
NW Illinois News

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Chadwick-Milledgeville Community Unit School District 399 Board of Education met April 19

Chadwick-Milledgeville Community Unit School District 399 Board of Education met April 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Regular Meeting of the Chadwick-Milledgeville Community Unit School District #399 Board of Education was held at the Milledgeville School at 7:03 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: S. Baylor-Schmidt, M. Bibler, A. Drinkall, P. Eubanks, T. Hackbarth, B. Smith, and M. Urish.

ADMINISTRATORS PRESENT: T. Schurman, Superintendent, and B. Maloy, Milledgeville Principal.


CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by the Board President, S. Baylor-Schmidt. A motion was made by M. Urish and seconded by A. Drinkall to approve the agenda. Voice vote showed 7 ayes and no nays. Motion carried.


A motion was made by M. Bibler and seconded by P. Eubanks to approve the following consent items as presented.

a. Minutes of the March 21, 2022, Regular Board Meeting and Closed Session.

b. Payment of Bills for April 2022

c. Treasurer’s Report for March 2022

d. Hot Lunch Report for March 2022

e. Student Activity Fund Account Summary for March 2022.

Roll call vote showed S. Baylor-Schmidt, M. Bibler, A. Drinkall, P. Eubanks, T. Hackbarth, B. Smith, and M. Urish voting aye. No nays. Motion carried.


A. Thank you to Leanna Nye for donation of sound system for football locker room. OLD BUSINESS:

Approved IESA Membership: A motion was made by M. Bibler and seconded by B. Smith to approve membership in the IESA for the 2022-23 school year. Roll call vote showed S. Baylor-Schmidt, M. Bibler, A. Drinkall, P. Eubanks, T. Hackbarth, B. Smith, and M. Urish voting aye. No nays. Motion carried.

Superintendent Schurman reported that it is time to renew our membership, so our students can participate in the wrestling coop and track state series.

Update on Restroom Renovation Project and Freight Door Widening Project: Superintendent Schurman reported that the week of April 4-8 most of the demolition work was completed. The noise has been tolerable and they have made good progress. April 12, they finished roughing in the plumbing and on April 14 the contractors poured the new floor. Tile, paint colors, partitions, and fixtures have been selected and should arrive in May for installation.


Approved 2022 Summer School Program July 25-August 11, 2022: A motion was made by B. Smith and seconded by T. Hackbarth to approve the 2022 Summer School Program to be run July 25-August 11, 2022. Teachers will be Mrs. Skoog and Mr. Dublo. Voice vote showed 7 ayes and no nays. Motion carried.

Amended Fiscal 2022 Budget on Display: The Amended Fiscal 2022 Budget is on display April 13-May 16, 2022, and can be viewed at the District Office Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


A motion was made by A. Drinkall and seconded by M. Urish to convene in closed session at 7:35 p.m. in order to consider information regarding the appointment, employment, or dismissal of an employee or officer, and to consider student disciplinary matters. Roll call vote showed S. Baylor-Schmidt, M. Bibler, A. Drinkall, P. Eubanks, T. Hackbarth, B. Smith, and M. Urish voting aye. No nays. Motion carried.

A motion was made by P. Eubanks and seconded by A. Drinkall to reconvene into regular open session at 7:55 p.m. Voice vote showed 7 ayes and no nays. Motion carried.


Approved Hiring Conditioning Coach: A motion was made by B. Smith and seconded by T. Hackbarth to approve hiring Mr. Carson Boyer as Strength and Conditioning Coach for this summer at $15/hour. Roll call vote showed S. Baylor-Schmidt, M. Bibler, A. Drinkall, P. Eubanks, T. Hackbarth, B. Smith, and M. Urish voting aye. No nays. Motion carried.

Accepted Resignation of Chadwick Part Time Custodian: A motion was made by T. Hackbarth and seconded by A. Drinkall to accept the resignation of Mr. Ray Alexander as part-time Custodian at the Chadwick School. Voice vote showed 7 ayes and no nays. Motion carried.

Accepted Resignation of Milledgeville Part Time Custodian: A motion was made by T. Hackbarth and seconded by A. Drinkall to accept the resignation of Mrs. Theresa Pidde as part-time Custodian at the Milledgeville School. Voice vote showed 7 ayes and no nays. Motion carried.

Approved Leave Request for Mrs. Emily Deuth: A motion was made by M. Bibler and seconded by P. Eubanks to approve a leave request for Mrs. Emily Deuth. Roll call vote showed S. Baylor-Schmidt, M. Bibler, A. Drinkall, P. Eubanks, T. Hackbarth, B. Smith, and M. Urish voting aye. No nays. Motion carried.

Accepted Retirement and Resignation of Ms. Robin Woessner-Palmer: A motion was made by M. Urish and seconded by M. Bibler to accept the retirement and resignation of First Grade Teacher, Ms. Robin Woessner-Palmer at the end of the 2021- 22 school year. Voice vote showed 7 ayes and no nays. Motion carried.

Upheld Student Suspensions: A motion was made by P. Eubanks and seconded by M. Urish to uphold student suspensions. Voice vote showed 7 ayes and no nays. Motion carried.


A. Senior Scholarship Night– 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, May 4, 2022, at the Milledgeville High School Gym.

B. IASB Convention in Chicago – November 18-20, 2022

C. IASB Resolution Proposals Due June 24, 2022

D. Report on Educational and Legislative Issues

The legislature passed a bill that provides paid administrative leave for vaccinated staff that are forced to miss school due to COVID-19. In addition, it restores sick days used due to COVID-19 for staff that are vaccinated. Professional development requirements were reduced by 20% for teachers renewing their professional educator licenses. Increased funding for K-12 schools was also passed by the legislature.

E. Report on Legal Issues

F. Early Step Pre-K report.

G. Principal’s Report

Mr. Maloy reported that the Illinois Assessment of Readiness was completed April 8. Prom is scheduled for April 30. All traditional spring field trips have been scheduled for grades K-12.

H. Superintendent’s Report

1. Senior Trip to Chicago Cubs Game Friday, May 20, 2022

2. Last day of student attendance will be Thursday, May 26, 2022 3. Staff retirement celebration 12:00 P.M. Friday, May 27, 2022.


A motion was made by P. Eubanks and seconded by M. Bibler to adjourn the meeting at 8:11 PM. Voice vote showed all in favor, motion carried.
