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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Jo Daviess County Law Enforcement & Courts Committee met June 17

Webp meeting 10

Jo Daviess County Law Enforcement & Courts Committee met June 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

PRESENT: Steve Allendorf, Lucas Bourquin, John Korth (4:42 p.m.), LaDon Trost, Scott Toot, and Don Zillig

ABSENT: Bill Bingham

A quorum was established.

Other Board Members: None

Others: Kathy Phillips, Chuck Pedersen, Dan Reimer, Kevin Turner and Jamie Watson

1. Minutes Approval:

a) Minutes from April 15, 2019 Law Enforcement & Courts Committee meeting – Don Zillig made a motion to approve the April 15, 2019 Law Enforcement & Courts Committee meeting minutes as presented. Seconded by LaDon Trost and motion carried.

2. Citizens’ Comments: None.

3. Unfinished Business

a) Update on five year capital improvement plan – Dan Reimer commented that we reviewed the capital improvement needs for the Courthouse at the last meeting. We will be updating the five year capital improvement plan during the budget process.

b) Update on Hanover Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and the Hanover Radio Communication Tower – Chuck Pedersen, Jo Daviess County EMA Coordinator reported that the completion date for the Hanover radio communication tower was originally set for July 8th. The tower manufacture has not given Pedersen a shipping date as to when it will actually be delivered. Work is progressing on the interior of the Emergency Operation Center, the flooring is down and the walls, ceiling and lighting are installed. Pedersen is getting things ready to move from Health Department office to his new office at the Highway building on June 28th.

4. Update on the Jo Daviess County All Hazard Mitigation Plan – Chuck Pedersen reported that IEMA has been really busy all over the state with the flooding. Pedersen has not received any more updates from IEMA on the Hazard Mitigation Plan grant. Due to some issues between IEMA and FEMA Illinois mitigation planning grants will not be received in 2019. Illinois Counties will have to reapply next year. Basically we have to wait until the next grant period which is in October.

5. New Business

a) Discussion and possible action on Committee assignments from 2019 County Board Planning Retreat – The committee reviewed their committee assignments from the County Board retreat. The Emergency Manager is in need of a new vehicle. He will need to submit a budget request during the budget process. Probation is in need of separate drug testing facilities. Chief County Probation Officer, Jamie Watson suggested the possibility of posting a sign on the door to notify people that the restroom is in use. Watson was asked to review possible options and report back to this committee next month. Dan Reimer suggested that because there are several interior maintenance issues that need to be addressed in the Courthouse, the Committee might want to consider an interior maintenance study to identify and prioritize the issues. The study could be used to develop a plan for budget purposes.

b) Discussion and possible action on remodeling of the County Treasurer’s Office – County Treasurer, Melisa Hammer discussed that $10,000 was appropriated in the FY2019 budget for office and security improvements for the Treasurer’s office. Hammer presented an alternate proposal that would be less costly. Hammer recommended that the current postage/break room be converted into an office; this would eliminate having to build walls in the current office. Hammer suggested that the postage machine be moved to the back room of the Recorder’s Office. Hammer has not discussed this with the County Clerk. She has talked to Sheriff Turner who is fine with this proposal but wanted Hammer to discuss with the Law Enforcement & Courts Committee first. Hammer added that her office is looking at utilizing the vault area in their office for a break room and would offer that to the Administration office to use as well. Scott Toot would like Hammer to talk to the County Clerk first to see if it is possible to move the postage meter there. After more discussion it was recommended that this plan be discussed at the next Department Head meeting.

6. Staff Reports

a) Sheriff's Report – Sheriff Turner reported that his office is actively involved in the investigation of the recent homicide in East Dubuque. The Grand Jury is scheduled to meet on July 15 and 16. Sheriff Turner discussed that his office was successful in receiving a grant in the amount of $15,900 for body cameras that were pur5chased earlier this year.

i. Update and discussion on Courthouse Exterior Improvements – Soffit/Fascia Repair – Sheriff Turner reported that he met with a representative from Shive-Hattery last week to assess and prioritize needed work to the Courthouse soffit and fascia. There appears to be some water damage to the roof, a roofing specialist will need to take a closer look.

b) Circuit Clerk’s Office – Kathy Phillips, Clerk of the Circuit Court, reported that she has nothing new to report at this time.

c) Probation – Jamie Watson, Chief County Probation Officer, reported that he has scheduled interviews for the open probation officer position. Judge Kelly will be involved in second round interviews. They are hoping to complete interviews next week.

d) Public Defender – No reports.

e) Other – None.

7. Citizens’ Comments – Chuck Pedersen commented on how impressed he was with the workers from T-Steel on constructing the base for the Hanover radio communication tower. They came in, did the project in three days and were very efficient.

8. Board Member Concerns – None.

The next Law Enforcement & Courts Committee meeting will be Monday, July 15, 2019, at 4:30 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m. following a motion by Scott Toot and a second by Lucas Bourquin.
