City of Byron City Council met June 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Rickard called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.
2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Led by Alderman Christy Hanlin
3. ROLL CALL – Aldermen present: *Todd Isaacs, Emily Gerdes, Mittzi Fulrath, Dan Reilly (arrived at 6:40 pm), Zeke Hobbie, Michael Gyorkos, Christy Hanlin. Six members present by roll call vote. Quorum established.
* - denotes start of the roll call vote
Aldermen Absent: None
Mayor John Rickard
City Clerk Caryn Huber
City Attorney Kim Krahenbuhl
Police Chief Todd Murray
Dir. of Econ. Dev. Larry Hewitt
Dir. of Public Works Aaron Vincer
Engineer Jason Stoll
Citizens Pam Kultgen, Amber Dach, James Rachlin
4. REVERENCE PERIOD – Mayor Rickard led the Council in prayer
5. APPROVAL/AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA –Motion by Alderman Gerdes to approve, as presented, the June 17, 2020, agenda. Seconded by Alderman Hanlin. Roll call vote: Gerdes, AYE; Fulrath, AYE; Hobbie, AYE; Gyorkos, AYE; Hanlin, AYE; Isaacs, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 6; NAY, 0; ABS 0.
Minutes Approved as Presented 7/1/20
a. June 3, 2020, Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes – Motion made by Alderman Hanlin to approve, as presented, the June 3, 2020, Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes, seconded by Alderman Gerdes. Roll call vote: Fulrath, AYE; Hobbie, AYE; Gyorkos, AYE; Hanlin, AYE; Isaacs, AYE; Gerdes, AYE. Motion passed: AYE 6; NAY 0; ABS 0.
b. June 3, 2020, Regular City Council Meeting Minutes – Motion made by Alderman Hanlin to approve, as presented, the June 3, 2020, Regular City Council Meeting Minutes, seconded by Alderman Gerdes. Roll call vote: Hobbie, AYE; Gyorkos, AYE; Hanlin, AYE; Isaacs, AYE; Gerdes, AYE; Fulrath, AYE. Motion passed: AYE 6; NAY 0; ABS 0.
8. TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Huber reported that the Treasurer’s Report for May 2020 is in Dropbox. Tort CD 19582 matured and was renewed for one year at.70%.
Another CD will be maturing at the end of August. Also included in the Dropbox was an article published by the Illinois Municipal Review entitled “State Shared Municipal Revenues.” The article discusses revenue predictions in four areas as a result of the COVID-19 virus. PPRT (-25%), MFT (-20%) and Income Tax (-20%).They predict a rise in Local Use Tax, but did not cite a percentage. The mayor will discuss further under his report.
Alderman Dan Reilly arrived at the meeting (6:40pm).
9. LIST OF BILLS – Clerk Huber noted that the charge listed under Byron Bank for $329.99 is for our annual Dropbox charge (not Zoom). Zoom is paid monthly. Alderman Isaacs asked about the charge from Axon Enterprise. Chief Murray said this is the annual taser rental service agreement. Alderman Isaacs asked about the charge from Entre for “Isaacs computer”. He has not received a new computer yet. Chief Murray will hold the bill until it can be determined what the charge is for. Alderman Isaacs motioned to approve the list
of bills dated June 17, 2020, in the amount of $98,676.47. Seconded by Alderman Fulrath. Roll call vote: Gyorkos, AYE; Hanlin, AYE; Isaacs, AYE; Gerdes, AYE; Fulrath, AYE; Reilly, AYE; Hobbie, AYE. Motion passed: AYE 7; NAY 0; ABS 0.
10. MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor Rickard reported that he received a thank you note from Lou Ann Millard for the flowers sent to her from the city. • The projections that Treasurer Huber noted in her report have been entered into our spreadsheet. At this point, it looks like we could be at a $300,000 loss in revenue for the year. The mayor will begin looking at the expenses. We will begin seeing these losses in revenue, as well as others, in the coming months. • If the emergency order for the State is no longer in effect, ours will no longer be in effect, however, for now Mayor Rickard extended the Declaration of Local State of Emergency for 60 days or until council meets again. Moving into Phase 4 would allow in person meetings. There is enough space in the Council Chambers to adequately distance from one another, and the mayor asked that everyone wear a mask, except while speaking, when we return to in person meetings.
11. CITY ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Krahenbuhl reported that an arrangement has been made with the State’s Attorney’s office to handle the traffic tickets for the City of Byron. Byron will still receive the fines. This will result in a $23,000 savings to the city for the 10 months remaining in the fiscal year.
12. CITY ENGINEER’S PROJECT STATUS – Engineer Stoll reported that the 2019 street projects are complete except for a few punch list items. One of the terms of the suspension of the contract was to provide the city with a maintenance bond. They are in the process of securing that. No final payment will be made until the bond is in place. Third St. and Hamer Ct. street work is set to begin in two weeks.
13. REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT –Director Hewitt reported that downtown restaurants have begun outdoor seating with no issues reported. Alderman Hobbie said he has received calls regarding noise. Chief Murray encouraged residents to call when it is happening so officers can check. • Several storefronts on 2nd Street will be changing. The church on the corner of 2nd and Washington will now be a salon, a bakery will take the place of the antique store, and Rob Hunter has purchased the next building for a barber shop. Weezy’s will be applying for a TIF grant for façade improvements – it will be on the Admin agenda next month. Dos Amigos would like to do a permanent outdoor patio. Renderings should be available soon.
14. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Director Vincer reported that the department is still working on their rate study, and hopes to have reports by the next meeting. They have taken care of curb stops, storm drains and leaking services. The wood chipper is currently down for repairs, along with a few pumps at the sewer plant. The public works department is working with the fire department to organize volunteers to paint the fire hydrants throughout town.
15. POLICE CHIEF REPORT – Chief Murray reported that details are still being worked out regarding the State’s Attorney’s involvement with traffic issues. • A protest was held on Saturday. There were between 30-40 people in attendance. • 500 cloth masks have been ordered and delivered to City Hall. • Martin & Co. have changed the accessible lane over the bridge.
a. Community Services – No report.
b. Public Safety – No report.
c. Administrative – No report.
a. Rush Property – Nothing new to report.
b. Crest View Trail water issue – Director Vincer reported that they have been unable to make contact with the homeowner. Engineer Stoll added that O’Brien will be providing an estimate to add a storm basin. He hopes to present to committee in July.
c. Hamer Ct. Change Order – Alderman Fulrath reported that since Hamer Ct. is already being paved as part of the 2020 Streets program, discussion was held at the last meeting regarding adding curb and gutter to Hamer Ct. to extend the life of the road. Cost estimate is $35,000. The city is receiving additional MFT funds over the course of the next three years, and the first payment of just over $41,000 was received already. Engineer Stoll believes the estimate is appropriate. Committee recommends the change order to add curb and gutter to Hamer Ct., using the additional MFT funds. Roll call vote: Gyorkos, AYE; Hanlin, AYE; Isaacs, AYE; Gerdes, AYE; Fulrath, AYE; Reilly, AYE; Hobbie, AYE. Motion passed: AYE 7; NAY 0; ABS 0.
d. Ordinance 2020-1 Municode Chapter 16 updates – Clerk Huber had presented the proposed changes to our Municipal Code Chapter 16 at the last meeting. There are no additional changes. Alderman Reilly motioned to accept Ordinance 2020-1 as presented. Second by Alderman Hanlin. Roll call vote: Hanlin, AYE; Isaacs, AYE; Gerdes, AYE; Fulrath, AYE; Reilly, AYE; Hobbie, AYE; Gyorkos, AYE. Motion passed: AYE 7; NAY 0; ABS 0.
a. Resolution 2020-3 Committing Local Funds to Rebuild Illinois Sanitary Sewer Project – Mayor Rickard reported that this is on the agenda in anticipation of the Public Hearing and Special Council meeting scheduled for next Wednesday, June 24, at 6pm and 6:10pm. Engineer Stoll added that this is a Resolution to itemize the funds being requested and the funds being contributed by the city to the project. A vote to pass the resolution must be held after the public hearing.
b. Dach Special Use Permit – Director Hewitt reported that Amber Dach was in attendance. She is planning on opening a cross-fit training facility at 697 N. Colfax, and is requesting a special use permit. Currently the property is zoned light industrial. The zoning board of appeals met last week and voted 5-0 to recommend the special use permit. Ordinance 2020-2 is in Dropbox, which allows the permit. She hopes to open the facility by August 1. A vote will be taken at the July 1 council meeting.
c. In Person Meetings – As long as we are under the State’s emergency declaration, we can continue to meet via Zoom but do not necessarily have to. Once we enter Phase 4, we can begin in person meetings. There is ample room to spread out in Council Chambers. Mayor Rickard asked for the council’s input. Alderman Isaacs and Alderman Hobbie voiced their preference for in person meetings. Because of extenuating personal reasons, Alderman Gerdes will not attend in person, however, will attend via phone or zoom.
19. COUNCIL TALK – Alderman Hanlin received a phone call regarding an alley at Barker and Washington St. The resident living there has paved half the alley and she is not sure if the city has abandoned the alley. Director Vincer, Director Hewitt, the mayor and Chief Murray discussed the resident’s request and had allowed the resident to pave, however, there was an agreement signed that stipulated the city will not repair or maintain it. We do plow it, but will not accept responsibility for damage done by the plow. • Alderman Gerdes received a call regarding the vacant home on 3rd Street. A neighbor has noticed a strong odor coming from the house. The homeowner has not been able to be reached. Chief Murray will check on the home and determine the next steps to take. • Alderman Isaacs thanked Alderman Reilly for his service, and wished Emily’s mother good health.
a. Section 2(c)11 – Pending, probable or imminent litigation
b. Section 2(c)1 – Personnel
c. Section 2(c)(5)(6) – Purchase/Sale of City Owned Real Property
d. Section 2(c)(21) – Review/Approval of Closed Meeting Minutes
e. Section 2(c)(2) – Collective Bargaining Negotiations
Mayor Rickard advised there was no need for an Executive Session.
a. Public Hearing – Wednesday, June 24, 2020 @ 6:00pm.
b. Special City Council Meeting – Wednesday, June 24, 2020 @ 6:10pm.
c. Next Regular City Council Meeting – Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 6:30pm.
Mayor Rickard adjourned the City Council meeting at 7:13 pm.