Field Community Consolidated School District #13 Board of Education met July 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Members Present: Chris Hayes
Rodney Mullinax
Rob Emery
Ben Staley
Amanda Wheeler
Members Absent: Jonathan Schnautz
Mike Coleman
Visitors Present: None
Chris Hayes called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm.
Mullinax made the motion to approve the consent agenda which included the minutes of the previous meeting and bills totaling $62,033.44. Rob Emery seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed (with one correction on the minutes of the public hearing)
No public input.
Superintendent Stone gave a report on the completion of warranty work on both new school buses. No board action was required.
Superintendent Stone gave a report on the rain water issue west of the administration office. A new bigger drain will be installed to reduce the possibility of the drain getting clogged. No board action was required.
Superintendent Stone discussed the removing and relocation of some playground equipment. Charlie Heck has agreed to move the playground equipment and also to place dirt in the low spots on the playground that hold water. No board action was required.
Principal Arnold informed the board that the Tittle I and II grants have been approved. Currently there has been no word on the Title III grant. No board action was required.
Emery made a motion to set lunch and breakfast prices at the following: Lunch $2.50, $.40 for reduced, and $2.75 for adults
Breakfast $1.50, $.30 for reduced, and $1.60 for adults Staley seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
Wheeler made a motion to change the language in the school handbook from “Book Rental Fee” to “Registration Fee”.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
Emery made a motion to have an Activity Fee for any sport that offers concessions. The Activity Fee will be $20 per year per child and the $20 will be refunded if the parent works one night of concessions. Parents may choose to work concessions at an event in which their child does not play so they don’t miss their child’s sporting event. Wheeler seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
Emery made a motion to approve the 2019-2020 school calendar as presented. Mullinax seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Abstain: Wheeler
Motion Passed
Staley made a motion to approve the Student Handbook, Extracurricular Handbook, and the Employee Handbook. Emery seconded the motion. Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
Emery made a motion to allow the superintendent, Mr. Stone, to prepare a budget for the 2019-2020 school year. Mullinax seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
Mullinax made a motion to accept the “Field School Acceleration Policy”. Hayes seconded the motion.
The motion passed without opposition.
Wheeler made a motion to approve U.S. Foods bid for bread products for the 2019-2020 school year at the cost of: 2 oz. $.17, 1.8 oz. $.17 and 28 oz. $1.80 Staley seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
Bids for fire alarm, strobe lights, and heat sensor instillations were reviewed. Superintendent Stone will review speak with a representative from Johnson Controls to determine if Field School would be in violation of any contract if it was decided to go with another company. Determinations from the discussion will be submitted to the board.
The first reading of the press plus document took place. No board action was required.
Mullinax made a motion to enter into closed session at 8:00 to discuss a teacher resignation and the hiring of staff for the 2019-2020 school year.
Emery seconded the motion. Motion passed without opposition.
Entered into regular session at 8:39
Staley voted to accept the resignation of teacher and bus driver Rob Robinson. Emery seconded the motion.
The motion passed without opposition.
Wheeler made the motion to grant the Field School administration to interview and hire a 5th grade teacher. Hayes seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
Staley made the motion to repost the middle school teaching position and to allow the Field School administration to hire a middle school teacher. Mullinax seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
Staley made the motion to hire current substitute van driver, Tracy Stone, as a full time bus driver. Tracy Stone will drive the van until she passes the CDL Bus driver test. Amanda Rincker will drive the bus route until that time and then Mrs. Rincker will take the van route back. Wheeler seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Motion Passed
The new gym floor at Opdyke Belle Rive was discussed. Field School will continue to look at options for the gym floor. No board action was taken
The possibility of starting an after school program in collaboration with the YMCA was discussed. Principal Arnold will look into the benefits of the program and will report back to the BOE. No board action was necessary at this time.
Emery made a motion to amend the FTA Contract. The final two years of a teacher’s raise may be 6%, it was limited to 3%, in compliance with state law. Mullinax seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Abstaining: Wheeler
Motion Passed
Hayes made the motion to designate Rob Emery as head coach and Rob Emery as assistant coach. Mullinax seconded the motion.
Voting Yes: Wheeler, Hayes, Mullinax, and Staley
Voting No: None
Abstaining: Emery Motion Passed
Staley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:57 pm. Wheeler seconded the motion.
Motion passed without opposition.