", with the delegated authority to hire, discipline and/or dismiss staff. This or a similar form of executive management over staff is necessary, as the GIS Partnership is not in a position to provide executive management due to the structure of the GIS Partnership.
The GIS Partnership is funded by its participating members.
The average annual Contribution for a member is determined based on the number of parcels in their jurisdiction and the type of member. The Foundation Members, Ogle County and the City of Rochelle, had the largest contributions. The Primary Members, smaller municipalities and the 911 Board, had much smaller Contributions. This "Fair Share" contribution continued for five years at this higher rate at which time it dropped to 15% of their annual Cost. This logic was based on the cost necessary to get a project like GIS off the ground. Once it was up and running, the "Maintenance Share" would be less.
The Partnership is also funded by Recording Fees. Currently, $15 is being collected through the Recorder's Office that is designated to be spent to "in order to defray the cost of implementing or maintaining the county's Geographic Information System". Of this $15, $1 goes to the County Clerk, S2 goes to the GIS Fee Fund, and $12 goes into the GIS Committee Fund. The GIS Fee Fund is used to pay the cost of the GIS software for the county offices that use it: Highway, Planning and Zoning, GIS, Health Department, and the Assessments Office. It also
Cover the membership fee for the County,
The GIS Committee Fund covers the balance of the day-to-day expenses of the GIS Partnership. This includes the salary for the GIS Coordinator, 80% of the salary for the GIS Specialist, and 10% of the salary for the IT Manager
to maintain the servers.