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Sunday, February 2, 2025

Byron Public Library District Board Met August 12

Webp meeting 04

Byron Public Library District Board met Aug. 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. by Barbara Clubb. Board members present were Lavonne Berkeley, Elaine Breck (participated in the meeting in-person via Beth Murbach), Barbara Clubb, David Conley, and Jill Grennan. Susan O’Neil was absent. Also attending was Emily Porter, Director and Beth Murbach, Recording Secretary.

Absent Members: Mrs. O’Neil

Visitors: Sean Hosseini – Introduction and Statement of Interest in Trustee position. Sean introduced himself. He shared his work and community involvements. He expressed his interest in the library board position.

Approval of Minutes:

Mrs. Berkley made a motion to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 8, 2020 and the July 22, 2020 Secretary’s Audit. The motion was seconded and approved 5-0. The motion was approved by a roll call vote initiated by Mrs. Clubb; 5-0. Mrs. Berkley, yes; Mrs. Breck, yes; Mrs. Clubb, yes; Mr. Conley, yes; and Mrs. Grennan, yes.

Treasurer’s Report and Monthly Bills:

Mrs. Porter discussed distributed written reports. She explained that after speaking with Steven Scholl from Byron Bank she combined the funds from the FY19 CD and the $150k from FY20 CD together, with a shorter 6 month term at.35%. A motion to ratify the bills was made by Mrs. Grennan and seconded. The motion was approved in a roll call vote initiated by Mrs. Clubb; 5-0: Mrs. Berkeley, yes; Mrs. Breck, yes; Mrs. Clubb, yes; Mr. Conley, yes; and Mrs. Grennan, yes.

Librarian’s Report:

Mrs. Porter discussed distributed written reports. Mrs. Porter explained actions taken during the recent storm and power outage on Monday afternoon, August 10, 2020 through Tuesday morning, August 11, 2020 at approximately 9:00 a.m.

Mrs. Porter shared that Julie had two in-person programs. One was a juggler who entertained outside in our parking lot and a Read & Play at the Park program. Both were well received. Social distancing guidelines were in place.

The Needles & Hooks group began meeting in-person. They are a small group of 8-9 ladies. They enjoyed being back at the library. Wednesday Night Readers is a group of 8 and will have their first book club meeting this month at the library.

Approved September 9, 2020. Recording available via FOIA request.

Mrs. Porter explained that after speaking to our lawyer, she learned that we have been posting our Budget and Appropriations in the newspaper incorrectly. She will complete the publishing of the Notice of Budget Hearing and the Ordinance (upon approval) as recommended by our lawyer. Our budget hearing will be held at 3:45 on September 9, 2020 (15 minutes prior to our board meeting.)

Summer Reading Club numbers were lower than past year. Beanstack has a lot of features that were not utilized this summer. Mrs. Porter said she was looking into a winter reading challenge using Beanstack.

Mrs. Porter shared photos of the many changes that have taken place at the library.

Mrs. Porter reported that the teen department is not in use at this point in time. She and Nancy are working towards the best way to accommodate the teens safely.

Mrs. Porter shared that Julie reorganized the board books. The books are now on top of the bookshelves to keep from little ones handling them.

Mrs. Porter reported that the water fountains have been changed out. The water fountain in the Children’s Department will stay the same but the other two have been swapped for bottle filler stations.

Mrs. Porter is working towards getting more specific in our statistics to help guide our budget better.

Mrs. Porter explained how the totals for programming statistics are figured since COVID.

Trustee Reports: None Committee Reports:

 Finance: None

 Operations Committee: None

 Executive Committee: None

 Facilities Management: None

New Business

 Review of Closed Meeting Minutes

Approved September 9, 2020. Recording available via FOIA request.

Jill Grennan made a motion to accept the Closed Meeting Minutes. The motion was seconded. The motion was approved in a roll call vote initiated by Mrs. Clubb; 5-0: Mrs. Berkley, yes; Mrs. Breck, yes; Mrs. Clubb, yes; Mr. Conley, yes; and Mrs. Grennan, yes.

 2020 Holiday Amendments: Mrs. Porter requested changes to the 2020 Holidays. She asked that Election Day be added as a holiday. Mrs. Breck requested that this amendment be tabled until next month when we have more information. Mrs. Porter reported that the PUG Day Conference on Friday, August 28, 2020 is no longer a day that the library needs to be closed as the in-person conference was cancelled. Mr. Conley made a motion to change the 2020 Holidays to remove PUG Day on August 28, 2020 as a closed day.

The motion was seconded. The motion was approved in a roll call vote initiated by Mrs. Clubb; 5-0: Mrs. Berkley, yes; Mrs. Breck, yes; Mrs. Clubb, yes; Mr. Conley, yes; and Mrs. Grennan, yes.

 Review Slate of Board Members/Committees- Mrs. Clubb added her name to the Operations Committee.

Unfinished Business: see above

 Non-Resident Fee Resolution 2020-3 – Mrs. Porter explained how we currently figure a non-resident library card fee. Mr. Conley made a motion to accept the Non- Resident Fee Resolution 2020-3. The motion was seconded. The motion was approved in a roll call vote initiated by Mrs. Clubb; 5-0: Mrs. Berkley, yes; Mrs. Breck, yes; Mrs. Clubb, yes; Mr. Conley, yes; and Mrs. Grennan, yes.


Mrs. Berkley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:51 p.m. The motion was seconded. The motion was approved in a roll call vote initiated by Mrs. Clubb; 5-0: Mrs. Berkeley, yes; Mrs. Breck, yes; Mrs. Clubb, yes; Mr. Conley, yes; and Mrs. Grennan, yes.
