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Sunday, February 2, 2025

City of Oregon City Council met May 24

City of Oregon City Council met May 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Council of the City of Oregon met at 5:30 P.M.

The meeting was held at the City Hall Council Chambers and on Zoom.


Mayor Ken Williams 

Commissioner Melanie Cozzi 

Commissioner Tim Krug 

Commissioner Kurt Wilson 

City Attorney Paul Chadwick 

City Administrator Darin DeHaan 

Chief Shawn Melville 

City Clerk Cheryl Hilton

Also Present: Mike Arians, George Howe, and Jeff Pennington.

Present via Zoom: Corey Buck, James Morris, Terry Plemmons, Commissioner Terry Schuster, and Alexa Zoellner.

Commissioner Melanie Cozzi started the pledge of allegiance.

Mike Arians spoke to the City Council about the proposed increase of video gaming terminal fees.

Commissioner Kurt Wilson moved to approve the May 10th, 2022, minutes, Seconded by Commissioner Melanie Cozzi.

Roll Call: Cozzi, Krug, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.

Commissioner Terry Schuster moved to approve payroll in the amount of $57,127.69 and the current warrants as listed: 

42 Tech Solutions, Inc $42.89 

AEP Energy $3,298.60 

Ancel Glink, P.C. $57.50 

Beesing Welding, LLC $855.40 

Butitta Bros. Automotive - Oregon $1,229.56 

Byron Bank $2,191.51 

Casper's Home Inspection LLC $1,450.00 

Cheryl Hilton $40.00 

Cintas $59.90 

City of Oregon $5,000.00 

City of Oregon $48,900.00

City of Oregon $50.00

Comcast $149.95

Comcast $3,886.12

ComEd $75.00

ComEd $40.00

Constellation New Energy, Inc $75.00

Cork and Tap 

Dave Kent 

DeVoe Floral $40.00 

Dustin Runyon $145.41 

Ecolab $1,625.83 

Euclid Managers $474.69

Ferguson Enterprises LLC #3326 $3,200.35 

Ferguson Waterworks $119.92 

Ferguson Waterworks #2516 $54.20 

Frontier $216.71

Gregory Spencer $316.83

Hach Company $176.60

Hawkins, Inc $40.00 

Hub - Remsen Print Group $134.06 

Illinois EPA $1,091.16 

James Morris $344.37 

James Morris $13,033.16 

Jayce Gusloff $40.00 

Jeff Pennington $83.01 

Joseph Brooks $40.00 

Josh Lee $40.00 

Josiah Flanagan $40.00 

Josiah Flanagan $40.00 

Ken Williams $89.99 $40.00 

Kunes Country Auto Group $90.00

Kunes Country Auto Group $205.10 

Kurt Wilson $239.98

Liz Vos $65.00 

Maison Crawford $19.99 

Manheim Solutions, Inc $40.00 

Martin and Company $2,400.00 

Mary Elliott $423.50 

Matt Kalnins $40.00 

Melanie Cozzi $40.00 

Moring Disposal $65.00 

NAPA $19,736.00 

Nikolas Manthei $1,001.77 

Nikolas Manthei $40.00 

Ogle County $250.00 

Sheriff's Dept $4,646.00 

Oregon SuperValu $11.34

Pines Meadow $5,488.12 

Polo Cooperative Association $664.20 

Postmaster $7.38 

Postmaster $128.00 

Quality Ready Mix $40.00 

Randy Cropp $40.00 

Scott Wallace $70.00 

Shawn Melville $2,863.65 

Stillman BancCorp $604.39 

Sublette Mechanical, Inc $604.39 

Sun Life Financial $419.58 

Tad Dominski $40.00 

Terry Schuster $65.00 

The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Co $3,315.00 

The Police & Sheriffs Press $17.58 

Tim Krug $40.00 

Utilly LLC $2,999.00 

Verizon $93.02 

Visa $2,418.30 $552.71 

Willett Hofmann & Associates $200.00  

WSEY - FM $40.00

Zach McKean $138,298.33 

Seconded by Commissioner Kurt Wilson.

Roll Call: Cozzi, Krug, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.

Commissioner Melanie Cozzi moved to approve expending up to $95,000.00 in Water/Sewer Operational Funds to rebuild the wastewater plant blower system by Atlas Copco, Seconded by Commissioner Tim Krug.

Discussion: The wastewater treatment plant needs to replace or rebuild two blowers that are a necessary part of the treatment plant. The recommendation from the water/wastewater superintendent was to rebuild the blowers. The cost to purchase new blowers is $134,598.00. The cost to rebuild the blowers is estimated at $76,000.00. Due to the estimate to rebuild the blowers being a few months old the request of $95,000.00 was made to cover any increases that may have occurred.

Roll Call: Cozzi, Krug, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.

Commissioner Terry Schuster moved to approve a Façade Grant submitted by Mutts and Cuts, Seconded by Commissioner Melanie Cozzi.

Discussion: The request included making repairs to windows and doors as well as painting the exterior and signage. Part of the request asked for funds to repair a free standing marquee sign in front of the building. Since the marquee is not part of the façade of the building, the request for funds to repair the marquee will be excluded from the request.

Roll Call: Cozzi, Krug, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.

Commissioner Terry Schuster moved to increase Gaming Fees not more than 2% of the previous year's total income of each licensee, Seconded by Commissioner Kurt Wilson.

Discussion: Commissioner Terry Schuster reviewed pre and post covid revenue from video gaming at each establishment in the city. Being responsive to the businesses that are not faring as well, he recommends a two percent cap on gaming fees based on the businesses previous year's total income. An ordinance will be presented at the next council meeting.

Roll Call: Cozzi, Krug, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.

Mayor Ken Williams said the City Council will be going into executive session after Mayor and Commissioner reports.

City Administrator Darin DeHaan attended the Midwest Leadership Summit with Commissioner Melanie Cozzi and members of city staff. It was a great career development, training, and educational opportunity.

Commissioner Terry Schuster thanked the City Council for contributing to the Oregon Chamber of Commerce Emerging Leaders Program. There are about twenty to twenty five participants in the program with an age range from about twenty to mid-forties. They are all excited about learning how to contribute to the future of the city.

Commissioner Melanie Cozzi said the first farmers market is scheduled for next week. The Rock River Strummers will provide live music. There will also be a kid's event and an art project. The Maggie & Amos Foundation will be their representing their foundation which donates all its proceeds towards grants and scholarships. She thanked City Administrator Darin DeHaan for the opportunity to attend the leadership summit. She also stated they are almost done spreading mulch at Phelps Park.

Mayor Ken Williams congratulated Joe Brooks on his twenty-year anniversary with the City of Oregon. Joe served the city as the first canine officer with his dog Oz.

Commissioner Tim Krug moved to go into Executive Session at 5:57 pm, 

Seconded by Commissioner Kurt Wilson.

Roll Call: Cozzi, Krug, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.

Commissioner Terry Schuster moved to adjourn the meeting, 

Seconded by Commissioner

Tim Krug.

Roll Call: Cozzi, Krug, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.

Adjourn: 6:29 P.M.
