
NW Illinois News

Friday, January 24, 2025

Ogle County IT Committee Met Nov. 10

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Ogle County IT Committee Met Nov. 10

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairwoman Whalen called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present via audio: Nordman (arrived at 10:01), Heuer (arrived at 10:05), Sparrow and  Youman. Others via audio: IT Manager Larry Callant. 

2. Approval of Minutes – October 13, 2020: Motion by Sparrow to approve the minutes as  presented, 2nd by Youman. Roll call: Yes – Youman, Sparrow, Whalen. Motion carried. 

3. Approval of Bills: Motion by Sparrow to approve the bills totaling $5,973.09, 2nd by  Nordman. Callant went through the bills and made note of which ones will be submitted  for COVID reimbursement. Roll call: Yes –Nordman, Heuer, Youman, Sparrow, Whalen.  Motion carried. 

4. Public Comment: None 

5. Department Report 

∙ County Board Room – Audio: Callant stated he has spoken with a company about the sound system and they should be here this week to look at it. Youman would like to be involved in this meeting. 

∙ Year-End Report: Callant stated the fiber to Highway and Health Departments are  working fine along with the new jail. They are moving to a wireless system at the  new jail and will schedule an update for other buildings. They have been busy  with upgrading computers/cameras with the new jail and Sheriff’s Admin.  Building. 911 has many upgrades going on right now. Next year has scheduled  new spam filter along with new phone systems. 

Nordman asked if he has a process developed for Dept. Heads to utilize their  hardware lines. Callant stated he has not had time and would like help developing a plan. Beck did give Callant the figures that each Dept. Head requested in their budgets. Discussion was held. Nordman and Youman will work on it and then have Callant review the process.  

6. New Business: None 

7. Old Business: None 

8. Closed Session: None 

9. Adjournment: With no further business, Chairwoman Whalen adjourned the meeting. Time: 10:26 a.m.