
NW Illinois News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Carroll County Board of Supervisors met December 10

Webp chairs

Carroll County Board of Supervisors met Dec. 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Supervisors of Carroll County, Iowa met in regular adjourned session in the Boardroom of the Courthouse, in Carroll, Iowa, the County seat of said County on Monday, December 10, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. Central Standard Time pursuant to law, the rules of said Board and to the adjournment with all members present: Neil Bock, District 1; Dean Schettler, District 2; Eugene Meiners, District 3; Marty Danzer, District 4; and Richard Ruggles, District 5.

Motion by Schettler, second by Ruggles to approve the agenda as presented with the removal of Secondary Roads and the addition of transfer amendment. On roll call, all voted aye. Motion by Bock, second by Meiners to approve the minutes of the December 3, 2018 meeting as written.

Motion by Bock, second by Meiners to approve amending a cash transfer from $156,337 to $161,000 to the farm to market fund. On roll call, all voted aye.

Motion by Meiners, second by Schettler to approve payment of the payables as presented. On roll call, all voted aye.


Employer’s Share F.I.C.A.$11,279.73

Employer’s Share I.P.E.R.S.15,3574.15


Employer’s Share F.I.C.A.9,754.04

Employer’s Share I.P.E.R.S.13,225.24


Employer’s Share F.I.C.A.130.24

Employer’s Share I.P.E.R.S.165.18


Employer’s Share F.I.C.A.2,131.55

Employer’s Share I.P.E.R.S.2,862.00


Employer’s Share F.I.C.A.10,474.88

Employer’s Share I.P.E.R.S.13,615.38


Employer’s Share F.I.C.A.135.20

Employer’s Share I.P.E.R.S.166.84


Motion by Bock, second by Ruggles to approve plats of survey for Lot 3 NE1/4 NE1/4 and Lot 4 NE1/4 Section 14-84-33 and East line NW1/4 Section 35-85-35. On roll call, all voted aye.

The Board discussed FY20 Pre-Budget Assignments. The Board will make assignments at the January 2, 2019 Board meeting.

Motion by Schettler, second by Bock to approve a Resolution for Interfund Operating Transfer of $259,250 from Local Option Sales Tax Fund to General Supplemental Fund. On a roll call vote, Danzer, aye; Ruggles, aye; Schettler, aye; Bock, aye; and Meiners, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (Resolution on file in the Auditor’s office)

Motion by Meiners, second by Schettler to approve a Class C Beer Permit for Al’s Corner Oil Co. On roll call, all voted aye.

Michelle Starman, representing the Manning Child Care Center, met with the board to discuss FY20 county funding. Starman discussed enrollment figures, staffing issues and equipment. The center requested $15,000 for FY20. Current funding is $8,500.

Stacy Venteicher met with the Board and gave an update on the RSVP program. The current county funding level of $9,000 for RSVP was requested for FY20. Venteicher discussed various programs RSVP was involved with over the past year. Terri Taylor met with the Board and gave an update on the Foster Grandparent program. The current county funding level of $1,000 was requested for FY20. Arnold discussed various programs Foster Grandparents were involved with over the past year.

Ambulance Director Darrell Baker presented a service plan quote from Physio Control. Baker explained the quote and what equipment it would cover. Baker recommends that the County have a service plan on the 4 LP15 Heart Monitors at a cost of $21,052.80. Baker explained the importance of this device.

Motion by Ruggles, second by Meiners to go into closed session per Iowa Code Chapter 21.5(1)(c), “to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation”, at 10:02 a.m. On roll call vote, Danzer, aye; Ruggles, aye; Schettler, aye; Bock, aye; and Meiners, aye. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Ruggles, second by Meiners to go out of closed session at 10:46 a.m. On roll call, all voted aye. No action taken.

Brian Mahlendorf Vice President with Weitz met with the Board to give an overview of his company and history of projects completed. Weitz is interested in being the Construction Manager for the jail project. Mahlendorf presented the Board with an Executive Summary of Detailed Costs for the jail project.

Dennis Frischmeyer and Brandon Schulte with DCI Group met with the Board to give an overview of their company and history of projects completed. DCI Group is interested in being the Construction Manager for the jail project.

Board reviewed manure management annual updates for Woodford Creek Farms LLP in Section 24 of Wheatland Township and Woodford Creek Farms LLP in Section 12 of Pleasant Valley Township.

County Treasurer Jean Seidl updated the Board on the status of a CDL Testing site. Seidl explained that a site has not been found. She feels the Board has three options: use the DOT property west of town which is not paved, County constructs a site, or the County doesn’t offer CDL testing. No formal action taken.

Ruggles no official meetings. Upcoming meetings include: Waste Agency, Shive Hattery, Motorola, Ambulance Board, Sac County retirement, ISAC webinar, Maple River Town Hall, ICIT Tech Team, and District One Supervisor.

Schettler no official meetings. Upcoming meetings include: Motorola, Shive Hattery, Maple River Town Hall, and ICIT Tech Team.

Bock no official meetings. Upcoming meeting include: Shive Hattery, Sac County retirement, Rolling Hills Community Services, ICIT Tech Team, District One Supervisor, and 2nd Judicial District.

Meiners reported on CADC Board meeting. Upcoming meetings include: Shive Hattery, Sac County retirement, ISAC, Maple River Town Hall, ICIT Tech Team, New Opportunities Board, District One Supervisor, and New Opportunities performance review.

Danzer reported on Hungry Canyons meeting. Upcoming meetings include: Wesco Board, Carroll County Solid Waste, Shive Hattery, Sac County retirement, Region XII Board, and ICIT Tech Team.

Motion by Ruggles, second by Bock to adjourn at 12:25 p.m. On roll call, all voted aye.
