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City of Rockfalls Mayor and City Council met November 19

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City of Rockfalls Mayor and City Council met Nov. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council of Rock Falls, Illinois was called to order at 6:30 p.m. November 19, 2019 in the Council Chambers by Mayor William B. Wescott.

Deputy City Clerk Michelle Conklin called the roll following the pledge of allegiance. A quorum was present including Mayor Wescott, Aldermen Palmer, Wangelin, Snow, Schuneman, Kleckler, Folsom and Sobottka. Alderman Kuhlemier being absent. In addition Attorney Matt Cole, Attorney James Reese and City Administrator Robbin Blackert were present.

Jim Wiemken and Tom Starr from the Rock Falls Optimist Club kicked off the annual Pride Calendar sales. Tom stated the Optimist Club is proud of the community and it is not all about raising money. This is the 17th year for the calendar project and at the end of this year they will have raised $65,000.00 for youth programs.

Mayor Wescott stated that item 4 of the consent agenda will be pulled off the consent agenda and voted on separately.

Consent Agenda items 1 through 3 were read aloud by Deputy City Clerk Michelle Conklin.

1. Approval of the Minutes of the November 5, 2019 Regular Council Meeting 

2. Approval of bills as presented 

3. Resolution 2019-824 - Resolution for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code

- Section 20-00000-00-GM 

A motion was made by Alderman Snow and second by Alderman Folsom to approve Consent Agenda items 1 through 3. 

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

A motion was made by Alderman Snow and second by Alderman Folsom to approve Consent Agenda item 4 with additional language.

4. Approve the Planning & Zoning Commission recommendation to grant the Petitioner's Request for the rezoning of 606 Emmons Avenue from B-1 to R-2 and have the City Attorney draft an ordinance to change the zoning from B-1 to R-2. 

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

A motion was made by Alderman Wangelin and second by Alderman Schuneman to approve the 1st reading of:

1. Ordinance 2019-2453 - Abating the Tax Levied for the Year 2019 to pay Debt Service on $9,200,000 General Obligation Bonds (Electric System Alternate Revenue Source) Series 2018A 

2. Ordinance 2019-2454 - Abating the Tax Levied for the Year 2019 to pay Debt Service on $1,200,00 General Obligation Bonds (Waterworks System Alternate Revenue Source) Series 2018B

3. Ordinance 2019-2455 - Abating the Tax Levied for the Year 2019 to pay Debt Service on $1,200,000 General Obligation Bonds (Sewerage System Alternate Revenue Source) Series 2018C 

4. Ordinance 2019-2456 - Abating the Tax Levied for the Year 2019 to pay Debt Service on $5,300,000 General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source) Series 2017 

5. Ordinance 2019-2457 - Abating the Tax Levied for the Year 2019 to pay Debt Service on $2,115,000 General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source) Series 2016 

Viva Voce Vote, motion carried,

A motion was made by Alderman Snow and second by Alderman Wangelin to approve Ordinance 2019-2450 - Terminating the Designation of the Rock Falls Riverfront Tax Increment Financing District and Providing for the Dissolution of the Special Tax Allocation Fund, 

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

A motion was made by Alderman Schuneman and second by Alderman Snow to approve Ordinance 2019-2451 – Amending Chapter 16, Article XIII, Division 8 Relating to the City of Rock Falls Raffle Ordinance, 

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

A motion was made by Alderman Wangelin and second by Alderman Sobottka to approve Ordinance 2019-2452 - Amending Chapter 32, Article V, Section 32-343 Relating to Compliance with Electrical Wiring Requirements. 

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

A motion was made by Alderman Schuneman and second by Alderman Sobottka to accept the recommendation from City Administrator Robbin Blackert and hire Terracon as Environmental Engineers to administer the USEPA Grant for the Limestone Site Cleanup. 

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

o approve the Water Departments Emergency Repair Request to install shut off valves from fire lines to the main on W 2nd Street and to waive the competitive bidding process. 

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

A mA motion was made by Alderman Kleckler and second by Alderman Wangelin totion was made by Alderman Folsom and second by Alderman Sobottka to Adjourn. 

Viva Voce Vote, motion carried. (6:47 p.m.)
