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Sunday, February 2, 2025

Chadwick-Milledgeville Community Unit School District 399 Board of Education met March 19

Webp meeting 05

Chadwick-Milledgeville Community Unit School District 399 Board of Education met March 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Regular Meeting of the Chadwick-Milledgeville Community Unit School District #399 Board of Education was held at the Milledgeville School beginning at 7:02 PM.

MEMBERS PRESENT: S. Baylor-Schmidt, M. Bibler, P. Eubanks, S. Kappes, B. Smith, M. Urish, and D. Wagenknecht.

ADMINISTRATORS PRESENT: T. Schurman, Superintendent, and B. Maloy, Milledgeville Principal.

OTHERS PRESENT: Stephanie Kersten, Galen Wirth

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Board President, S. Baylor- Schmidt. A motion was made by M. Urish and seconded by M. Bibler to approve the agenda. Voice vote showed 7 ayes and no nays. Motion carried.

CONSENT ITEMS: A motion was made by S. Kappes and seconded by D. Wagenknecht to approve the following consent items as presented.

A. Approved Minutes of the February 18, 2020 Regular and Closed Board

Meeting & February 6, 2020 Board Retreat. B. Approved Payment of Bills for March, 2020 C. Approved Treasurer's Report for February, 2020 D. Approved Hot Lunch Report for February, 2020 E. Approved Student Activity Fund Account Summary for February, 2020

Roll call vote showed S. Baylor-Schmidt, M. Bibler, P. Eubanks, S. Kappes, B. Smith, M. Urish, and D. Wagenknecht voting aye. No nays. Motion carried.


A motion was made by M. Urish and seconded by S. Kappes to convene into closed session at 7:11 P.M. in order to consider information regarding the appointment, employment, retirement, reduction, or dismissal of an employee or officer; collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberation concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; and to consider student disciplinary matters. Roll call vote showed S. Baylor-Schmidt, M. Bibler, P. Eubanks, S. Kappes, B. Smith, M. Urish, and D. Wagenknecht voting aye. No nays. Motion carried.

A motion was made by S. Kappes and seconded by M. Urish to reconvene into regular session at 8:19 P.M. Voice vote showed 7 ayes and no nays. Motion carried.


Approved Rehire of Fourth Year Non-Tenured Certified Staff: A motion was made by M. Urish and seconded by M. Bibler to approve rehire of fourth year Certified Staff.

a. JH Math-Ashley Swalve b. High School Social Studies-Heidi Moe c. High School English-Leah Larson d. P.E./Drivers Ed-Kurt Folk e. HS Special Education-Susanne Foley Roll call vote showed S. Baylor-Schmidt, M. Bibler, P. Eubanks, S. Kappes, B. Smith, M. Urish, and D. Wagenknecht voting aye. No nays. Motion carried.

Accepted Resignation of Mr. Alex Leaf as HS Business Teacher: A motion was made by P. Eubanks and seconded by M. Urish to accept the resignation of Mr. Alex Leaf as High School Business Teacher and Assistant Track Coach effective at the end of the school year. Voice vote showed 7 ayes and no nays. Motion carried.

Accepted Resignation of Mrs. Mary Nolan as Special Education Teacher: A motion was made by B. Smith and seconded by D. Wagenknecht to accept the resignation of Mrs. Mary Nolan as Elementary Special Education Teacher effective at the end of the school year. Voice vote showed 7 ayes and no nays. Motion carried.

Accepted Resignation and Retirement of Mrs. Sue Carter as School Nurse: A motion was made by M. Bibler and seconded by M. Urish to accept the resignation and retirement of Mrs. Sue Carter as District School Nurse at the end of the school year. Voice vote showed 7 ayes and no nays. Motion carried.

Accepted Resignation of Mrs. Danika Starr as Classroom Aide. A motion was made by D. Wagenknecht and seconded by M. Bibler to accept the resignation of Mrs. Danika Starr as classroom aide at the end of this school year. Voice vote showed 7 ayes and no nays. Motion carried.

Approved Nonrenewal of Part-Time Art Teacher: A motion was made by S. Kappes and seconded by B. Smith to approve nonrenewal of Mrs. Laura Readdy as Part-Time elementary Art Teacher. Roll call vote showed S. Baylor-Schmidt, M. Bibler, P. Eubanks, S. Kappes, B. Smith, M. Urish, and D. Wagenknecht voting aye. No nays. Motion carried.

Approved Hiring Elementary Special Education Teacher: A motion was made by P. Eubanks and seconded by M. Urish to approve hiring Ms. Kaylee Scott as Elementary Special Education Teacher for 2020-21 school year. Roll call vote showed S. Baylor- Schmidt, M. Bibler, P. Eubanks, S. Kappes, B. Smith, M. Urish, and D. Wagenknecht voting aye. No nays. Motion carried.

Suspensions Upheld: A motion was made by P. Eubanks and seconded by M. Urish to uphold student suspensions for February/March. Voice vote showed 7 ayes and no nays. Motion carried.


A motion was made by P. Eubanks and seconded by S. Baylor-Schmidt to adjourn the meeting at 8:33 P.M. Voice vote showed 7 ayes and no nays. Motion carried.
