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Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Rock Falls Finance/Insurance/Investment Committee met August 22.

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City of Rock Falls Finance/Insurance/Investment Committee met August 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Topic; Discussion; Plan of Action:

1.Call to Order @ 5:00 p.m. - Chairman Kuhlemier; Alderman Kuhlemier called the meeting to order; Meeting begins at 5:00 pm

2.Public Comment; None; None

3.Approve Minutes July 25th, 2017; The minutes were reviewed by the committee.; Minutes approved

4.Municipal Investment Reports; The Committee reviewed the reports for July and August; Reports accepted

5.New Business:

a.City Parks liability discussion;

Clerk Arduini explained the situation that has risen when a local group who were hosting an open mic night on Fridays for a few years were now required to apply to use the Veterans Memorial Park Band Shell, and are now required to provide an insurance certificate for the event. Mayor Wescott did some research on the subject and found that other municipalities upon review may require some events to provide insurance coverage, and others don't depending upon what type of event it is, and if it is a fundraising, or a for profit event. Those cities state that if the application is filled out, and there is a perceived risk, the City would require the event to obtain insurance, and add the City as an additional insured. Another wording was if it is in the best interest of the general public the City will require insurance.

City Administrator Robbin Blackert added that the City hopes to get summertime activities going around town, and we do not want to be prohibitive.

The Mayor suggests that since the Tourism Committee is already reviewing the applications, there could be language that warns that the event holder would be liable, and if it is deemed a risk, the event will be required to attain coverage equal to the City's with the City as an additional insured.

Alderman Logan added that if someone rents an area to have an event and something were to happen, they would sue everyone involved. He agrees it could be handled by Tourism with a cover letter and signature on the application.

Mayor Wescott added that it is good to look at this, and MICA is here to protect the City, but these venues would never get used if everyone needs to purchase insurance.; Referred to Tourism.

6.Committee Member Items; Alderman Kleckler questioned the purchase of SUVs and 4x4s for Department Heads, when less expensive vehicles may be purchased. He was glad to see that the Police Dept. purchased older vehicles for administration. Adm. Blackert explained that the 4x4s all have plows and are used to plow in the winter. The Police Cruisers were financed, and that is why they were reviewed by the Finance Committee. These vehicles should either be reviewed through the Utility Committee, or Personnel Committee. Alderman Logan remarked that the Police and Fire Chiefs need to respond to calls and some may require four wheel drive.

Alderman Kuhlemier pointed out that the new Broadband Superintendent may need to carry more items, and need an SUV.; No action

7.Adjournment; With nothing else for the good of the committee the meeting was adjourned; Meeting ends at 5:40 pm
