Carroll County Board met March 17.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Consent Agenda (A Voice vote will be taken for approving all 4 items below. Any Board Member wishing to have a separate vote and discussion on any item listed, please contact the Chair and the Administrator by email at least one hour before the meeting so that it can be removed from the Consent Agenda.)
1. Approval of the February 17th Board Meeting Minutes
2. Approval of Bills Paid in Vacation
3. Approval of Committee on Claims
4. Approval of Board Member Services
Tabled Items
Department Reports
(Any Board Members that have specific questions of Department Heads should email the question to the Chair and Administrator one day prior to the meeting to allow the Department Head a chance to answer the question during the report on the live meeting.)
Sheriff & Property
Health Department Report
Emergency Management Agency Report
States Attorney
Circuit Clerk
1. Final Equalization Certification from IDOR
2. Approval to hire Full-Time Deputy Assessor
County Clerk & Recorder
Animal Control
1. Quote for freezer from Stebbins using ARPA funds
1. Monthly Report
Zoning Board of Appeals
Other Departments
Affiliate and Liaison Reports (Email Chair and Administrator one day prior to meeting if a Board Member or Affiliate has a voice report to add to any written report)
LRA – Mr. Paul Hartman
CEDS – Mr. Imel
UCCI – Mr. Payette
911 – Mr. Robert Hartman
VAC – Mr. Paul Hartman
Senior Services – Mr. Imel
Hotel/Motel – Ms. Anderson
1. Monthly Report
Tri-County Opportunities Council – Mr. Preston
708 Board
Old Business
1. Approval of an Ordinance electing the “Lost Revenue Standard Allowance” for the American rescue Plan Act
2. Approval of a Donation Agreement with Harold A. and Marilyn K. Andresen Charitable Trust
New Business
1. 2021 Audit Presentation and Acceptance
2. Approval of Resolution and Ordinance pertaining to the 2023 Transit Grant Federal 5311 and the State of Illinois
3. Approval of a Resolution by Carroll County Electing to Opt-Out of the Special Assessment Programs and Provisions in 35 ILCS 200/15-178
Chairman Reports
1. Board of Review – Richard Dulaney - Reappointment
Public Comments
Executive Session
Recess to the Farm Bureau, 811 South Clay St. Mt. Carroll IL for open discussion with Farm Bureau Board - Public Welcome to Attend
Next County Board Meeting – April 7, 2022 9:30 a.m.