Carroll County Board met Dec. 16.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order by Chair Reibel at 9:31 a.m.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call shows Mr. Reibel, Mr. Payette, Mr. Imel, Mr. Yuswak, Mr. Vandermyde and Mr. Paul Hartman present with Mr. Preston, Ms. Anderson and Mr. Robert absent.
Chair Reibel would like to move ARPA funds-Starcom radios for the Fire and Ambulance Districts under Old Business to under Emergency Management Agency Report.
Chair Reibel presented the consent agenda:
1. Approval of Minutes-December 2nd Board Meeting Minutes
2. Approval of Bills Paid in Vacation
3. Approval of Committee on Claims
4. Approval of Board Member Services
Motion by Mr. Hartman, second by Mr. Imel to approve. Motion carried. Tabled Items-None
Sheriff & Property-Chair Reibel presented for approval the Sheriff’s Semi Annual Report. Motion by Hartman, second by Yuswak to approve. Motion carried.
Health Department-No report
Emergency Management Agency-EMA Director Jim Klinefelter reported no major structural damage was reported with last nights wind storm. There are some residents without power due to power lines being down.
EMA Director Klinefelter asked the Board to use APRA funds to purchase Starcom Radios for all Carroll County Fire Districts. He did ask that instead of 7 Starcom
Radios be purchased for fire districts that 14 be purchased for fire and ambulance districts. The cost if purchased by December 31st for 7 Starcom Radios would be $42,924.07. Of course, if 14 are purchased it would double. Sheriff Kloepping did agree that purchasing 2 Starcom radios for fire and ambulance would be great help to the districts. EMA Director Klinefelter suggests a Memorandum of Understanding be drawn up that each district would be responsible for monthly maintenance fee and after the three year warranty any repairs to the radios.
Motion by Yuswak, second by Vandermyde to purchase 14 radios for fire and ambulance districts. Also, a Memorandum of Understanding be drawn and up and executed. Motion carried.
State’s Attorney-State’s Attorney Aaron Kaney introduced his new Assist State’s Attoney, Christopher Pickard. The Board and audience welcomed Mr. Pickard.
Treasurer-Due to County Treasurer Diane Powers was absent, County Administrator Doty explained the County’s IMRF program.
Circuit Clerk-Circuit Clerk Patty Hiher thanked the Board on all their work they did on County Employee’s salaries this budget year and the premium pay that the employees received.
Probation-No report
Assessor-Chief Assessor Annette Gruhn reported that all assessments notices have been sent out. She also reported the Assessment publication was in this week’s papers. The tentative 2021 assessment for Carroll County is 445,339,452 which is up 15,500,000 from last year. Chief Assessor Gruhn explained that the Senior freeze exemption did not go up to $75,000 it was the Senior Tax deferral. She also reported that sales are still very active in the County. Chief Assessor Gruhn also thanked the Board for their work on the budget and salaries.
County Clerk and Recorder-Chair Reibel presented for approval the County Clerk and Recorder’s semi annual report. Motion by Hartman, second by Imel to approve. Motion carried.
Animal Control-No report
Highway-County Engineer Kevin Vandendooren presented for approval a Resolution to transfer 0.059 acres of road right of way on Chambers Grove Road
to Illinois Department of Transportation and authorization of County Board Chairman to execute the warranty deed. Discussion. Motion by Hartman, second by Imel to approve resolution with the State purchasing the land for $502.00. Roll call shows Reibel, Payette, Imel, Vandermyde, Hartman and Yuswak voting aye. Motion carried.
County Engineer Vandendooren presented for approval an Amended Resolution to authorize and additional $3,880 of MFT funds for Sec. 21-00000-00-GM for a total of $603,880.00. Motion by Hartman, second by Payette to approve. Motion carried.
County Engineer Vandendooren presented for approval a Resolution to appropriate MFT fund for FY-2022 County General Maintenance. Motion by Hartman, second by Imel to approve. Motion carried.
County Engineer Vandendooren presented for approval a Winter Maintenance Agreement with RnR Lawncare for the snow removal of Army Depot Road and authorization for County Board Chair to execute agreement. Motion by Yuswak, second by Payette to approve. Discussion. Motion carried.
GIS-GIS Technician Jeremey Hughes reported that he is working on 911/GIS grant for the use of Oblique Imagery.
Zoning-No report.
Zoning Board of Appeals-Zoning Officer Jeremy Hughes presented a request from Vinita Patel owner of property at 28-47 Cambridge Ct, Lanark, Il 61046 for a Special Use 21-LC-501 for a Guest Home. This was approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Motion by Hartman, second by Imel to approve. Motion carried.
Zoning officer Jeremy Hughes presented a request from Odyssey Renewable Energy for a Special Use permit 21-09-500 for a Recycling and Materials Recovery Facility and also with a Zoning amendment 21-09-900 Industrial 1 to Industrial 2. The location is 6 and 6Z parcel of the Savanna Industrial Park. Motion by Hartman, second by Payette to approve. Discussion. The motion was amended to add a Decommission plan within the first three years. Roll call shows Yuswak, Payette, Vandermyde, Imel, Reibel and Hartman voting aye. Motion carried.
Other Departments
Affiliate and Liaison Reports
LRA-No report.
CEDS-No report
UCCI-UCCI Director is retiring.
911-No report
VAC-No report
Senior Services-No report
Hotel/Motel-No report
Tri-County Opportunities Council-No report
708 Board-No report
Extension-No report
Old Business
Sheriff Kloepping explained the three bids received for the Courthouse Main and flat roofs. It was suggested by County Administrator Doty and Sheriff Kloepping to do the Main roof and hold off and rebid for the flat roof due to the HVAC bidding situation. There was discussion on the pros and cons of both shingles and metal. Motion by Hartman, second by Imel to approve the shingle bid for the main Roof from Top Roofing of Wheaton, Il in the amount of $46,400.00 in contingent of receiving positive job review for Top Roofing. Roll call shows Hartman, Imel, Reibel, Payette, Yuswak and Vandermyde voting aye. Motion carried.
After discussion it was consensus of the Board to rebid the Flat Roof 4 & 5 bids with the HVAC bid.
Chair Reibel presented to the Board for approval the use of ARPA Funds to hire consultant for Courthouse HVAC bid documents. Motion by Payette, second by Hartman to approve the hiring of an consultant and having them draw up HVAC bid documents. Motion carried.
New Business
Chair Reibel presented for approval the “Amended” 2022 Holiday Schedule that was approved for the 15th Judicial. The Circuit Court added June 20, 2022 which is Juneteenth Independence Day. Motion by Yusawk, second by Hartman to approve. Motion carried.
State’s Attorney Kaney explained and presented for approval Carroll County to participate in the National Opioid Settlement. Motion by Yuswak, second by Vandermyde to approve. Motion carried.
Chairman Reports-Chair Reibel just reminded the Board of the many email scams that are out there and to be cautious.
Chair Reibel presented the names of Joe Dane, James Bibler and Brent Frederick to be reappointed to 911 board. Motion by Imel, second by Payette to approve. Motion carried.
Chair Reibel presented the name of Ronald Preston for reappointment to the Tri Counties Opportunities Council. Motion by Yuswak, second by Payette to approve. Motion carried.
Public Comments-County Clerk and Recorder Amy Buss warned property owners of a scam where you receive a letter and urges that you must get a copy of your deed to your home and they can do it for a fee of $98. She reminded the public that they could contact her office and get a copy for a couple of dollars if you want hard copies and its free if done by email.
Executive Session-None
Motion by Imel, second by Vandermyde to adjourn. 11:20 a.m.,%202021%20Board%20Minutes.pdf