Ogle County Executive Committee Met Dec. 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call Meeting to Order: Chairman Finfrock called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Present: Sparrow. Present via audio: Griffin, Janes, Kenney and Reising. Others: Treasurer Linda Beck. Others via audio: County Clerk & Recorder Laura J. Cook and Solid Waste Director Steve Rypkema. Absent: Nordman.
2. Approval of Minutes – November 12, 2020: Motion by Sparrow to approve the minutes as presented, 2nd by Griffin. Roll call: Yes – Griffin, Janes, Kenney, Sparrow, Reising, Finfrock. Motion carried.
3. Public Comment: None
4. Reports of Committees
- Personnel & Salary: None
- Road and Bridge: 3 Resolutions
- Judiciary & Circuit Clerk: None
- County IT: None
- Supervisor of Assessment, Planning & Zoning: None
- HEW, Solid Waste & Veterans: 1 Resolution
- County Facilities: None
- County Security – Sheriff & Coroner: None
- State’s Attorney, Court Services – Focus House: 1 Resolution
- Long Range & Strategic Planning: Bills & project update
- Finance & Insurance: 1 Resolution & 3 Ordinances
- Agriculture: None
- Workplace Safety: None
- Board Presentation Requests: Health Dept. Administrator Auman
- Other: Griffin would like to see someone give an update on the nuclear plant.
- Update on Tower Status: Finfrock will speak to State’s Attorney Rock about it.
- Public Defender’s Office: Finfrock stated they are working on their location. 1 full-
time Asst. Public Defender has been hired.
- Committee Meetings: Finfrock stated he would be working on assignments for next
Tuesday’s meeting.
- Grant Specialist: Griffin hasn’t heard back, he will touch base with her.
- Purchasing Policy: State’s Attorney Rock will draft the policy.
- Cure Act for Local Government: Beck stated she is working on her next submittal; 2
reimbursements have been received.
- Exelon Update: Unions are lobbying downstate; Finfrock will continue to update
them as they get more information.
- Landfill Lawyer: Finfrock stated Mr. Walsh interviewed very well and HEW
Committee approved it. Motion by Sparrow to approve the resolution as presented, 2nd by Kenney. Roll call: Yes – Griffin, Janes, Kenney, Sparrow, Reising, Finfrock. Motion carried.
- Other Business: Griffin asked if anyone has heard about the Public Defender’s office construction requests; VanVickle informed the Facilities Committee about it today. Finfrock stated he was not aware of it but will look into it.
8. Adjournment: With no further business, Chairman Finfrock adjourned. Time: 6:14 p.m.