City of Dixon City Council met Oct. 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Arellano at 5:30pm.
Councilman Considine, Marshall, Marx, Venier, and Mayor Arellano answered Roll Call. Absent: None. The Pledge of Allegiance was cited. Pastor Dunbar of St. James Evangelical Congregation, gave the invocation.
Rory Sohn of Wipfli gave a review of the Audited Financial Statements. Rory advised that the change from Paula Meyer to Becky Fredericks as Finance Director was a smooth transition. He advised that he would be going over key points of the financial statement. Those included the General Fund, Capital Projects, Water/Wastewater and Pension. The General Fund was at $5 million which is the level that they have maintained for the last 5 years and at which they would like to see remain. Capital Projects earns on what’s there. The annual expenditure was 1.4 Million, Water/Wastewater has some debt which is EPA debt. Pension Fund continues to need an increase in funding. It was noted that after 2015 the percentage of funding changed as there were changes in the formula, life expectancy, etc. Rory advised the Council to look for other solutions including checking with neighboring communities on things that work well. City Manager Langloss addressed some key points. He noted that the City always made their payments as well as contributions always being made. He believes they are making headway and researching other solutions. The work session ended at 6:10 p.m.
Larry Reed, 810 Fourth Avenue gave history on how he acquired goats and a pony. Larry purchased his home in 1968 and was approached by the owner of 416 W. Graham to rent the pasture for goats. The backyard of 416 West Graham meets Larry’s property. In 1971 Larry rented the pasture for a pony. In 2002 the Reeds purchased 3 lots and 1⁄2 of another. The total acreage is approximately 3 acres. A portion is fenced off for the goats. It also has a chain link fence. Over the last 31 years the Reeds have raised children who showed the pony and goats in 4H as well as having grandchildren that have been involved with the animals. Councilman Marx asked how much land the goats had and Larry said it was less than 1 acre.
Kelley Thies, 623 Nachusa approached the Council regarding his property and the animals that are on it. He advised that he has had many animals over the last 19 years at this location. He is a wildlife rehabilitator and is often contacted by the park district, police county, County animal control and the Health Department among others. He has been involved in many school programs and his main interest is education. His plans are to put a 10 X 20 shed on the property. He also has a Zebu, chickens, donkey (which is a hugger/pet) and a mini pony (that is being trained to do tricks). He has downsized. He no longer has a rooster or geese or turkeys. He does sell eggs. Mayor inquired if the shed would not be within the 20’ code requirement and Councilman Marx mentioned researching City Code with regard to that. Councilman Marshall likes that he is working with rehabilitating animals and wonders if that is enough space. Mr. Thies advised that it was enough space and that they were out regularly for tours, etc.
Dave Johnson, Dixon Municipal Band. Mr. Johnson thanked the Council for the support of the Band this year. The band was happy with some goals they achieved. There was an increase in attendance by 50%. The Council had asked them to seek other ways to fund themselves and Dave Johnson was happy to report that they exceeded their goal of raising $10,000. Between business (25) and (16) individual supporters $8,800 was raised. The band also held a cookout and between that and concert donations they raised a total this year of $10,456. Dave thanked Sharri Miller and Mike Venier for their help. Councilman Marx thanked Dave and the band for raising the funds. Dave Johnson advised that the goal for next year is $15,000.
Councilman Marshall moved that the FY 17/18 Audited Financial Statements be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Marx. Voting Yea: Councilman Considine, Marshall, Marx, Venier and Mayor Arellano. Voting Nay: None. Motion Carried.
Councilman Marx moved that the minutes of the Regular Session Council Meeting of Monday, October 1, 2018 be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Considine. Voting Yea: Councilman Considine, Marshall, Marx, Venier and Mayor Arellano. Voting Nay: None. Motion Carried.
Councilman Considine, moved that the total labor and outside claims in the amount of $415,554.61 be approved and ordered paid. Seconded by Councilman Marshall. Voting Yea: Councilman Considine, Marshall, Marx, Venier and Mayor Arellano. Voting Nay: None. Motion Carried.
DEPARTMENT REPORTS No Department Reports
City Manager Langloss said he wished to recognize Officer Dallas as Officer of the Year by the International Association of Chiefs of Police. He further stated that it was an incredible experience of Chief Howell to speak to a group of 5000. City Manager Langloss noted the banners that were on display in the City Clerk’s Office are for an upcoming backdrop for the booth at the ICSC Deal Making Conference for Economic Development in Chicago which he will attend along with Mayor Arellano, Councilman Marx and Amanda Bradshaw. He noted that Amanda had done a phenomenal job on the presentation. City Manager also advised that he is working on Pension documents. Discussion of Special Use Permit to allow a solar farm on property located at 2051 Lowell Park Road. The Council suggested that the Planning Commission look at this and give their view. City Attorney LeSage gave recommendation of looking at farms within the 1.5 mile radius. Adding that zoning code would be needed. The Council thought advocating no until further study and could be shown how they can come into the City. City Attorney LeSage to inform County the Councils views.
Mayor Arellano – Regarding the animal ordinance. Mayor noted nothing specific in code. The Code could be adjusted or bring exemption to Council. City Attorney LeSage advised that a formal variation process runs through Zoning. The options are to change code, not enforce or issue violations. City Manager Langloss noted that the violations are Enclosure too close, animal trailers parking in yard, selling eggs (this can’t be done from a residence). The Council would like to enforce the codes beginning with review and work on the ordinance.. Councilman Considine suggested working with the County.
Mayor been asked to give a presentation to the Cub Scouts. The Historic Dixon Theatre is moving forward. United Way is sponsoring Lunch and Learn this week. Had the privilege of meeting a 100 year old veteran that was awarded a legacy stone at the Veterans Museum over the weekend. Kudos to Officer Dallas. Also gave a brief update on the DIMCO property at 78 Monroe. Reports from the IEPA showed levels of contamination and the City has terminated the agreement to purchase. More on this as details become available.
Councilman Considine – Would like to have a meeting and invited others to join in with regards to current codes and rules. He also invited everyone to his home on Halloween as a thank you to the residents.
Councilman Marshall – Thank you to all for participation in the 8th grade government day. Last week he spent time in Mr. Ferguson and Mrs. Kitzmans classes teaching 8th grade. Inquired as to whether or not there is a list available of current openings on boards. Also noted that the raises for the Council does not take effect until future Council.
Councilman Marx – Would like correspondence on quality of life issues, dead trees, etc. and would appreciate Councilman Considine educating the rest of the Council on their findings and is looking forward to such.
Councilman Venier – Thank you to Street Manager Jim Canterbury and staff for their work on the West End Fest. Thankful to see band report exceeded expectations. The Theatre Board is being finished and the Council is to decide on a 5 or 7 member board. He has a list of objectives. Has been contacted by MTI Concerts. They previously brought two big shows to the theatre.
BOARD & COMMISSIONS REPORTS Building and Zoning Report
Building and Zoning has a need for a temporary part-time employee to do electrical inspections and to help with training the new hire for the Code Enforcement Officer position. This position is estimated to be needed for three to four months. The resolution requests to decrease the Building & Zoning Contractual line by $4,000 and increase the Building and Zoning part-time wages by the same amount. Councilman Venier moved to approve the Budget Resolution amending the FY19 Building & Zoning Budget. Seconded by Councilman Considine. Voting Yea: Councilman Considine, Marshall, Marx, Venier, and Mayor Arellano. Voting Nay: None. Motion Carried.
The Municipal Band has requested $4,350 of the donations for their annual Christmas Concert and the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Councilman Marshall moved to approve the Resolution amending the FY19 budget for the Municipal Band. Seconded by Councilman Marx. Voting Yea: Councilman Considine, Marshall, Marx, Venier, and Mayor Arellano. Voting Nay: None. Motion Carried.
Public Works Director/Assistant City Manager Matt Heckman and Water Manager Matt Huyett were on hand for comment of the project. The bids were for boring and installing casing pipe and water main underneath the railroad right of way. It was noted that the first bid was rejected and Public Works Director Heckman advised that the bid project was reworked. The Council noted thanks and that with the change in scope and having employees take on parts of the project this bid saved a great deal of money. Councilman Marx recommended the Council award the bid for the Depot Avenue boring to Sega Ag Works for $104,156.00. Seconded by Councilman Marshall. Voting Yea: Councilman Considine, Marshall, Marx, Venier and Mayor Arellano. Voting Nay: None. Motion Carried.
Councilman Considine moved that the Regular Council Meeting of Monday, October 1, 2018, be adjourned to meet in Regular Session on Monday, November 5, 2018 at 5:30 pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Seconded by Councilman Marshall Voting Yea: Councilman Considine, Marshall, Marx, Venier, and Mayor Arellano. Voting Nay: None. Motion Carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.